Alunni Del Sole - Natale 'E Nu Ricordo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Alunni Del Sole - Natale 'E Nu Ricordo

Natale 'E Nu Ricordo
Christmas Is a Memory That's Lost Again...
Natale è 'nu ricordo ca se perde ancora...
Christmas is a memory that's lost again...
C'o viento e cu 'e pensiere ce guardamme e tu
With the wind and with the thoughts, we look each other and you
Faceva friddo e 'a gente mmiezze 'a via
It was cold and there were people in the middle of the street
Io a fa l'ammore dinto 'o lietto tuio
I fell in love in your bed
Tu me dicesto - Io nun chiedo niente
You told me - I do not ask for anything
Si è overo che 'a passione toia è l'ammore
If it is true that your passion is love
E ce guardammo 'nfaccia pe nu poco 'e tiempo
And we looked at each other in the face for a short time
Pe te truvà cchiù bella te vasaie
To find you more beautiful, I kissed you
E ce lasciamme pe truvacce ancora
And we left each other to find each other again
Cu nu sorriso 'nfaccia e tanto ammore
With a smile on our face and so much love
Io me ricordo che guardave 'e fronne
I remember that I looked at the leaves
Ca giù cadevano comme a 'na speranza
As they fell like a hope
Natale è 'nu ricordo ca se perde ancora...
Christmas is a memory that's lost again...
Ma dinte 'e mane steva scritto "ammore"
But in the hands it was written "love"
E po' ce raccuntaime solo parole
And then we told each other only words
Che bello quanno ascette 'o sole
How beautiful when the sun rises
Faceva friddo e 'a gente mmiezze 'a via
It was cold and there were people in the middle of the street
E io tra tanta gente te vulevo
And I wanted you among so many people
C'a mano dinta 'a mano mmiezze 'a via
Hand in hand in the middle of the street
Nuie ce guardamme e ce credimme ancora
We look at each other and believe each other again
Ca 'a neve po cadè sulo a Natale
That the snow can only fall on Christmas
Ca juorno se fa juorno stanno 'nzieme
That day turns into day when we are together
E 'o tiempo è già passato e n'ata vota
And the time has passed and once again
Natale è 'na jurnata comme a n'ata
Christmas is a day like any other

Writer(s): Paolo Morelli

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