Bap - Verjess Babylon - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Bap - Verjess Babylon

Verjess Babylon
Forget Babylon
Er hatt die janze Woch jearbeid, pausenlos,
He's been working all week, non-stop,
Daach un Naach, un jrandios
Day and night, and grandiosely
Sich all die Bäum un Bloome övverlaat
He created all the trees and flowers
Un Land un Meer un Birch jemaat.
And land and sea and mountains made.
Er hatt die Sonn huh bovve fessmontiert
He mounted the sun high above
Un jääjenövver Mohnd un Stään fixiert,
And fixed the moon and stars in place,
Die janze Diere hat e′ enn zwei Daach paratjemaat
He made all the animals ready in two days
Un ohne Lieferschwierigkeite ahn Start jebraat.
And launched them without delivery problems.
Dann, ahm sechste Daach, do saat e' sich: "Jenau!
Then, on the sixth day, he said to himself: "Exactly!
Jetz fählt nur noch Mann un Frau."
Now all that's missing is man and woman."
Mann jing flöck, dat met Ripp wohr kompliziert,
Man went quickly, the thing with the rib was complicated,
Joot jejange, nix passiert.
It went well, nothing happened.
Jetz looch Herrjott völlig fäädisch enn däm Himmelbett
Now the Lord lay completely exhausted in his heavenly bed
Un kunnt nit schloofe, weil e′ spüre däät: Do fählt noch jet.
And couldn't sleep because he felt: Something was missing.
Er hätt sich hin un herjewälz, ävver e' kohm nit drop,
He tossed and turned, but he couldn't figure it out,
Bess dat Hahn jekräht, denn drusse jing die Sonn ald op.
Until the rooster crowed, then the sun was already rising outside.
"Ja, klar, 'ne Hahn kräht, die Koh määt Muh,
"Yes, of course, a rooster crows, the cow moos,
Un Hungk, bellt dozo.
And the dog barks along with it.
En Katz miaut, der Löwe brüllt,
A cat meows, the lion roars,
Wenn ens jet nit läuf wie bestellt.
When something doesn't go as planned.
Jesses nä, die Minsche hann jo noch kein Sprooch!
Jesus, the people don't have a language yet!
Da′ ′ss mer irj'ndwie durchjejange letzte Woch!"
Somehow I missed that last week!"
Also nix wie russ uss singem wärme Bett,
So nothing like rushing out of his warm bed,
Sechs Uhr, wie e′ zo sich säät:
Six o'clock, as he says to himself:
"Verjess Babylon un dat met däm Turm.
"Forget Babylon and the thing with the tower.
Jed Land kritt en Sprooch, ein wöhr nit jenooch.
Every country gets a language, one wouldn't be enough.
Verjess Babylon, Hillije Jeist un Jottes Sohn.
Forget Babylon, Holy Spirit and Son of God.
Ejal wat et koss, noch benn ich Boss!"
No matter what it costs, I'm still the boss!"
Also em Tiefflooch noch ens flöck enn jede Kontinent,
So in a low-flying flight once again quickly to every continent,
Wobei e' ungerwähß sujar e′ Veedelstündche pennt,
Whereby he certainly even slept for a quarter of an hour,
Weil dissmohl, Jott sei Dank un Miles & More,
Because this time, thank God and Miles & More,
E' Upgrade enn die Business-Class drin wohr.
He had an upgrade to business class.
Su krääte Eskimos un Inkas dat,
So Eskimos and Incas got that,
Wodrop se schon ihr Levve lang jewaat.
What they had been waiting for all their lives.
Die Chinese wollte ′n Sprooch, die ohne "R" usskütt
The Chinese wanted a language without an "R"
Un die jeschrivve revolutionär usssieht.
And one that looks revolutionary in writing.
Kisuaheli, Jamaikanisch un Sanskrit,
Swahili, Jamaican and Sanskrit,
Sprooche, die mer nur 'm Himalaya versteht,
Languages that are only understood in the Himalayas,
Och Hebräisch, Schwizerdütsch, sujar Latein,
Also Hebrew, Swiss German, even Latin,
Un ein für die enn Bahrain.
And one for those in Bahrain.
"Verjess Babylon un dat met däm Turm.
"Forget Babylon and the thing with the tower.
Jed Land kritt en Sprooch, ein wöhr nit jenooch.
Every country gets a language, one wouldn't be enough.
Verjess Babylon, Hillije Jeist un Jottes Sohn.
Forget Babylon, Holy Spirit and Son of God.
Ejal wat et koss, noch benn ich Boss!"
No matter what it costs, I'm still the boss!"
"Tatort" leef ald, als Chef övver die Alpe kohm
The "Tatort" was already running when the boss came over the Alps
Un sich paar Type enn 'ner Ledderbozz vüürnohm.
And took care of a few guys in a lederhosen.
Donoh die Hesse un die Sachse un et Schwabenland,
Then the Hessians and the Saxons and the Swabian land,
Dann die Berliner un die Feschköpp vun der Waterkant.
Then the Berliners and the stubborn people from the water's edge.
Nur für Hannover feel ihm nix Besondres enn,
Only for Hanover he didn't feel anything special,
Un Düsseldorf maat suwiesu jar keine Senn.
And Düsseldorf makes no sense anyway.
Un als e′ selver zwei Minute vüür Jeisterstund
And when he himself two minutes before the witching hour
Duudmööd kaum noch schwaade kunnt,
Dead tired could hardly speak anymore,
Troof e′ zwesche Clodwigplatz un Sev'rinsbröck
He met between Clodwigplatz and Severinsbrücke
Noch paar janz seltsame Lück,
A few very strange people,
Die ahm Schunkle wohre, stumm un stillverjnöösch,
Who were swaying, silent and content,
Met Pappnase em Jeseech:
With a paper nose on their face:
"So, Lück, wesst ihr wat? Ich hann et jetz satt,
"So, folks, you know what? I've had enough,
Ich kann ech nimieh, mir deit alles wieh!
I can't take it anymore, everything hurts!
Sibbe Daach Akkord, sujet jrenz ahn Mord.
Seven days of agreement, the subject borders on murder.
Wiesu sprecht Ihr eijentlich nit einfach wie ich?
Why don't you just speak like me?
Verjess Babylon, Hillije Jeist un Jottes Sohn.
Forget Babylon, Holy Spirit and Son of God.
Ejal wat et koss, noch benn ich Boss!"
No matter what it costs, I'm still the boss!"

Writer(s): Wolfgang Niedecken

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