Ashim - Air Mata Kekasih - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Ashim - Air Mata Kekasih

Air Mata Kekasih
Lover's Tears
Semusim lewat berlalu
A season has come and gone
Terkenang daku padamu
I remember you
Berderailah air mata
Tears are falling
Kusesali perbuatan ku
I regret my actions
Dulu kita sama berjanji setia
We once promised each other fidelity
Bermadu kasih ditaman cinta
To make love in the garden of love
Dirimu pasti jadi milikku
You were sure to be mine
Aku pun begitu.
And I was too.
Sekiranya aku bisa
If I could
Kembali memutar masa
Turn back time
Tak akan kau ku persia
I wouldn't let you waste away
Tewas dalam kepalsuan
Die in falsehood
Memang dulu aku yg memulakan
It was I who started it all
Dan aku jua mengakhirkan
And I who ended it
Akhirnya kini hilang sudah
Finally it's gone now
Entah dimana
I don't know where
Dengan tekad ku kembara
With determination I wandered
Leaving you
Demi masa depan kita
For our future
Lantaran kesepian memaksaku
Because loneliness forced me
Beralih padanya
To turn to her
Bukan niatku mengundang arus
It was not my intention to invite the current
Menghanyutkan cinta
To wash away love
Dia hanya persinggahan sekadar
She was just a temporary stop
Waktu cuma
Just a moment
Tiadaku duga
I didn't expect
Kealpaan akhirnya
Carelessness finally
Cintamu telah kucemar dengan
Your love has been polluted by
Titik-titik noda
Points of stain
Izinkan kubalut lukamu
Let me dress your wounds
Moga terbuat kepedihan
May it be made of grief
Kusemai benih kash
I sow the seeds of love
Ku baja rindu di batasan
I armor longing at the border
Kini aku kembali
Now I'm back
Dengan seribu pengharapan
With a thousand hopes
Akan ku kecup tanganmu
I will kiss your hand
Kerana menzalimimu
For wronging you
Lalu ku merisik perkhabaran
Then I ask for news
Rupanya kau telah berpunya
Apparently you're already married
Bukannya tiada jodoh kita
It's not that we didn't have a relationship

Writer(s): Ashim

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