Andy Hui - 昨遲人 - Live - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Andy Hui - 昨遲人 - Live

昨遲人 - Live
Yesterday's Latecomer - Live
遲了聽你細訴 你曾迷途和那理想跟前途 多麼糊塗
I'm late to hear your story, you were lost, your dreams and your future were so unclear
遲了半秒 約你晚飯漫步在那海濱公園一雙足印
I'm half a second late, to ask you to dinner, to walk along the beach, leaving a trail of footprints
如同共舞 這戀愛的信徒 再一次失去愛神憐憫
Like dancing, we, believers in love, have once again lost the god of love's favor
I'll be left behind, again
遲了送上雨傘 雨仍毛毛
I'm late to offer you my umbrella, the rain keeps falling
誰與你竟早潛逃 終於徒勞 遲了愛你替你抹掉問號
Who ran away with you so quickly? My efforts were in vain, I'm late to love you, to erase your doubts
遲了抱緊雙手差點經已同行共老 這戀愛的旅途
I'm late to hold you close, we nearly grew old together, on the journey of love
我想要得到卻未拾到 多麼糟可給我為你填補
I wanted to have it, but could not find it, how awful, let me fill the void for you
* 昨日像得到 遲來無去路 給你與某人在長夜共抱
* Yesterday, I felt like I'd found it, but it was too late, already gone, leaving you and someone else to embrace in the long night
只懂得安慰或時候未到 天未亮都需要為你虛耗
I could only offer comfort, or perhaps the time wasn't right, I wasted away the night because of you
(當日或今日亦一樣殘酷) 陪我細訴 和我抱抱
(The same cruelty, yesterday or today) tell me your story, and hold me close
為何天空一個城堡 仰望卻無法觸到 蓋著被舖
Why is the sky a castle, I look up but can't reach it, I pull up the covers
彷似終得到安土 笑著投入你(的)懷抱 *
As if I've finally found a home, I smile and fall into your embrace *
I'm late to kiss your soft, red lips, and your eyes are red and swollen
心中重重 遲了疼你與你抱著做夢直到昨天分手
My heart is heavy, I'm late to cherish you, to dream with you, until we broke up yesterday
只懂一個獃獃目送 今天我一個人 再一次失去愛神護蔭
I could only watch in a daze, today I'm alone, once again losing the god of love's protection
今天他 當天你 如何殘忍
Today, he, yesterday, you, how cruel
我在昨日為何遲未說出 心中想告訴你那些話
Why was I late in telling you yesterday, what was in my heart?
那份說話為何留待了他 細心聽他講一百遍
Why did I wait for him to listen patiently, to tell him a hundred times?
但已醜化 心已火化
But it was ugly, my heart was burning
我會祝福你安好 快樂投入那些懷抱
I'll bless you to be well, to find happiness in those arms

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