Arkona - Odna - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Arkona - Odna

Dym okrutit vlasom
Smoke curls around your hair
Dlan′ jarogo ognja
The palm of fiery passion
Bol' vozdymitsja glasom:
Pain will raise its voice:
Nebo, voz′mi menja!
Heaven, take me away!
Ja otdam slepuju dushu
I'll give you my blind soul
Sgorju do tla
I'll burn to the ground
V vechnyh cepjah udush'ja
In eternal chains of suffocation
Cnova vernus' sjuda
Torment will return here
Oj, da ne spitsja
Oh, may it not end
Mne, da temnoj nochkoj
For me, on this dark night
Da, ne razveet veter bol′ o rodnom
May the wind not dispel the pain of my homeland
Pticej podnjat′sja vvys', oj - de tam ostat′sja
To rise up as a bird, oh - to stay there
Da ne dostat' do neba odnim krylom
But I cannot reach heaven with only one wing
Ta bol′ szhiraet dushu
This pain tears at my soul
Moj mir razrushen
My world is destroyed
No ja zhe zdes'
But here I am
Pod vzorom alchnyh lic
Under the gaze of greedy faces
Chuzhih kornej
Of foreign roots
Ja ljagu nic na Zemlju-Mat′
I'll lie down on the Mother Earth
I mne ne vstat' s nee
And I will not rise from her
Ne vstat'!
Not rise!
Teper′ ne vstat′!
Not rise again!
Odna sred' bleklyh likov
Alone among pale faces
V miru chuzhih tenej
In a world of alien shadows
Snova brozhu po svetu
Again, I wander the world
Da skryvajas′ ot ljudej
Hiding from people
Tajnu svoju otkroju
I will reveal my secret
Predkov zavet hranja
I keep the covenant of my ancestors
Mozhet chrez stolet'ja
Perhaps through the centuries
Rod moj najdet menja
My kin will find me
Kak ja za kolo-vremechkom ubegaju
As I run away on the wheel of time
Ubegaju, da Jav′ za soboj zovu
I run away, and I call the Reveal behind me
No molvit glasom Jav'-de:
But the Reveal whispers to me:
Ja umiraju s chuzhdoj dushoj
I am dying with someone else's soul
Da vo rodnom vo kraju
In a foreign land
Umiraju, ubegaju...
I am dying, I am running away...
Moj rod usnul v zabvenii
My kin have fallen into oblivion
Ja stala zven′em
I have become a sound
Mirskoj cepi
A worldly chain
Chto skovana iz chuzhdyh mne idej
That is forged from ideas foreign to me
Lzhivyh rechej
False words
Hochu bezhat' otsjuda von
I want to run away from here
Podal'she ot ljudej
Far away from people
Run away!
Odna sred′ bleklyh likov
Alone among pale faces
V miru chuzhih tenej
In a world of alien shadows
Snova brozhu po svetu
Again, I wander the world
Skryvajas' ot ljudej
Hiding from people
Tajnu svoju otkroju
I will reveal my secret
Chto predkami dana
That was given to me by my ancestors
Mozhet chrez stolet′ja
Perhaps through the centuries
Budu ja ne odna!
I will not be alone!
Stojat' u pepla
I will stand at the ashes
Mertvogo ognja
Of a dead fire
Rodny bogi, gde vy?
My native gods, where are you?
Nebo! uslysh′ menja!
Heaven! Hear me!
Ja otdam slepuju dushu
I'll give you my blind soul
Sgorju do tla
I'll burn to the ground
V vechnyh cepjah udush'ja
In eternal chains of suffocation
Snova vernus′ sjuda
I'll return here again

Writer(s): Marija Arkhipova

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