b.u.g. mafia - România (Radio Edit) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation b.u.g. mafia - România (Radio Edit)

România (Radio Edit)
Romania (Radio Edit)
Vrem sa dovedim tuturor in aceste momente grele,
We want to prove to everyone in these difficult times,
Tragice pentru intregul nostru popor, pentru intreaga noastra natiune
Tragic for our entire people, for our entire nation,
Ca stim sa ramanem uniti ca
That we know how to remain united like
Degetele unei singure maini stranse intr-un pumn
The fingers of a single hand clenched into a fist
Care sa loveasca, sa dea o riposta ferma oricarui
Ready to strike, to give a firm response to any
Agresor de oriunde a veni. '
Aggressor, wherever they may come from. '
Fratilor, inc-o data...
Brothers, once again...
Primul lucru care tre' sa-ti intre-n cap
The first thing that needs to enter your head
In Romania viitorul este nelimitat
In Romania, the future is limitless
Ca-ntr-un Mertzan 600 am prea multe optiuni
Like in a Mercedes 600, I have too many options
Pentru ca, frate, stau intre cei mai buni.
Because, brother, I stand among the best.
E Romania, asculta ce-am de spus, sunt roman,
It's Romania, listen to what I have to say, I'm Romanian,
Imi cumpar Nike ca sa sar mai sus
I buy Nike shoes to jump higher
Incerc sa-i apar pe ai mei
I try to protect my own
Iti povestesc despre baietii pentru care numai banii vorbesc
I'm telling you about the guys for whom only money talks
Femeile sunt prea tari multe si te-agata
The women are too strong, many and they will hook you
Fii atent ca-o romanca da lectii de viata
Be careful, a Romanian woman gives life lessons
Imi dau speranta copiii, multumesc lui Dumnezeu
Children give me hope, thank God
Fara pustanii care rad zi de zi ar fi mai greu
Without the kids who laugh every day, it would be harder
Ii am pe Hagi cu ai lui, ma ridica la cer
I have Hagi and his people, they lift me to the sky
Am tot ce vreau aici, asta ma face sa sper
I have everything I want here, that makes me hope
Daca tu crezi ca esti mai bun ca noi, jos palaria
If you think you're better than us, hats off
N-am nimic de pierdut, sunt roman in Romania.
I have nothing to lose, I'm Romanian in Romania.
La fel ca ieri, ca si azi, ca si maine mereu
Just like yesterday, like today, like tomorrow, always
Vorbim despre rasa si de tot ce avem
We talk about race and everything we have
Avem familii care lasa-n noi mandria
We have families who leave pride in us
Avem tot si peste tot suntem romani in Romania.
We have everything and above all, we are Romanians in Romania.
Am fost in zeci de orase in Romania
I've been to dozens of cities in Romania
Peste tot acelasi lucru, fiecare cu felia
Everywhere the same thing, everyone with their share
Am o gramada de frati care-o fac cum vor ei
I have a bunch of brothers who do it their way
Pe care nu-i intereseaza, nu conteaza, fac lei
Who don't care, it doesn't matter, they make money
Dau plan dupa plan peste cap, avem zeci
They overturn plan after plan, we have dozens
Cele mai tari masini din lume se gasesc intai aici
The coolest cars in the world are found here first
De la mobile, la trancane, la masini si la droguri
From cell phones, to scams, to cars and drugs
Pentru gaborii din tara n-am decat 'Foc-Foc'
For the cops in the country I only have 'Bang-Bang'
Tigani cu multe sabii sunt cu mine
Gypsies with many swords are with me
Fratii mei de la bulau sunt cu mine
My brothers from jail are with me
Am baietii cu tavaua pregatita de vene
I have the guys with the tray ready for veins
Cu linguritza in buzunar sunt fratii mei, e o problema
With a spoon in their pocket, it's my brothers, it's a problem
De la Arad la Bucuresti avem doar curvele campioane
From Arad to Bucharest we only have champion whores
Pe Intr-adevar tari cu baietasii sunt in mare
On the real ones, the tough guys are at sea
Si daca simti asta da-i ministrului domeniul tau
And if you feel this, give the minister your domain
Intre 15-20-25 de ani...
Between 15-20-25 years old...
Fara garda-n cartiere in orice mod se fac bani
Without guards in the neighborhoods, money is made in any way
Bani pentru baieti, ce si-au facut ceru' albastru
Money for the boys, who made their sky blue
Dau din suflet, g-yeah Romania
I give from the heart, g-yeah Romania
Avem tot si o s-avem inc-o data in Romania.
We have everything and we will have it again in Romania.
Trag ultimu' fum pentru Romania
I take the last drag for Romania
Tre' s-o spun asa cum e, altfel care-i shmecheria
I have to say it as it is, otherwise what's the trick
Sunt baieti cu multi bani si baieti care se sparg
There are guys with a lot of money and guys who are broke
(Sunt multi care pentru un gram sunt tot timpul la furat)
(There are many who are always stealing for a gram)
Poti s-alegi intre a dori si a putea avea
You can choose between wanting and being able to have
Eu aleg partea a doua, spune-mi unde vezi greseala
I choose the second part, tell me where you see the mistake
Ca Ghita Muresan vreau s-o dau numai de sus
Like Ghita Muresan, I want to give it only from above
Lupt sa ma mentin mai mult la fel ca Lacatus
I fight to stay longer, just like Lacatus
Fiecare cu ai lui incearca s-o duca mai bine
Everyone with their own tries to do better
Am prea putini tovarasi buni, ii tin langa mine
I have too few good comrades, I keep them close to me
(La fel ca ieri, ca si azi, ca si maine mereu)
(Just like yesterday, like today, like tomorrow, always)
Nu vorbesc prostii cand iti spun ca-i foarte greu
I'm not talking nonsense when I tell you it's very hard
Incepand de la pustani toti incearca sa faca bani
Starting with the kids, everyone is trying to make money
Nu conteaza cum, totul pentru bani
It doesn't matter how, everything for money
Oriunde m-as duce e la fel ca strada mea
Wherever I go, it's the same as my street
Asta-i Romania, e Romania...
This is Romania, it's Romania...

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