BABE - Svaki Pas Ima Svoj Dan - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation BABE - Svaki Pas Ima Svoj Dan

Svaki Pas Ima Svoj Dan
Every Dog Has Its Day
Ponekad osjecam se sam mada znam
Sometimes I feel alone, though I know
Doci ce i taj dan kad cu moci biti sto i jesam
That day will come when I can be who I am
Lajat cu i gristi reci ono sto mislim
I'll bark and bite, say what I think
Teske misli bit cu onaj pravi, bit cu isti
Heavy thoughts, I'll be the real one, I'll be the same
Bit cu bijeli Tyson, Muhamed Ali ili Fraiser
I'll be the white Tyson, Muhammad Ali, or Frazier
Ugrizat ko rotvajler histerija pekinezer
Bite like a Rottweiler, a Pekingese hysteria
Bit cu rafali iz strojnice sakatim punit bolnice
I'll be bursts from a machine gun, crippling and filling hospitals
Lesinar za ljudske usi, lomit pozornice
A vulture for human ears, breaking stages
Svirat ce hip hop valcer, simfonija u mom duru
Hip-hop waltz will play, a symphony in my major
U jednom danu, promjenit cijelu strukturu
In one day, change the whole structure
Lennon i ja napuseni do jaja uz Marleya
Lennon and I stoned to the bone with Marley
Sofa iznad oblaka lagan osmijeh poput proroka
Sofa above the clouds, a light smile like a prophet
Saga iz dvanaest prestajem se klanjat
A saga of twelve, I stop bowing down
Zbrajam sranja podvucena crta slika stanja
Adding up the shit, underlined, a picture of the state
Bit ce ciscenja i klanja bit ce platni dan
There will be cleansing and slaughter, it will be payday
Payback time baby svaki pas ima svoj dan
Payback time baby, every dog has its day
Svaki pas ima svoj dan dan bjezi van van
Every dog has its day, day run away, away
Imas pet minuta da ispunis san san
You have five minutes to fulfill your dream, dream
Svaki pas ima svoj dan dan bjezi van van
Every dog has its day, day run away, away
Imas pet minuta da ispunis san
You have five minutes to fulfill your dream
Jedna suza niz oko, za covjeka sto znaci
One tear down my cheek, for the man who means something
Zivot izgubljena bitka, al svaki dan sam jaci
Life, a lost battle, but every day I'm stronger
Jedva cekam taj trenutak, svojih pet minuta
I can't wait for that moment, my five minutes
Ja i bozja ruka pojas sampiona oko struka
Me and the hand of God, the champion's belt around my waist
Slika blagostanja bahattee smislja sranja
A picture of prosperity, arrogance plotting shit
Vraca dug robin hood pljacka bogata imanja
Robin Hood returns the debt, robbing rich estates
Razvucen osmijeh smile od uha do uha
A wide smile, a grin from ear to ear
Dok pola ljudi kuka zbog muka ko biserna luka
While half the people whine about hardships like Pearl Harbor
Laganih dvadeset cetiri, ubojstva iz osvete
Easy twenty-four, murders of revenge
Slusat cu sto govore dok uklanjam zlotvore
I'll listen to what they say as I remove the villains
Znat ce sta mislim, jebeni zivot na dvanaest inca
They'll know what I think, a fucking life on twelve inches
Stereo vladar svijeta bijesan poput pinca
Stereo ruler of the world, mad like a Pinscher
Bijesan ko rotvajler znat ce sve kuje svaki frajer
Mad like a Rottweiler, every bitch and every dude will know
Promijenjena boja mora i sunca odozgora
Changed color of the sea and the sun from above
Lazirat cu loto i lutriju zuta obleka na muriju
I'll rig the lotto and lottery, yellow clothes on the cops
Cvijetic na prsa umjesto pendreka kuhacu
A flower on the chest instead of a baton, I'll cook
Naucit cu svu djecu da pjevaju velikane
I'll teach all the children to sing the greats
Pusica za mame pretvorit kurve u dame
A kiss for moms, turn whores into ladies
Mrzit ce me vise nego danas i jucer
They'll hate me more than today and yesterday
Vristat ce pablo balkanezi super balkanezi super
They'll scream Pablo, Balkan people super, Balkan people super
Svaki pas ima svoj dan dan bjezi van van
Every dog has its day, day run away, away
Imas pet minuta da ispunis san san
You have five minutes to fulfill your dream, dream
Svaki pas ima svoj dan dan bjezi van van
Every dog has its day, day run away, away
Imas pet minuta da ispunis san
You have five minutes to fulfill your dream
A kada prode dan, kad otkuca ponoc
And when the day passes, when midnight strikes
Probudit cu se, otvorit oci i ponovo zvat u pomoc
I'll wake up, open my eyes and call for help again
Jer okruzuje me sve, sto nikome ne zelim
Because I'm surrounded by everything I don't wish on anyone
Ne znam kak da velim pa se glupiram i kreveljim
I don't know how to say it, so I act stupid and grimace
Ne mogu nabrojat na prste one sto me mrze
I can't count on my fingers those who hate me
Iste smo vrste al' nekako se cudno krste
We're the same species, but they cross themselves strangely
Situacija je takva, patim, cekam pet minuta
The situation is such, I suffer, waiting for five minutes
Glava ljuta zbog teskog puta, tudih ruta
My head is angry because of the hard path, other people's routes
Lijecit cu svoje komplekse onak kak se spada
I'll treat my complexes the way it's supposed to be done
Zivota velkog grada svakog prijatelja gada
The life of a big city makes every friend a bastard
Pokazat cu kolko volim jednostavno molim
I'll show how much I love, I simply ask
Ne zelim bit zaveden i necu si dozvolit
I don't want to be misled, and I won't allow myself
Zelim samo jedan dan da ispunim svima san
I just want one day to fulfill everyone's dream
Svaki pas ima svoj dan bjezi van
Every dog has its day, run away
Isprobat cu sve ak treba zaustavit vrijeme
I'll try everything, if I have to stop time
Prepolovit pucanstvo jer ne volim kretene
Halve the population because I don't like morons
Ako ne postoji za mene taj dan privilegija
If that day of privilege doesn't exist for me
Ostat cu ono sto sam sada pijun tudih legija
I'll remain what I am now, a pawn of other people's legions
Vadit ce me iz ladice samo kada im pase
They'll only take me out of the drawer when it suits them
Pederi uzivat ce satisfakcije jer nisu nase
Faggots will enjoy satisfaction because they're not ours
Nista lakse, iskljucit cu centar za boli
Nothing easier, I'll turn off the pain center
Amputirat srce, zaboravit na one sto volim
Amputate my heart, forget those I love
Zato molim Boze, daj nam svima dan
So I pray God, give us all a day
Ja sam samo jedan pas zelim van, zelim van
I'm just one dog, I want out, I want out
Svaki pas ima svoj dan dan bjezi van van
Every dog has its day, day run away, away
Imas pet minuta da ispunis san san
You have five minutes to fulfill your dream, dream
Svaki pas ima svoj dan dan bjezi van van
Every dog has its day, day run away, away
Imas pet minuta da ispunis san
You have five minutes to fulfill your dream
Ha ha! Pablo Balkanezi super, Koolade, prljave dzukele u kuci, imaju svoj dan, bjeze van imaju pet minuta ispunjavaju san
Ha ha! Pablo Balkan people super, Koolade, dirty mutts in the house, have their day, they run away, they have five minutes, they fulfill their dream

Writer(s): Zika Milenkovic

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