Bahram - Gele Nakon - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Bahram - Gele Nakon

Gele Nakon
Don't Complain
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.
گله نکن از من اگه رو صورتم خط دارم
Don't complain if I have lines on my face,
مینویسم همیشه و اصولاًم حرف دارم
I always write and generally have something to say.
منو میشناسی، میدونم که فهمیدی!
You know me, I know you understand!
چرا خودمو می گیرم تو هم به من حق میدی
Why I act this way, you'd understand too.
این مردم هربار هرجا منو دیدنو
These people, every time they see me,
پشتم حرف زدن تا فردا رپ ببیننو
Talk behind my back until they see rap tomorrow.
خوب حرفام رفت تا هرجا فک کنی
Well, my words went as far as you can imagine,
بهرام هستو صدسال هرجا حس کنی
Bahram is here and you'll feel him everywhere for a hundred years.
جزرو مد دریا تو دست منه
The ebb and flow of the sea is in my hand,
ببین الفاظ اهداف هست تا ته عمرت
See, words and goals are there until the end of your life.
پس با من باش حرفام هست به نفعت
So be with me, my words are for your benefit,
که حرفام هست و بهرام دست به نقده
Because my words are here and Bahram is hands-on with cash.
گله نکن از من اگه سگ اخلاقم
Don't complain if I have a bad temper,
مقسر شرایطه خوب نه رگ اقوامم
It's the fault of the circumstances, not my lineage.
اگه یکم خم بشم اونا آنن سوارن
If I bend a little, they'll be on top,
به اینکه دورم زیاده آدم عادت ندارم
I'm not used to having a lot of people around me.
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.
بابای ما نداره فرش ده ملیوونی
My father doesn't have a ten million dollar rug
زیره پامون بندازه پس نگو همدل بودیم
To throw under my feet, so don't say we were soulmates.
اونقدیم نداره بابا که در این حد
Dad doesn't have that much to this extent
دلُ خوش کنم بگم ارث پدریم هست
To comfort my heart and say it's my inheritance.
این حرفا میدونی هفته ای هفت روزه بام
You know these words are with me seven days a week,
باعث شده گرگ بشیم توی شب زوزه هامون
It has caused us to become wolves with our howls in the night.
برسه به گوشه شما خوب پس خوبه آروم
Reach your corner, so it's good, calm down,
بشینی سره جات چون حرفم هست روی قانون
Sit in your place because my words are based on the law.
باهم دلای مرده میشه احیا پس من
With each other, dead hearts can be revived, so I
بازم حقیقتو میگم ولای ذهنا بستست
I will tell the truth again, but the minds are closed.
تو هم دلگیر نشو اگه خیلی خشکم
Don't be offended if I'm very dry,
یا که جواب سلامتو با بی میلی گفتم
Or if I answered your greeting reluctantly.
گله نکن از من اگه حرفم رکه
Don't complain if my words are blunt,
به این خاطر باید هرکسی ترکم کنه
That's why everyone should leave me.
منتظری ببینی منو تو پاسگاه بازداشت
You're waiting to see me arrested at the police station,
مشکلی نیست میگیریم خوب باز ما فاز بات
No problem, we'll get high again, we're in the mood.
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.
شرایط زندگیه منو دیوونه کرده
The circumstances of my life have driven me crazy,
فکر میکنم هر خیابوونی میدونه جنگه
I think every street knows it's a war.
هرکی رو میبینم فکر میکنم دشمنه منه
Whoever I see, I think he is my enemy,
یا که رفیق تو رگی فکر کشتنه منه
Or that a friend in my vein is thinking of killing me.
توی بدبینی به هممون ترفیع دادن
We've all been promoted in suspicion,
چون پیشگیری رو به درمون ترجیح دادن
Because they preferred prevention to treatment.
میگی چرا تو از آدما سخت میگذری
You say why do you pass people so harshly,
دست من نیست شرایطم تاثیر دارن
It's not my fault, my circumstances have an effect.
همین آدما بودن که منو مسخره کردن و
It was these people who made fun of me and
الان طرفداره منن اکثر حرفم
Now most of my words are my fans.
اینه که تو بتونی منو درک کنی
This is so you can understand me,
بگو چیه که تو دوست داری منو ترک کنی
Tell me what it is that you want to leave me.
حاجی بدون که ما با اجتماع شاخ به شاخیم
Hajji, know that we are head to head with society,
یعنی میشه روزی برسه که پات به راهی
That is, can there come a day when your foot is on the path
بره که حرفمو بفهمی یک ریزشو
Go and understand my words a little,
حرفمو رک گفتم دلگیر نشو
I said my words bluntly, don't be offended.
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.
گله نکن از من چرا تک می پری
Don't complain about me, why do you fly away alone?
گله نکن از من چرا سخت میگذری
Don't complain about me, why do you pass by so harshly?
چرا داری از قصد راه و کج میری
Why are you intentionally going the wrong way?
تو هم اگه جای من باشی بهم حق میدی
If you were in my place, you'd understand me.

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