Aneta Langerova - Spousta Andelu - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Aneta Langerova - Spousta Andelu

Spousta Andelu
Many Angels
Když se probudíš
When you wake up
Vůbec nevidíš
You can't see anything
že si v tajemství
That you are in secret
Vidíš jen prázdný dům.
You only see an empty house.
Začít nevíš jak
You don't know how to start
Den je pavouk na stěnách
The day is a spider on the walls
A ty se bojíš
And you are afraid
jen prostřít stůl.
Just to set the table.
nevím jat ti říct
I don't know how to tell you
Máš šancí mnohem víc
You have many more chances
Kéž to víš.
I hope you know that.
Kolem je spousta andělu
There are many angels around
Co nedovolí tvůj pláč.
Who will not allow you to cry.
Kolem je spousta andělu
There are many angels around
Ty je nevidíš
You don't see them
Ty je neslyšíš
You don't hear them
Jsou všude kolem
They are everywhere around
I když třeba spíš
Even when you sleep
Ten čas si hlídej
Watch the time
Kdy se všechno otočí
When everything turns around
Kdy vidíš zas je strach a poušť
When you see again fear and a desert
To jsem ti chtěla říct.
That's what I wanted to tell you.
Nezoufej, sám mi zavolej
Don't despair, call me yourself
čekej mne včas dorazím
Wait for me, I'll be there on time
Kdekoli jsem s tou zprávou
Wherever I am with the news
nevím jat ti říct
I don't know how to tell you
Máš šancí mnohem víc
You have many more chances
Kéž to víš.
I hope you know that.
Kolem je spousta andělu
There are many angels around
Co nedovolí tvůj pláč
Who will not allow you to cry
Kolem je spousta andělu
There are many angels around
Ty je nevidíš
You don't see them
Ty je neslyšíš
You don't hear them
Jsou všude kolem
They are everywhere around
I když třeba spíš
Even when you sleep
nevím jat ti říct
I don't know how to tell you
Máš šancí mnohem víc
You have many more chances
Kéž to víš
I hope you know that
Kéž to víš
I hope you know that
teď nevím jak ti dát
I don't know how to give you now
Tu jistotu měj rád a uvidíš
Be sure to love and you will see
že kolem je spousta andělu
That there are many angels around
Co nedovolí, nedovolí tvůj pláč.
Who will not allow you to cry.
Kolem je spousta andělu
There are many angels around
Ty je nevidíš
You don't see them
Ty je neslyšíš
You don't hear them
Jsou všude kolem
They are everywhere around
I když třeba spíš
Even when you sleep
To nevysvětlíš, nevyfotíš
You can't explain it, you can't take a picture of it
Jsou všude kolem
They are everywhere around
I když třeba spíš
Even when you sleep
Nevidíš, neslyšíš
You don't see, you don't hear
Jsou všude kolem
They are everywhere around
I když třeba spíš
Even when you sleep
Kolem je spousta andělů
There are many angels around

Writer(s): Harry, Kara Dioguardi, Shep Solomon

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