Amir Meludah - Lumrah - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Amir Meludah - Lumrah

It's Normal
Tarik nafas udara sejuk dihirup
I take a breath of cool air
Air liur silap masuk dalam rongga
Saliva mistakenly enters my throat
Tak rasa selesa
It doesn't feel comfortable
Dada sendiri ditampar dihentak ditepuk
I slap my chest, beat it, and pat it
Dalam diri dah lama keliru
I've been confused for a long time
Mungkin yakin kadang-kadang tertipu sendiri
Sometimes I'm sure I'm being deceived
Ulang kali kata nak berubah
I repeat the words I want to change
Suara hati tahu itu semua sampah
My heart knows it's all garbage
Lumrah manusia
It's normal for a human
Takkan terdaya
You won't be able
Takda upaya
You have no power
Dah cuba-cuba nak lari
I've tried to run away
Dengan drastik
Kena lastik balik dek realiti
Reality pulls me back with a rubber band
Takda apa yang boleh berjaya
Nothing will succeed
Kena sumpah
I'm under an oath
Akan tersangkut selamanya
I'll be stuck forever
Malas nak bertanya
I'm too lazy to ask
Rosak harapan kosongkan tenaga
Hopes are broken, I'm out of energy
Orang gila buat benda sama
Crazy people do the same things
Individu perasan merdeka
Individuals feel free
Tipu tiru ulang yang serupa
They deceive and repeat the same things
Curi-curi tulang dalam kerjasama
They steal bones in cooperation
Aku mungkin takda peranan
I may not have a role
Dan tak nak berangan
And I don't want to dream
Jadi tauladan
To be a role model
Cuma nak kumpul himpun harta
I just want to gather and collect wealth
Aku binatang manusia
I am a human animal
Aku mungkin takda peranan
I may not have a role
Dan tak nak berangan
And I don't want to dream
Jadi tauladan
To be a role model
Cuma nak kumpul himpun harta
I just want to gather and collect wealth
Aku binatang manusia
I am a human animal
Hukum alam tak hitam putih
The law of nature is not black and white
Sekejap kotor sebentar bersih
Dirty for a while, clean for a while
Budak bangang kadang serba boleh
Stupid kids are sometimes versatile
Bakar keretek jadi bongok balik
They burn cigarettes and become dumb again
Turun naik air pasang surut
The tide ebbs and flows
Pak turut takkan jadi ketua
A follower will never be a leader
Sang pengikut takkan ada kuasa
The follower will never have power
Makhluk kerdil cuba bunuh raksasa
A dwarf creature tries to kill a giant
Batu kerikil dalam air tenggelam
Pebbles sink in water
Campak pisahkan dari genggaman tangan
Throw it away, separate it from your grasp
Yang lebih tumpat akan turun ke bawah
What's denser will sink to the bottom
Undang-undang fizik takkan pernah berubah
The laws of physics never change
Tarik nafas udara sejuk dihirup
I take a breath of cool air
Air liur silap masuk dalam rongga
Saliva mistakenly enters my throat
Tak rasa selesa
It doesn't feel comfortable
Dada sendiri ditampar dihentak ditepuk
I slap my chest, beat it, and pat it

Writer(s): Amir Othman

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