B.U.G. Mafia - N-Ai Fost Acolo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation B.U.G. Mafia - N-Ai Fost Acolo

N-Ai Fost Acolo
You Weren't There
De ce oare, de ce oare vorbesti tu despre mine?
Why, oh why, do you talk about me?
De ce oare, de ce oare ma pui la un loc cu tine?
Why, oh why, do you put me in the same category as you?
Frate, poate nu-mi dau seama, cine stie,
Bro, maybe I don't realize, who knows,
Poate ai mancat cu mine din aceeasi farfurie!
Maybe we ate from the same plate!
O fut pe ma-ta! In fata mea nu ai cuvant.
Fuck your mother! You have no say in front of me.
Nu ma cunosti deloc si habar nu ai cine sunt.
You don't know me at all and you have no idea who I am.
Ai fi facut ca mine cand bateam pe la usi?
Would you have done what I did when I was knocking on doors?
Te-ai fi simtit ca mine cand peste tot eram respinsi?
Would you have felt like me when we were rejected everywhere?
Pariez ca-n viata ta nu ai facut vreun vers
I bet you've never written a verse in your life
Pe care sa-l tipe o sala intreaga atunci cand tu apari pe scena
That a whole hall screams when you appear on stage
Oare ai fi continuat atunci cand la Severin
Would you have continued when in Severin
Treizeci de gabori au venit si ne-au incercuit?
Thirty cops came and surrounded us?
Nu cred, asa ca taci din gura, frate!
I don't think so, so shut your mouth, bro!
Ti-o dau la muie...
I'll give it to you...
Si tie si tuturor ca tine.
To you and everyone like you.
Poate-am spus ce-am avut de spus,
Maybe I said what I had to say,
Da-te-n mortii matii!
Go fuck yourself!
N-ai fost acolo, nu mai vorbi pentru ca nu stii...
You weren't there, so stop talking because you don't know...
N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit.
You weren't there to hear everything I heard.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut.
You weren't there to see everything I saw.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut.
You weren't there to see everything I did.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut.
You weren't there to see everything I went through.
N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit.
You weren't there to hear everything I heard.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut.
You weren't there to see everything I saw.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut.
You weren't there to see everything I did.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut.
You weren't there to see everything I went through.
Am auzit ca fraierii ma vorbesc pe la spate
I heard that losers talk about me behind my back
Frate, spui ca ma cunosti din 97
Bro, you say you've known me since '97
Teapa ta ha, ha, caci acum e 98
Bullshit, ha ha, because now it's '98
Tovarasii-s tovarasi si tu stii ca asta-i tot,
Comrades are comrades and you know that's all,
Nu ma cunosti, nu stii ce am facut
You don't know me, you don't know what I've done
Nu ma cunosti, nu stii prin ce am trecut
You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through
Ma-m zbatut, m-am batut, am furat si am vandut
I struggled, I fought, I stole and I sold
Sa fiu in rand cu baietii, asta-i tot ce am vrut
To be on par with the boys, that's all I wanted
Te roade gelozia caci eu am ajuns mai tare,
Jealousy eats you up because I got stronger,
Pestele mic niciodata nu-l inghite pe cel mare
The small fish never swallows the big one
Te doare caci cel ca tine moare
It hurts you because someone like you dies
Fraierii cad mereu, baietii raman in picioare.
Losers always fall, boys stay on their feet.
Regula de strada niciodata sa nu fi gelos
The street rule is never to be jealous
Pe cel ce a facut bani, dar a plecat de jos
Of the one who made money but started from the bottom
Ma doare-n pula de barfa ta si oricum nu-ti suport fata
I don't give a damn about your gossip and I can't stand your face anyway
Tu-ti tocesti gura iar eu imi traiesc viata
You wear your mouth out and I live my life
N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit.
You weren't there to hear everything I heard.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut.
You weren't there to see everything I saw.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut.
You weren't there to see everything I did.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut.
You weren't there to see everything I went through.
N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit.
You weren't there to hear everything I heard.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut.
You weren't there to see everything I saw.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut.
You weren't there to see everything I did.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut.
You weren't there to see everything I went through.
Multi bulangii se ridica cu pretext: Lasa ca stiu,
Many punks rise with the excuse: Let me be, be, be alive
Lasa-ma sa fiu, sa fiu, sa fiu viu
Let me be, be, be alive
G-yeah, fraiere ti-am mai zis: Sugi pula!
G-yeah, asshole, I told you: Suck dick!
Sugi pula si cu curu' si cu gura
Suck dick with your ass and your mouth
N-ai fost la gaoaza mea ca sa stii ce am vandut
You weren't at my crib to know what I sold
N-ai fost la gaoaza mea ca sa stii ce am futut
You weren't at my crib to know what I fucked
N-ai fost la gaoaza mea ca sa stii cate-am vazut
You weren't at my crib to know how much I saw
N-ai fost acolo deci nu stii ce am facut
You weren't there so you don't know what I did
Am stat cu tarcea-n cur cand am vandut marijuana,
I had a gun up my ass when I sold marijuana,
Insa tu pe vremea aia mestecai paine cu Sana
But you at that time were eating bread with Sana
Am vazut cu ochii mei tovarasi cum se duc de rapa
I saw with my own eyes comrades go down the drain
Bagat in vena, ma bucur ca am fost pe scena
Injected in the vein, I'm glad I was on the scene
Rand pe rand scandaluri, multi din ei s-au dus,
Scandals one after another, many of them are gone,
Mircea Nebunu, Dumnezeu sa-l ierte m-aude acum de sus
Mircea Nebunu, God rest his soul, hears me now from above
Ai simtit in viata ta durere. Zi, Ciolo!
Have you ever felt pain in your life, Ciolo!
De unde pula mea sa stii cand tu n-ai fost acolo?
How the fuck should you know when you weren't there?
G-yeah, pentru Mircea Nebunu': Odihneasca-se in pace!
G-yeah, for Mircea Nebunu: Rest in peace!
Baietii din Pantelimon, capatu' lu' 14
The boys from Pantelimon, the end of 14
Respect Socului, Salajan
Respect to Socu, Salajan
Si pentru cei care n-au fost acolo...
And for those who weren't there...
N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit.
You weren't there to hear everything I heard.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut.
You weren't there to see everything I saw.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut.
You weren't there to see everything I did.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut.
You weren't there to see everything I went through.
N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit.
You weren't there to hear everything I heard.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut.
You weren't there to see everything I saw.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut.
You weren't there to see everything I did.
N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut.
You weren't there to see everything I went through.

Writer(s): alin adrian demeter, dragoş vlad neagu, vlad irimia

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