Akwid - Si Quieres - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Akwid - Si Quieres

Si Quieres
If You Want
Que tal si me voy con tigo toda la vida toda la vida
What if I go with you, for all of life, for all of life?
Sin que vuelva no creas mi niña que es mentira
Without coming back, don't think it's a lie, my girl,
Lo que te digo por que yo quiero ser mas que tu amigo
What I'm saying, because I want to be more than your friend.
Como encontrar las palabras de una vas para decirte
How to find the words, in one go, to tell you
Que estoy cayendo y creo ya me convenciste
That I'm falling and I think you've convinced me.
Esta loquera es muy difícil comprender
This craziness is very difficult to understand,
Además haber jurado nunca amar
Especially after swearing to never love
Otra mujer neta por hay me dicen
Another woman, honestly, they tell me out there
Que a veces me porto gacho namas por que me gusta el chupe
That sometimes I act badly just because I like to drink
Y ando de borracho pero con tigo neta todo es diferente
And I'm drunk, but with you, honestly, everything is different
Por que también te vale lo que critica la gente
Because you also don't care what people criticize.
Tal ves por eso me llamaste la atención si
Maybe that's why you caught my attention, yeah,
Y me inspiraste a que te escriba esta canción
And inspired me to write this song for you.
Ya me conoces y siempre llego tarde mas el tiempo
You already know me, and I'm always late, but time
Contigo me la paso a toda madre no se que rollo me fascina
With you, I have a blast, I don't know what's going on, it fascinates me.
Lo que tienes tampoco te molesta que yo tenga otras mujeres
What you have, you also don't mind that I have other women,
Nada serio le calamos una ves
Nothing serious, we try it once
Y nos seguimos viendo solamente si tu quieres.
And we keep seeing each other only if you want.
Que tal si me voy con tigo toda la vida toda la vida
What if I go with you, for all of life, for all of life?
Sin que vuelva no creas mi niña que es mentira lo
Without coming back, don't think it's a lie, what
Que te digo por que yo quiero ser mas que tu amigo No creo que haiga otro vato que le gustes
I'm telling you, because I want to be more than your friend. I don't think there's another guy who likes you
Como a no quiero que te aloques por lo que te voy a decir
Like I do, I don't want you to freak out about what I'm going to say.
En primer lugar tu sonrisa me aloca cualquier cosa de tu boca
First of all, your smile drives me crazy, anything from your mouth
Me provoca hacer cosas que nunca te haigan echo darte
Makes me want to do things that have never been done to you, to give you
Todo derecho de mi pecho tu sabes muy bien y me conoces
Everything straight from my chest, you know very well and you know me.
No hay manera que destroces lo que siento
There's no way you can destroy what I feel
Y las que tengo bien sabes que no comparan no importa
And the ones I have, you know well they don't compare, it doesn't matter
Lo que hagan neta pienso que contigo acabaría dejar
What they do, honestly, I think I would end up with you, leaving
A mis escuinclas por ti cualquier día no me importa
My girls for you any day, I don't care
Lo que digan soy hombre nomas que de su boca quiten mi nombre
What they say, I'm a man, just remove my name from their mouths.
Ni una de ellas llegaría a lo que eres te digo
None of them would reach what you are, I'm telling you,
Aquí estoy listo si tu quieres
Here I am, ready if you want.
Que tal si me voy con tigo toda la vida toda la vida
What if I go with you, for all of life, for all of life?
Sin que vuelvas no creas mi niña que es mentira
Without coming back, don't think it's a lie,
Lo que te digo por que yo quiero ser mas que tu amigo Por ti nena doy todo por mi parte namas
What I'm saying, because I want to be more than your friend. For you, baby, I give everything on my part, just
Con solo ser tu amante por ti nena pero solo
By being your lover, for you, baby, but only
Si tu quieres ser otra mas de mis mujeres creo
If you want to be another one of my women, I think
Que lo que mas me gusta de tu parte es tu cuerpo
What I like most about you is your body,
Una obra de arte y tu trasero neta no tengo palabras
A work of art, and your butt, honestly, I have no words,
Como me encantaría para darte una nalgadas bueno eso
How I would love to spank you, well, that's
Es todo lo que tengo que decir quisiera una respuesta
All I have to say, I would like an answer
Antes de partir pero ni modo te la dejo de tarea
Before leaving, but oh well, I leave it as homework for you
Y fuera de onda aquí me tien
And just saying, here I am
S cuando quieras al fin que onda te vas a mochar
Whenever you want, so what's up, are you going to chip in
O no no creo que tengas oferta de otro como
Or not? I don't think you have an offer from another one like
Yo con migo no tuvieras ni un pedo talvez acabarías
Me, with me you wouldn't have any problems, maybe you would end up
Con anillo en tu dedo pero enserio no te quiero estar
With a ring on your finger, but seriously, I don't want to be
Rogando quien sabe si me
Begging you, who knows if you
Y me colasquiando y si quieres le damos
And ditch me, and if you want, we'll give it
Un rato mas y sino a quinte dejo en paz
A little more time, and if not, I'll leave you alone.
Que tal si me voy con tigo toda la vida toda la vida sin que
What if I go with you, for all of life, for all of life, without
Vuelva no creas mi. niña que es mentira lo que te digo
Coming back, don't think it's a lie, my girl,
Por que yo quiero ser mas que tu amigo
What I'm saying, because I want to be more than your friend.

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Sergio Gomez, Francisco Gomez

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