b.u.g. mafia - La Vorbitor - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation b.u.g. mafia - La Vorbitor

La Vorbitor
The Speaker
Doar o periuta de dinti si o pereche de bocanci
Just a toothbrush and a pair of boots
Este tot ce am sunt la bulau de-abia de-un an
That's all I have, I have been in jail for a year
Sunt o gramada de legi nescrise si o vorba de '98: smecherii fac ce vor, fraierii fac ce pot
There are a lot of unwritten laws and a saying from '98: bullies do what they want, cowards do what they can
Din prima zi cum intrii aici ai grija sa-ti pazesti gaoaza
From the first day you enter here, be careful to protect your mouth
Nu te arunca prea mult la vorba, fi pe faza
Don't talk too much, be alert
Am scos om pe interval, la bataie pentru pat
I got a guy out on parole, he was beaten up for a bed
Nu sunt nici prea bun, nici nu ma simt prea bazat
I'm not too good, and I don't feel too good
Acum, omu' ma vaneaza, cunoaste mult prea multa lume
Now, the man is after me, he knows too many people
Tre' sa stii sa faci glume
You have to know how to make jokes
Tre' sa-ti tii capul pe umeri
You have to keep your head on your shoulders
Pe gardian la-m ginit e un mare bulangiu
I figured the guard is a big bully
Pana plec am sa-l fac deocamdata tre' sa tac
Until I leave, I have to keep him quiet for now
Nu tu fiare de tras
No weights to lift
E Romania
This is Romania
Faci flotari grupa mare
You do group push-ups
Asta este puscaria
This is prison
Tiganii sunt cu ai lor, romanii sunt cu ai lor
Gypsies stick with their own, Romanians stick with their own
Toata ziua Dan Armeanca bat tatuaje si omor
All day long, Dan Armeanca does tattoos and kills
Vezi din celula in celula baietii cum se antreneaza
You see from cell to cell the boys training
Pumni in zid, picioare, vene isi dreteaza
Fists on the wall, legs, they straighten out their veins
Am o gramada de tovarasi insa totusi prea putini
I have a lot of comrades, but still too few
Nu ma cred decat in mine, e mai bine
I only believe in myself, it's better
Trec incet pe culoar si aud soapte
I walk slowly down the corridor and hear whispers
Pentru gabori nu conteaza daca esti in pat la noapte
For the guards, it doesn't matter if you're in bed at night
Trec incet, incet si vad priviri de neinteles
I walk slowly, slowly, and I see incomprehensible looks
Transmisie-n direct din aripa de vest
Live broadcast from the west wing
Nu s-a schimbat nimic, n-o sa se schimbe nimic
Nothing has changed, nothing will change
E tot atat de rece ca atunci cand eram mic
It's just as cold as when I was a kid
Spune cati tovarasi sunt inchisi la mangleala?
Tell me, how many comrades are in jail for burglary?
Cati gabori sunt numai pe ciordeala?
How many guards are only on the take?
All of them
O gramada de manarii si de dosare tirate
A lot of dirty dealings and rigged cases
Mai mult ca sigur, frate
More than likely, my friend
MI-e dor de-o p****
I miss a girl
Si de-n join, frate
And a joint, friend
Pentru baietii din cartier
For the guys in the neighborhood
Le spun sa mearga mai departe
I tell them to keep going
Am multe sa zic as putea chiar sa fac liste
I have a lot to say, I could even make lists
Multi nu rezista si se comporta ca niste p****
Many can't handle it and behave like girls
Am boala pe toata lumea pot sa spun chiar si pe mine
I am sickened by everyone, I can even say myself
Ma i-au in gura cu toti jegosii fiindca nu suport pe nimeni
They trash me because I can't stand anybody
Zici ca nu s-a schimbat nimic?
You say nothing has changed?
Ba da gaborii, dar sunt aceleasi fotolii cu alte gaoaze de bulangii
No sir, the guards, but it's the same chairs with different mouths of bullies
Tre' sa fi prea prea baiat, tre' sa ai cap
You have to be a real man, you have to have a brain
Aici e full de perversi cine-i pe bune alai bazat
Here it's full of perverts, whoever's real is really good
N-ai frecat
You didn't rub
N-ai rupt un cap
You didn't break a head
Te duci in jos jos jos
You go down, down, down
Nu cuminte in banca ta te omori cu toti si esti bengos
Not docile in your bench, you kill everyone and you're a savage
Cam atat despre bulau frate-meu raman pe faza
That's about it for jail, my friend, I'll stay alert
Am sa ies iara de aici si am sa vin iarasi acasa
I'll get out of here again and I'll come home again
Trec incept pe culoar si aud soapte
I walk slowly down the corridor and hear whispers
Pentru gabori nu conteaza daca esti in pat la noapte
For the guards, it doesn't matter if you're in bed at night
Trec incet, incet si vad priviri de neinteles
I walk slowly, slowly, and I see incomprehensible looks
Transmisie in direct din arïpa de vest
Live broadcast from the west wing

Writer(s): dragoş vlad neagu

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