Alexandra Ungureanu & Andrei Vitan - Impotriva Lor - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Alexandra Ungureanu & Andrei Vitan - Impotriva Lor

Impotriva Lor
Against Them
Mai mereu ma uit la ceas
I often look at the clock
Sa vad cat timp mi-a ramas
To see how much time I have left
Dar viata mea n-o schimb
But my life doesn't change
E o cursa contra timp
It's a race against time
E totul in viteza
It's all so fast
De parca as da o teza
As if I were taking a test
Subiectul sunt doar eu
The subject is just me
Si nimeni nu mai poate
And no one else can
Sa-mi ia visele toate
Take away all my dreams
Sperantele si apoi
My hopes and then
Sa arunce cu noroi
Throw mud at them
Si nimeni nu mai poate
And no one else can
Sa-mi puna bete in roate
Put a spoke in my wheel
Am invatat sa nu mor
I have learned not to die
Si crede-ma, nu-i usor
And believe me, it's not easy
Sa lupti impotriva lor
To fight against them
Si sa simti cum vin
And to feel them coming
Priviri cu venin din ochii lor
Looks with venom in their eyes
Ma dobori, eu ma ridic
Knock me down, I'll get up
Nu-mi e frica de nimic
I'm not afraid of anything
Au trecut multe furtuni
Many storms have passed
Avalanse de minciuni
Avalanches of lies
E totul in viteza
It's all so fast
De parca as da o teza
As if I were taking a test
Subiectul sunt doar eu
The subject is just me
Si nimeni nu mai poate
And no one else can
Sa-mi ia visele toate
Take away all my dreams
Sperantele si apoi
My hopes and then
Sa arunce cu noroi
Throw mud at them
Si nimeni nu mai poate
And no one else can
Sa-mi puna bete in roate
Put a spoke in my wheel
Am invatat sa nu mor
I have learned not to die
Si crede-ma, nu-i usor
And believe me, it's not easy
Sa lupti impotriva lor
To fight against them
Si sa simti cum vin
And to feel them coming
Priviri cu venin din ochii lor
Looks with venom in their eyes
Si crede-ma, nu-i usor
And believe me, it's not easy
Sa lupti impotriva lor
To fight against them
Dar stiu ca tu poti
But I know you can
Sa treci peste toti
To get over everyone
Si stii ca apoi
And you know that then
Nu dai inapoi
You won't back down
Si stiu ca poti sa treci peste orice pasa grea
And I know you can get through any difficult pass
Sa fii cu capul in nori, trebuie sa fi ca pasarea
To be up in the clouds, you have to be like a bird
Nici nu conteaza, nu iti pasa ce spun ei
It doesn't even matter, you don't care what they say
Poti evada si din cusca cu lei
You can escape even from a cage with lions
Ridica-te si mergi mai departe
Stand up and keep going
Tine fruntea sus cand toti merg pe coate
Hold your head high when everyone is crawling
Voi fi oricand si fizic dar si in gand
I will always be there, both physically and in thought
Stii ca fac orice doar sa te vad razand
You know I will do anything just to see you laughing
Peste mari si tari cu panzele in vant
Across seas and lands with the sails in the wind
Se pierd in decor sagetile din ochii lor
They are lost in the background, the arrows in their eyes
Si crede-ma, nu-i usor
And believe me, it's not easy
Sa lupti impotriva lor
To fight against them
Si sa simti cum vin
And to feel them coming
Priviri cu venin din ochii lorlor
Looks with venom in their eyes
Si crede-ma, nu-i usor
And believe me, it's not easy
Sa lupti impotriva lor
To fight against them
Dar stiu ca tu poti
But I know you can
Sa treci peste toti
To get over everyone
Si stii ca apoi
And you know that then
Nu dai inapoi
You won't back down

Writer(s): Adrian Claudiu Sina, Pal-joszef Orosz, Andrei Voju

Alexandra Ungureanu & Andrei Vitan - Impotriva Lor
Impotriva Lor
date of release

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