Ash - 習慣動作 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ash - 習慣動作

Habitual Actions
手上的 還沒卸掉的
The one on my hand, I haven't taken it off yet
為你擦上 紅色指甲油
For you, I put on red nail polish
The last remaining bit of this blotchiness
It's like my heart is missing something
還以為 重新 換掉顏色就好了
I thought, "If I change the color, I'll be fine again."
以為 只要看不見就會沒事的
I thought, "If I just can't see it, it'll be okay."
散落一地 卻怎麼 再也找不到
It's scattered all over the floor. Still, how come I can't find it
最當初 為你擦上的
The one I originally put on for you?
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you touch me
It's like the way you touch me
It's like the way you kiss me
It's like the way you kiss me
It's all just a habitual action
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you hold me 兩個人的習慣動作
It's like the way you hold me Our habitual actions between two people
當時我們都寂寞 當時針停在向右
At that time, we were both lonely, and the hour hand stopped at the right.
微醺夜裡 的一個吻 曾經讓我們牽起了雙手
A kiss on a slightly drunken night, once let us hold hands.
為了彼此依賴 我們用力的擁抱
In order to depend on each other, we hugged each other tightly.
閉上眼 視而不見 想要的 卻很遙遠
Closed my eyes, turned a blind eye and my desire was still far away.
才發現 嚮往和追逐著只是一種
Only then did I realize that the longing and pursuing was merely
The habit of being needed and loved.
突然了解 那些放開手的戀人
Suddenly, I understood those lovers who let go
只是比你 更習慣寂寞
They're just more used to solitude than you.
I still haven't gotten used to life being one person short
Still not used to having no one I can rely on
If freedom is a kind of courage
How come I squander and overindulge what you gave me?
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you touch me
It's like the way you touch me
It's like the way you kiss me
It's like the way you kiss me
It's all just a habitual action
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you love me
It's like the way you hold me 兩個人的習慣動作
It's like the way you hold me Our habitual actions between two people

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