Arafat - 5 do 12 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Arafat - 5 do 12

5 do 12
5 to 12
Ne volim da se držim po strani
I don't like to stand on the sidelines
Videću dal su dani bezrazložno narivani
I'll see if the days are without reason shoved
Ne čekam 'tike za spas, ustajem rano i palim
I don't wait for 'saving tickets, I get up early and burn rubber
Il' ću kintu da zabodem il' da puknem pa se vadim
I'll either stab the knife in or burst out and show off
Gledam na sat, kalendar
I look at the watch, calendar
Kad ponekad malo vremena da čekam šta ko gleda
When sometimes a little time to wait who is watching what
Čaša se brzpo punila, hoću to da svedem na kap ponekad
The glass filled quickly, I want to keep that down to a drop sometimes
Hoću dogovor dobar il' bar korektan
I want a good agreement or at least a fair one
A ovih dana puno sranja je na duši
And these days there's a lot of crap on my mind
Puno para ti treba, život postaje sve skuplji
You need a lot of money, life is getting more expensive
Puno živasa što ostaju kod klinaca na klupi
A lot of life that stays with the kids on the bench
Il' barem do momenta kad svako od njih ne poludi
Or at least until the moment when each of them goes crazy
Sve radim zbog sebe, ništa mamica, tatica
I do everything for myself, nothing mommy, daddy
Za sad štek, ništa ćuskija, kasica prasica
For now fine, no piggie bank, little piggy
Ubrzam hod, vidim u kojim su ljudi fazama
I speed up my pace, I see what people are up to
Kad krenem da jurim bolje da trčim nazad s parama
When I start to chase it's better to run back with the dough
A sad je tačko 5 do 12
And now it's exactly 5 to 12
Znači još 300 sekundi da izmenim facu gubitničku
That means another 300 seconds to change my losing face
Možda drugačije ne može dalje
Maybe it can't be different any longer
Al' ja neću da glumim, a još manje ću da glumum pičku
But I won't play a role, and even less will I act like a pussy
Mnogi su nas napustili, neki drugi ostali
Many have left us, some others stayed
Svi zajedno su nekada bili dobri u osnovni
Together they were once good in elementary school
Ja gledam da izbegnem to da s bilo kim se poredim
I try to avoid comparing myself to anyone
Jer trudim se da budem jak, da čekam i da pobedim
Because I try to be strong, to wait and to win
Malo toga prepuštam logici
I leave little to logic
Nekad ubijem vreme tako da iza njega ne ostanu ni otisci
Sometimes I kill time so that there are no traces left behind
Za nešto što je teško ja sam Obeliks
For something that is difficult I am Obelix
Pa ću da uzmem sve, životu kažem "Kurvo moja si"
So I'll take everything, I tell life "You are my ho"
Da pojasnim, ovo nije kukanje za đanom
To clarify, this is no crying for the past
A hejteri su smešni kao druganje za pajdo
And haters are funny like joking about a clown
Život je namešten, čukanje za kasko
Life is set up, screwing for insurance
A ovi neki isti vide kao trčanje za tatom
And these some of the same see it as running after daddy
Izgleda imam više strpljenja nego kila
I seem to have more patience than kilos
Inače ne bi bio, stalno ženi miran
Otherwise I wouldn't be, always peaceful towards my wife
Imam momente kad divljam, znam u govnima da plivam
I have moments when I go wild, I know how to swim in the crap
Ležim da spavam, sat unazad kuca 300
I go to bed, an hour ago the clock struck 300
A sad je tačko 5 do 12
And now it's exactly 5 to 12
Znači još 300 sekundi da izmenim facu gubitničku
That means another 300 seconds to change my losing face
Možda drugačije ne može dalje
Maybe it can't be different any longer
Al' ja neću da glumim, a još manje ću da glumum pičku
But I won't play a role, and even less will I act like a pussy

Writer(s): Rr

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