Akcent - Secret Discret (feat. Puya) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Akcent - Secret Discret (feat. Puya)

Secret Discret (feat. Puya)
Secret Discreet (feat. Puya)
Cand vine noaptea suna telefonu si raspund
When the night comes, the phone rings and I answer
Ma cheama la ea spune chiar ce vreau sa aud
She calls me, tells me exactly what I want to hear
Repede hainele parfumul si chieile ma uit in toate partile sa nu ma
Clothes, perfume, and keys quickly, I look everywhere so that nobody
Vada nimeni
Sees me
Nu uit sa cumpar florile urc in graba scarile aprindem lumanarile
I don't forget to buy flowers, I hurry up the stairs, we light the candles
(Wow wow wow)
(Wow wow wow)
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme si nimeni
Secret discreet, we love each other like you only see in movies and nobody
Nu ne poate judeca
Can judge us
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme
Secret discreet, we love each other like you only see in movies
Spune cine ai vrea sa fim in seara asta (aa aasta asta)
Tell me who you would like to be tonight (aa tonight)
Te rasfat ca Brad pe Angelina ca Mr. and Mrs. Smith de creste adrenalina
I spoil you like Brad to Angelina, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, my adrenaline is pumping
Bata-ma vina.
Beat me up, blame me.
Ca imi place viata cand se zgaltie masina.
Because I love life when the car shakes.
Te fac cate ture vrei nu mi se termina benzina,
I do as many laps as you want, my gas won't run out,
Sunt o mitraliera mare, nu pistol ca Gina
I'm a big machine gun, not a pistol like Gina
Rulam usor te intind pe covor.
I drive slow, I put you on the carpet.
Imi faci un masaj,
You give me a massage,
Nu ne vede nimeni ca o ardem camuflati.
Nobody sees us because we're burning it up in camouflage.
Repede hainele parfumul si chiele
Clothes, perfume, and keys quickly,
Ma uit in toate partile sa nu ma vada nimeni.
I look everywhere so that nobody sees me.
Nu uit sa cumpar florile urc in graba scarile
I don't forget to buy flowers, I hurry up the stairs
Aprindem lumanarile
We light the candles
(Ca la Hollywood)
(Like in Hollywood)
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme si nimeni
Secret discreet, we love each other like you only see in movies and nobody
Nu ne poate judeca.
Can judge us.
Secret discret, ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme
Secret discreet, we love each other like you only see in movies
Hai spune cine ar vrea sa fim in seara asta
Come on, tell me who you would like to be tonight
(Aa aasta asta)
(Aa tonight)
Nu pot. Iau foc, de tot.
I can't. I'm on fire, totally.
Nu pot sa ma abtin. Deloc.
I can't control myself. At all.
Nus orb, tu esti buna de tot.
I'm not blind, you're really good.
Ai inebunit toti baieti de la bloc.
You've driven all the guys in the block crazy.
Domnisoara vrea discretie.
The young lady wants discretion.
E secretul nostru. Nu vrem atentie
It's our secret. We don't want attention
Nu suport nici o indiscretie.
I can't stand any indiscretion.
Asta mica e o bestie.
This little one is a beast.
Sa facem ceva neconventional,
Let's do something unconventional,
Ce nai mai facut, o sa fie mortal.
Something you've never done before, it will be deadly.
Ca marele final vreau un zgomot infernal
I want an infernal noise for the grand finale
Vecinii toti o sa-ti vada teapa chiar.
All the neighbors will see your drill for sure.
Am prea multe filme in cap.
I have too many movies in my head.
Vreau sa ajung mai repede in pahar
I want to get to the glass faster
Fetele cuminti mie imi plac.
I like good girls.
Ca-s innebunite de baieti rai defapt.
Because they're actually crazy about bad boys.
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme si nimeni
Secret discreet, we love each other like you only see in movies and nobody
Nu ne poate judeca.
Can judge us.
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme.
Secret discreet, we love each other like you only see in movies.
Spune cine ai vrea sa fim in seara asta (aa aasta asta)
Tell me who you would like to be tonight (aa tonight)

Writer(s): Alex, Dj C.b, Don Baxter

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