Ana Moura - A Fadista - Live - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ana Moura - A Fadista - Live

A Fadista - Live
A Fadista - Live
Vestido negro cingido
Dressed in a form-fitting black dress
Cabelo negro comprido
Long, black hair
E negro xaile bordado
And a black, embroidered shawl
Subindo à noite a avenida
Walking up the avenue at night
Quem passa julga-a perdida
Those passing by judge her as lost
Mulher de vício e pecado
A woman of vice and sin
E vai sendo confundida
And she is often confused
Insultada e perseguida
Insulted and harassed
P'lo convite costumado
By the usual advances
Entra no café cantante
She enters the café concert
Seguida em tom provocante
Followed in a provocative tone
P'los que querem comprá-la
By those who want to buy her
Uma guitarra a trinar
A guitar begins to strum
Uma sombra devagar
A slow-moving shadow
Avança p'ra o meio da sala
Advances to the middle of the room
Ela começa a cantar
She begins to sing
E os que a queriam comprar
And those who wanted to buy her
Sentam-se à mesa a olhá-la
Sit at a table and watch her
Canto antigo e tão profundo
An ancient and profound song
Que vindo do fim-do-mundo
That has come from the end of the world
É pressa perante o pregão
It is urgent before the sermon
E todos os que a ouviam
And all those who listen to her
À luz das velas pareciam
In the candlelight they seem like
Devotos em oração
Devotees in prayer
E os que pouco a ofendiam
And those who just offended her
De olhos fechados ouviam
Listen with their eyes closed
Como pedindo-lhe perdão
As if asking for her forgiveness
Nestido negro cingido
In a form-fitting black dress
Cabelo negro comprido
Long, black hair
E negro xaile traçado
And a black, embroidered shawl
Cantando p'ra aquela mesa
Singing for that table
Ela dá-lhes a certeza
She assures them
De lhes ter perdoado
That she has already forgiven them
E em frente dela na mesa
And in front of her at the table
Como impressa uma deusa
Like a goddess in effigy
Em silêncio ouve-se o fado
The fado is heard in silence


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