Asu feat. Boby & Ticy - Amintiri - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Asu feat. Boby & Ticy - Amintiri

E ceasul 5 fara 5 minute.
It's 5 minutes to 5 o'clock.
Eu si colegii mei Ticy si Bobby discutam despre copilarie.
My colleagues Ticy and Bobby and I talk about childhood memories.
Si din discutie in discutie, uite unde am ajuns si ce am creat:
This is where we ended up, from one discussion to the next, a creation:
Imi aduc aminte cand eram copii
I am reminiscing about our younger years
Golaneam pe strada faceam nebunii,
Loitering in the streets causing mischief
Sterpeleam un mar sau o para din piata,
Stealing an apple or a pear from the market
Stateam la caterinca zi si noapte ce viata...
Bantering day and night, what a life...
Mi-e dor de clipele cand eram la liceu,
I long for those moments in high school
De profa care ne putea absente mereu.
When our teacher would always excuse our absences
Ce gagicar eram, cate fete agatam,
How cool we were, how many girls we attracted
Ce tari ne dadeam si n-aveam nici-un ban.
How we swaggered although we did not have any money
R: Ia le le le le ia le le le
R: Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Ce frumoase sunt amintirile
How beautiful are memories
Ia le le le le ia le le la
Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Fac parte din viata mea si a ta...
They are a part of my life and yours...
R: Ia le le le le ia le le le
R: Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Ce frumoase sunt amintirile
How beautiful are memories
Ia le le le le ia le le la
Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Fac parte din viata mea si a ta...
They are a part of my life and yours...
Asa de repede timpul a trecut.
Time passed so quickly
Mi-e dor de bairamurile de demult
I long for the eid celebrations of the past
Ce-as mai manca paine turceasca inca o data.
How I would eat a lot of Turkish bread once more
Sa fiu din nou la prima dragoste c-o fata...
To be in love again at first sight with a girl...
As sta din nou pe gard in fata blocului.
I would stand on the fence in front of the apartment again
De-o miuta cred ii e dor oricui
I believe everyone misses childhood moments
Ma striga mama, nu vroiam sa intru in casa...
My mother would call me, I did not want to go inside the house...
Am fost cu toti copii si am dus o viata frumoasa...
We were all children and we lived a beautiful life...
R: Ia le le le le ia le le le
R: Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Ce frumoase sunt amintirile
How beautiful are memories
Ia le le le le ia le le la
Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Fac parte din viata mea si a ta...
They are a part of my life and yours...
R: Ia le le le le ia le le le
R: Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Ce frumoase sunt amintirile
How beautiful are memories
Ia le le le le ia le le la
Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Fac parte din viata mea si a ta...
They are a part of my life and yours...
Mi-e dor de vremea cand umblam cu cheia la gat,
I long for the days when my key was around my neck
De prima bicicleta cumparata din targ.
For the first bicycle purchased at the market
Si pe o guma turbo as da orice deliciu.
I would give anything for a turbo gum
Sunt norocos ca mi-am facut orice capriciu...
I am fortunate to have indulged in all my whims...
Am pus pe hartie cateva amintiri,
I have written down some memories
Erau momente pline de fericiri.
They were moments full of joy
Si daca ti-a placut the like la piesa noastra
And if you enjoyed it, like our song
Ca piesa e facuta la cererea voastra...
Because this song was made upon your request...
R: Ia le le le le ia le le le
R: Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Ce frumoase sunt amintirile
How beautiful are memories
Ia le le le le ia le le la
Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Fac parte din viata mea si a ta...
They are a part of my life and yours...
R: Ia le le le le ia le le le
R: Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Ce frumoase sunt amintirile
How beautiful are memories
Ia le le le le ia le le la
Ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh ahhh
Fac parte din viata mea si a ta...
They are a part of my life and yours...

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