Aspencat - Antimatèria - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Aspencat - Antimatèria

Som el vent del present
We are the wind of the present
La gran explosió
The big explosion
Som la gent que somniem
We are the people who dream
La gran explosió
The big explosion
A merced del hambre de los mercados
At the mercy of the hunger of the markets
Aguantando la presión de sus mandíbulas
Withstanding the pressure of its jaws
En manos de gobernantes gobernados
In the hands of rulers who are ruled
Viviendo en una parodia de Calígula
Living in a parody of Caligula
Contando sin dedos, forzando los miedos
Counting without fingers, forcing fears
El drama recorriendo las médulas
The drama running through the bone marrows
Resistiendo embestidas sin ser derribados
Resisting attacks without being demolished
Que nos vengan a buscar a Termópilas
Let them come looking for us in Thermopylae
Espabilas? Les veo morir sentados
You getting smart? I see them dying while sitting down
Atados a promesas que no se cumplen
Tied to promises that are not fulfilled
El pan y el plato cambian de mano
The bread and the plate change hands
Bajo los brazos de los que te hunden
Under the arms of those who drown you
Y la ansiedad visita temprano
And anxiety visits early
Te pide que dejes las llaves dentro del buzón
It asks you to leave the keys in the mailbox
Porque el hogar es lujo, como ciudadano
Because home is a luxury, as a citizen
Invoco la ley de Talión
I invoke the law of Talion
Ce monde es un bagne les mauvaises herbes ne meurent pas,
This world is a prison where weeds don't die
Et comme toujours gouvernent les loups, et non des moutons,
And as always, wolves rule, not sheep
Pour être élu ils font des promesses qu'ils ne maintiennent pas,
To be elected, they make promises they don't keep
Ces chenapans essaient d'asphyxier nos rêves comme un Python,
These crooks are trying to suffocate our dreams like a Python
Ils nous expulsent de nos maisons,
They are evicting us from our houses
Et veulent priver nos gosses, de l'éducation
And want to deprive our children of education
Ils laissent des families au chômage
They leave families unemployed
Et pillent notre héritage mais comme des sauvages
And plunder our heritage like savages
Avec ce bavardage, on les prendra en otage.
With this talk, we'll take them hostage
Som el vent del present
We are the wind of the present
La gran explosió
The big explosion
Som el poble, som l'antimatèria
We are the people, we are the antimatter
Som la gent que somniem
We are the people who dream
La gran explosió
The big explosion
Som la ràbia, la nova generació
We are the rage, the new generation
Creu-me, saben que no anem a rendir-nos
Believe me, they know we are not going to give up
Tenen minades les sendes
They have mined the trails
Com el fènix renaix de les cendres
Like the phoenix reborn from the ashes
Ningú podrà dir-nos que no ens vam defendre
No one will be able to tell us that we didn't defend ourselves
Prendre, tots els parlaments i les cambres
Take over all the parliaments and chambers
No ens importa el partit que governe
We don't care which party rules
La justícia del poble, contra la del sabre
The justice of the people, against that of the sword
Ens veurem esta nit en l'averne
We'll meet tonight in hell
No pagaran els plats trencats
They will not pay for the broken dishes
Ni el deute del rescat
Nor the debt of the rescue
No entragarem la sanitat
We will not betray healthcare
No es ven la dignitat
Dignity is not for sale
L'educació no és competició
Education is not competition
És obrir a l'amor la consciència
It's about opening consciousness to love
Ressorgirem, atacarem
We will rise again, we will attack
Som el puny de la desobediència
We are the fist of disobedience
Punto de mira, sobre la única fuente del problema
Point of view, over the only source of the problem
La confianza en el otro es imposible si miramos atrás
Trusting the other is impossible if we look back
La historia se repite, los elegidos deciden
History repeats itself, the chosen ones decide
Que el resto solo somos piezas desechables
That the rest of us are just disposable pieces
Somos carne de cañón
We are cannon fodder
Entre los que juegan por el auténtico poder
Among those who play for real power
Tu vida vale menos que un papel
Your life is worth less than a piece of paper
Quieres saber cuál es el precio de tu piel
You want to know the price of your skin
Crazy motherfucker get burn
Crazy motherfucker get burn
Seh dem smooth criminal government never learn
See dem smooth criminal government never learn
Jokin us, ever disgusting us
Joking us, ever disgusting us
Inl a go tired, stop blowin us
I and I go tired, stop blowin us
Grow with us, we a come from the dust
Grow with us, we a come from the dust
Dem a dutty badmind, me a go blind, me nah go sign
Dem a dutty badmind, me a go blind, me nah go sign
Cay the whole a dem Lion, now is the time:
Call the whole a dem Lion, now is the time
Open your eyes! Youth!
Open your eyes! Youth!
Stop steal money, is dividing us
Stop steal money, is dividing us
All of dem politician are liying us
All of dem politician are lying us
Our mental slavey, the magic wash
Our mental slavey, the magic wash
Dem a moove too bad as fuckin trush
Dem a moove too bad as fuckin trash
Is Dremen Team Longside Aspencats
Is Dremen Team Longside Aspencats
We a burn dem turf you must see dat
We a burn dem turf you must see that
Must see dat! must see dat
Must see that! Must see that

Writer(s): Aspencat

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