b.u.g. mafia - Cad Lanturi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation b.u.g. mafia - Cad Lanturi

Cad Lanturi
Falling Chains
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire
Nascut in lanturi de la gat pan' la picioare
Born in chains from neck to feet
Dansator pe nisipuri miscatoare
A dancer on quicksand
Prostu' bogatilor, sclavu' guvernelor
The fool of the rich, the slave of governments
Am jurat sa le dau muie, sa ii bat la jocu' lor
I swore to give them the finger, to beat them at their own game
Sunt vant de libertate, copil din comunism
I am the wind of freedom, a child of communism
O scanteie-n intuneric, urmarind un vis
A spark in the darkness, chasing a dream
In lanturi, dar cu pumnii stransi, am inceput sa trag
In chains, but with clenched fists, I started to pull
Salvatorii aveau plan, baga-mi-as pula-n ei, sa-mi bag
The saviors had a plan, fuck them, I swear
Sunt setat si cu termen nelimitat
I'm thirsty and with an unlimited term
E materialu' bun si bine calibrat
The material is good and well calibrated
Trag de lanturi si scap, pentru ca stiu din ce ni le fac
I pull the chains and escape, because I know what they make them from
Si-mi bag pula-n rasa lor pentru inca un mandat
And I fuck their race for another term
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire
Sunt atat, atat de PTM
I'm so, so fucking PTM
Am iesit strigand asta legat ca animalele
I came out screaming this, tied up like animals
Acum cad zalele la fiecare cuvant
Now the shackles fall with every word
E ca o muie data bine de tot de cate ori m-aud
It's like a good fuck every time they hear me
Legi la comanda, reguli pentru mase
Laws on demand, rules for the masses
Taxe gandite sa ne-organizeze-n clase
Taxes designed to organize us into classes
M-am prins devreme ca totu-i aranjat
I figured out early that everything is arranged
Unii pe iahturi, baie de bani, restu' se zbat si inoata-n cacat
Some on yachts, bathing in money, the rest struggle and swim in shit
Papusari, marionete, mortii lor, sistem
Puppets, puppets, their dead, system
Astia-nchina cruci de aur, dar au suflete de lemn
These people kiss golden crosses, but they have wooden souls
Rup in continuare, trag de lanturi tare
I keep breaking, pulling the chains hard
Ii fut in gura, nu mai ies la numaratoare
I fuck them in the mouth, I don't come out for counting anymore
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire
Nu sunt doar un CNP, nu stiu daca mai sunt om
I'm not just a CNP, I don't know if I'm human anymore
Fiara din padurea cu copacii de beton
The beast from the forest with concrete trees
Nu sunt sclavu' lor, lupt pana mor si las dovada
I'm not their slave, I fight until I die and leave proof
Cantecu' zalelor lovindu-se de strada
The song of shackles hitting the street
Sunt invatat sa lupt mereu si stiu ce-i al meu
I'm taught to fight always and I know what's mine
Nu-mi spune ca nu pot cineva decat Dumnezeu
Don't tell me I can't do something unless it's God
E libertatea chiar luptata de tata
It's the freedom my father fought for
Doar pentru asta va trimit pe toti pe lumea aialalta
Just for that I'll send you all to the other world
Saru' mana, sefu', n-am avut in ADN
Kiss my hand, boss, I didn't have it in my DNA
Am pisat sistemu' cu orice ocazie
I pissed on the system every chance I got
O sa-mi educ copiii sa faca la fel
I'll teach my kids to do the same
C-astia-i vor in linie, ca tarfele-n bordel
These people want them in line, like whores in a brothel
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire
Toate lanturile cad
All the chains are falling
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Se rup zalele si cad
The shackles break and fall
Toate, toate cad
All of them, they're falling
Cad cu lacate cu tot
Falling with the locks and all
Cu tot, cu tot, cu tot
Everything, everything, everything
Din scanteie, acum sunt foc
From a spark, now I'm a fire
Foc, foc, foc
Fire, fire, fire

Writer(s): dragoş vlad neagu

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