Alban Skenderaj - Kam Nevoje (Live) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Alban Skenderaj - Kam Nevoje (Live)

Kam Nevoje (Live)
I Need (Live)
Shpirt pangopur, peng kohë
Insatiable soul, trapped in time
Natën gjumin nuk e njoh
At night, sleep is a stranger
Endem nëpër shtigjet e vetmisë
Wandering through paths of loneliness
Sytë shohin bardhë e zi
My eyes see only black and white
Jam njeri e s'jam njeri
I am a man, yet not a man
Zhytur thellë baltën e lakmisë
Drowning deep in the mud of greed
Kam nevojë për pak muzikë
I need a little music
Ndenjën ta jetoj pa frikë
To live the moment without fear
gjej paqe thellë zemër
To find peace deep in my heart
Te mbështetem tek një mik
To lean on a friend
Kam nevojë them fal
I need to say I'm sorry
besoj ideal
To believe in an ideal
qesh, qaj me mall
To laugh, to cry with longing
Kam nevojë ndihem gjallë
I need to feel alive
Kjo çmenduni e arsyetume
This reasoned madness
M'ka bo me lu me zjerm ma ka pru shpirtin n'maje hune
Made me play with fire, brought my soul to the moon
M'ka bo me dyshu n'veten
Made me doubt myself
Urrejtja erdh e pa ftume
Hatred came uninvited
Jom munu me lartësu me punë veten n'kët botë t'kufizume
I tried to elevate myself with work in this limited world
I rrethum jom me shoqni
I'm surrounded by company
shohin vec sipërfaqen
Who only see the surface
Vlersojnë vec sipërfaqen
Value only the surface
E bojnë sikur t'vetknaqun
And pretend to be self-satisfied
Kom nevojë mu çmu për ato jom
I need to be valued for who I am
Skom nevojë me ndrru për një opinion as me ndrru për kërkon'
I don't need to change for an opinion or a request
Nevoja m'nxiti e une shpiki
Need urged me and I took off
M'nyra qysh me pa dritën midis eklipsi
The way to see the light during an eclipse
Qysh me mujt me pa t'mirën n'diçka t'keqe
How to see the good in something bad
T'pa shpirtit m'i thirr n'ndërgjegje
To call my spirit to conscience
Me dashni me fshi urrejtje
To erase hatred with love
Pritëm se po bi
Wait, I'm falling
Bi si një stuhi përplotë me shi n'ër lot e mi veç unë e di sa
Falling like a storm full of rain, in my tears, only I know how
Thellësi ka m'rri shtrati i k'tij lumi
Deep the bed of this river
vërshon vështirësi po s'munet me m'përbi
That flows with difficulty, but cannot be overcome
Kom me kon ç'ai noton kundër rrjedhës qe vërshon me furi
Like the one who swims against the current that flows with fury
Dhe kur qëndroj ndoshta me zor këmbë
And when I stand, perhaps with difficulty, on my feet
Dhe kur gjithcka ka mbetur është një këngë
And when all that's left is a song
Une do them krenar se jetova i lirë
I will say proudly that I lived free
Dhe kur gjethet jenë zverdhur një mëngjes
And when the leaves have turned yellow one morning
Kur thesaret veniten harresë
When treasures fade into oblivion
Vec një emocion vlen njëmijë pasuri
Only one emotion is worth a thousand fortunes
Kam nevojë për pak muzikë
I need a little music
Ndenjën ta jetoj pa frikë
To live the moment without fear
gjej paqe thellë zemër
To find peace deep in my heart
Te mbështetem tek një mik
To lean on a friend
Kam nevojë them fal
I need to say I'm sorry
besoj ideal
To believe in an ideal
qesh, qaj me mall
To laugh, to cry with longing
Kam nevojë ndihem gjallë
I need to feel alive
Kom nevojë
I need
Për një bisedë t'sinqertë mos mu
For a sincere conversation without
Paragjyku për ato ça munet goja me nxjerr
Prejudice for what the mouth might utter
Kom nevojë me m'bo me besu s'ki me
I need to make me believe that you won't
M'keqkuptu po ki me kon me mu, a je me mu?
Misunderstand me but you'll be with me, are you with me?
Kom nevojë me taku njerëz m'inspirojnë e
I need to meet people who inspire me and
M'bojnë me besu qe besnikërinë s'e tradhtojnë
Make me believe that loyalty is not betrayed
Kom nevojë k'saj egos teme me ja dhan një kuptim
I need to give this ego of mine a meaning
Me besu me kon i mirë n'jetë e ka një qellim
To believe that being good in life has a purpose
Hapin jo nuk e ndal, jo nuk e ndal, jo nuk e ndal
The step does not stop, does not stop, does not stop
Kam nevojë shumë se kurrë ndihem gjallë
I need to feel alive more than ever
Kam nevojë për pak muzikë
I need a little music
Ndenjën ta jetoj pa frikë
To live the moment without fear
gjej paqe thellë zemër
To find peace deep in my heart
Te mbështetem tek një mik
To lean on a friend
Kam nevojë them fal
I need to say I'm sorry
besoj ideal
To believe in an ideal
qesh, qaj me mall
To laugh, to cry with longing
Kam nevojë ndihem gjallë
I need to feel alive

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