Arsenik - Alshe2 (Remastered Version) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Arsenik - Alshe2 (Remastered Version)

Alshe2 (Remastered Version)
Alshe2 (Remastered Version)
لو اطربقت ... عادي ... احنا عارفين هنعمل اي!!
If I stumbled... It's okay... We know what to do!!
انا عن نفسي اناا عارف اناا هعمل اي!!
I, for myself, I know what I'll do!!
عادي اناا كدا كداا هصفي بس هتصفااا بس عادي انا عارف اني هتصفي
It's okay, I'll settle things anyway, it'll just settle down, it's okay, I know I'll settle down
بس عادي هخلص الكلام *__*
But it's okay, I'll finish what I'm saying *__*
- محدش ليه فضل عليا ف الشئ ده ، انا بدأته لوحدى و لوحدى هرتقى
- No one has a favor on me in this thing, I started it alone and I will rise alone
- انا وحش بفترى على الى مرازينى و ملهوف انه ياكل من لحمى ف ذلتى
- I am a monster, I suppose, to those who belittle me and are eager to eat my flesh in my humiliation
- لو قوتى الحالية قالقاكوا ، دى مصيبة لإنى يا دوبك بحمى و ببتدى
- If my current strength worries you, it's a disaster because I'm barely protecting myself and starting
- الحرب الى هثبت فيها ان أغلبكوا مقامه ف الفن تحت جزمتى
- The war in which I will prove that most of you belong in art under my shoe
- الشئ ده هو الى فاضلى من الحلو الى ضاع ف لحظة و مبقتش بشوفوا
- This thing is what remains of the sweetness that was lost in a moment and I no longer see it
- همشت تقريبا كل شئ لأجله و أى شئ تانى غيره سيبته بظروفه
- I marginalized almost everything for it, and anything else other than it I left to its circumstances
- انت وصلت بالحك اما انا حاربت لوجوده ، ملخص الى بقولوا
- You reached by ruling, but I fought for its existence, a summary of what I'm saying
- متفكرش انك تتحدى واحد لما وصل للى فيه ده وصله بمجهوده
- Don't think you can challenge someone who reached what he has reached with his effort
- حبكوا كان فين لما وقعت و الشعر ف كلامكوا ليا بعد ايه بتقولوه ؟
- Where was your love when I fell, and the poetry in your words to me, after what are you saying it?
- إسلكوا لنفسكم الأول بعدين إنصحونى و قولولى اعمل ايه و معملوش
- Ask yourselves first, then advise me and tell me what to do and what not to do
- ببص لأبعد مما عينيك بتودى . قاتلهم بالحق ، ده كيف ف كتابتى
- I look beyond where your eyes lead. I fight them with the truth, that's how in my writing
- فا مش هوقف لو سيف ف رقبتى . إتولدت و هتوفى بالشئ ده ف دمى
- So I won't stop if a sword is on my neck. I was born and will die with this thing in my blood
- و لعلمك لو فاكر انى عادى زييك زييهم يبقى انت لسة مش قارينى
- And for your information, if you think that I'm ordinary like you, like them, then you still haven't read me
- عشر سنين من دلوقت يوم بدايتى ده هيبقى يوم تاريخى
- Ten years from now, the day of my beginning, it will be my historic day
- انا كنت غبى لما كنت فاكر ان الفرصة مش هتيجى
- I was stupid when I thought that the opportunity would not come
- فا عملت حسابى لكل خطوة جايه فا مالك انهاردة و بكرة ف ايدى
- So I made my calculations for every coming step, so today and tomorrow are in my hands
- انا سابقكوا زى الضوء ، احترامى بقى قاعدة ثابتة
- I am ahead of you like light, my respect has become a fixed rule
- انا ف ساحتكوا زى الموت ، مبجيش غير مرة واحدة
- I am in your arena like death, I only come once
- تسديدى اخره دايماً جول ، عشان سكتى خضرة سالكة
- My aim is always a goal in the end, because my silence is a clear green path
- حتى لو مش شايف النوم ، عمرى ما هبطل احلم
- Even if I don't see sleep, I will never stop dreaming
- مهما يطلع ميتينى الزمن ، بكمل و اقول ده نصيبى و اتقسم
- No matter how many deaths time brings me, I continue and say this is my destiny and it is divided
- عشان ياما ندمت لسنين ع الى اختفى و فهمت انى مش بستفيد من الندم
- Because I regretted for years what disappeared and understood that I don't benefit from regret
- يوم ما اطلع ، يبقى الى انا فيه مش
- The day I come out, what I'm in is not
م العدم ، عشان هبنى بايدى طريقى للسما
from nothingness, because I will build my way to heaven with my own hands
- لانى مجيتش من عيلة غنية ، العيلة الغنية هتيجى منى انا
- Because I didn't come from a rich family, the rich family will come from me
- فا لما اكتب عن وساخة الوسط ، ده مش معناه انى بذكرله مطالبى
- So when I write about the filth of the environment, it doesn't mean that I'm mentioning my demands to him
- بتكلم عن الى مدايقنى كشخص ، فا مش مهم تبقوا كلكوا ف صفى
- I'm talking about what bothers me as a person, so it's not important for you all to be on my side
- لو حقى ف السما ، هستنى للآخرة . و ف الدنيا هتوبله و اسجدله و اصلى
- If my right is in heaven, I will wait for the Hereafter. And in this world, I will repent to Him and prostrate to Him and pray
- و لو حقى موجود تحت الأرض هجيبه ، حتى لو اضطريت احفرله بضوافرى
- And if my right is under the ground, I will get it, even if I have to dig for it with my nails
- دى مش مجرد طاقة مبتدئ . انا هنا من زمان . بس الفن الهابط مكتسح
- This is not just a beginner's energy. I've been here for a long time. But the vulgar art is overwhelming
- بالنسبالهم ف المجال انا زى مواطن
- For them, I'm like a citizen
مغترب ، عشان مش زييهم نمطى . انا مسارى مختلف
expatriate, because I'm not like them in my pattern. My path is different
- محروقين و انا متعتى انى ازود نار
- They're burned and my pleasure is to increase the fire
الملتهب ، عشان رغم انى ببتدى . مُصنف قاتل محترف
of the inflamed, because although I'm starting. Classified as a professional killer
زى إليام ، ف الفضاء انا نجم ساطع مرتفع
Like Eliam, in space I am a shining star, high
، لكن ف الحرب انا نيزك . للأرض قادم مندفع
, but in war I am a meteor. Coming to Earth, driven
- حتى لو طلعت من الحرب بخسارة و منهزم
- Even if I come out of the war with a loss and defeated
، مش ببص ورا ضهرى . عمرى للماضى ما التفت
, I don't look behind my back. I never looked back at the past
- مفيش حد ف البشر كامل الاوصاف و مكتمل
- No one among humans is perfect and complete
، ده سبب مدينى الجرأة انى بأخطائى معترف
, this is the reason that gives me the courage to admit my mistakes
- انا متصاب و منهمك ،بس رغم ده انا
- I am wounded and preoccupied, but despite this I am
واقف للجمهور و انا ف ضهرى الطلقات و مبتسم
standing for the audience with bullets in my back and I'm smiling
- ما زلت صامد محتزم ، انا ثابت
- I am still steadfast, I am firm
لمماتى كل ما اقع بقف وحدى انا تلقائى متزن
Until my death, every time I fall, I stand alone, I am spontaneous and balanced

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