Aless - Čakám - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Aless - Čakám

Čakám na vysvetlenie, že
I'm waiting for an explanation, that
Prečo zrazu zmena nálad
Why the sudden mood change
Prečo si bol v pohode
Why you were fine
A zrazu sa utápaš
And suddenly you drown
Mi odchádzaš, pred očami
You're leaving me, before my eyes
Toto fakt nedávam
I really don't take this
Tak ako keď sme spolu sami.
Like when we're alone.
Povedz aký máš plán
Tell me what's your plan
či plánuješ návrat
if you're planning to come back
Alebo navždy budem žiť
Or will I forever live
S pocitom prázdna.
With the feeling of emptiness.
Sebecký cit čo je tak čistý
Selfish feeling that's so pure
že naňho nemám právo
that I have no right to it
Cielom zabudnúť si ničím život asi málo
Aiming to forget you is not enough, I guess
Asi málo, ja chcela som to málo
I guess not, I wanted so little
A však že mi to za to fakt nestálo
But it wasn't worth it
Naháňala som vždy všetko zlo
I've always chased evil
Len aby si ma chránil
Just so you could protect me
A zrazu nebol okolo mňa nikto kto ma bráni
And suddenly there was no one around to defend me
Kto ma chráni
Who would protect me
Prišla som na to, že sa náš čas vážne krátil
I realized that our time was really running out
Povedz aký máš plán
Tell me what's your plan
či plánuješ návrat
if you're planning to come back
Alebo navždy budem žiť
Or will I forever live
S pocitom prázdna.
With the feeling of emptiness.
Každá chvíľa sa vníma inak
Every moment feels different
Vtedy keď mi chýbaš
When I miss you
Roky mohli by to zabiť
Years could kill it
Ale nechcú sa ťa zbaviť vo mne bývaš
But they don't want to get rid of you, you live in me
Každá story,
Every story,
Pýta sorry
Asks for sorry
to zmysel čakať
Does it make sense to wait
Oni, chcú sa ťa za každým zbaviť
They want to get rid of you every time
Ale toto nejde zabiť
But this can't be killed
Ani pochopiť lebo
Nor understood because
Sme zvláštny prípad
We are a strange case
Aj keď som bola jediná
Even though I was the only one
čo mala na teba návod
who had the instructions for you
Není šanca prežiť
There's no chance to survive
No my to vieme dávno
But we've known that for a long time
Veď ty vieš čo
You know what
Tak daj mi trochu priestoru byť šťastnou
So give me some space to be happy
Na tvojom mieste
In your place
je niekto iný
There is already someone else
Tak ma zbav pocitu viny
So relieve me of this guilt
A nečakaj nič lebo v tejto chvíli
And don't expect anything because at this moment
Sa nezmením
I won't change
Zvyk, že aj keď cez to všetko chýba mi cit
Habit, that even though I miss you through all this
Verím v to, že sme to obaja tak pochopili
I believe that we both understand this
Povedz aký máš plán
Tell me what's your plan
či plánuješ návrat
if you're planning to come back
Alebo navždy budem žiť
Or will I forever live
S pocitom prázdna.
With the feeling of emptiness.

Writer(s): Alessia Capparelli

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