Akapellah - Haters - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Akapellah - Haters

Haters, sendo mochador en inglés
Haters, meaning "snitches" in English
Es haters, mueren por rayar tu pared, es haters
They're haters, they die to scratch your wall, they're haters
Solo vivirán para odiar por siempre
They will only live to hate forever
Pero perro que ladra no muerde
But a barking dog doesn't bite
(Fuck haters)
(Fuck haters)
Haters siempre maquinando algún plan pa joderme, no pueden evitar irritar tan solo al verme
Haters always scheming some plan to screw me, they can't help but get irritated just by seeing me
Complejos y prejuicios de mc's, que ven en sí, montao por la YMC, consiguen beat fine ever.
Complexes and prejudices of MCs, who see themselves, riding the YMC, get the best beats ever.
Le falta mucho leve, peazo e nuevo y tu, y tu ego me pueden mamar el guevo,
They lack a lot, dude, and you, and your ego can suck my balls,
Me parezco a chris weber, picaos porque estoy saliendo al ruedo en este juego
I look like Chris Webber, pissed off because I'm coming out in this game
y en el fondo su arrechera es por miedo, Fuck haters.
and deep down their anger is out of fear, Fuck haters.
Vaya donde vaya voy a conseguirlo siempre, abundan en el rap, en el graff, y en el skater.
Wherever I go I will always get it, they abound in rap, in graffiti, and in skateboarding.
Hasta en el break dance ún fan querrá joderte, tan solo por llamar la atención ante la gente
Even in breakdance, a fan will want to mess with you, just to get attention from people
Querido hater tu delirio es mi deleite, porque a pesar de todo he aprendido a comprender que
Dear hater, your delusion is my delight, because despite everything I have learned to understand that
Odias porque en verdad sabrás lo que se siente, surgir y eso te hace sentir muy impotente
You hate because you truly know what it feels like to rise and that makes you feel very impotent
Me agrada que te tengan arrechera con si mismo, porque esa es tu manera de ganar protagonismo
I like that they have anger towards themselves, because that's their way of gaining prominence
Por eso hice este himno, para sacarte el dedo mientras bailo en este ritmo, y pude conseguirlo
That's why I made this anthem, to give you the finger while I dance to this rhythm, and I was able to achieve it
La vida es burda e corta menor hay que reírnos, acuérdate que algún día todos vamos a morirnos
Life is rough and short, we have to laugh, remember that someday we are all going to die
Y a gente como tu cuando ya deje escribirlo, tan solo cantaremos este single
And people like you when I stop writing it, we will only sing this single
Haters, sendo mochador en inglés
Haters, meaning "snitches" in English
Es haters, mueren por rayar tu pared, es haters
They're haters, they die to scratch your wall, they're haters
Solo vivirán para odiar por siempre
They will only live to hate forever
Pero perro que ladra no muerde
But a barking dog doesn't bite
(Fuck haters)
(Fuck haters)
Hater tener que repetirte un sobrenombre me fastidia, supongo que lo mismo le ha pasado a tu familia,
Hater having to repeat a nickname to you annoys me, I guess the same thing has happened to your family,
al ver que no concilias que pasas tantas noches en vigilia, odiándole la vida a quien envidias
seeing that you don't reconcile that you spend so many nights awake, hating life to the one you envy
¿te has puesto a pensar en todo el tiempo que me inviertes? Y cuantos culos buenísimos dejaste de cojerte
Have you thought about all the time you invest in me? And how many beautiful asses you stopped fucking
Cuantas canciones buenas has podido componer en todo este tiempo que se lo has mamado a tanta gente
How many good songs you could have composed in all this time that you have sucked so many people off
Ya te hubieses graduado de alguna carrera corta, o fueses hecho un curso de decoración de torta
You would have already graduated from some short career, or you would have taken a cake decorating course
Pero tu nota es otra, tu vocación es simple, llevártelo a la boca, FUCK YOU mother fucka
But your note is different, your vocation is simple, take it to your mouth, FUCK YOU motherfucker
Así hay que decirle, al fuckin espécimen para que la camine, su virus se elimine y a nadie mas lastime
That's how you have to tell him, to the fuckin specimen so that he walks, his virus is eliminated and no one else is hurt
Su seriedad te anime, así que si lo ves en la calle dile...
His seriousness encourages you, so if you see him on the street tell him...
Haters, sendo mochador en inglés
Haters, meaning "snitches" in English
Es haters, mueren por rayar tu pared, es haters
They're haters, they die to scratch your wall, they're haters
Solo vivirán para odiar por siempre
They will only live to hate forever
Pero perro que ladra no muerde
But a barking dog doesn't bite
(Fuck haters)
(Fuck haters)

Writer(s): akapellah

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