Beret - Cóseme (con Vanesa Martín) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Beret - Cóseme (con Vanesa Martín)

Cóseme (con Vanesa Martín)
Mend Me (with Vanesa Martín)
Yo que me miras, pero no me ves
I know you look at me, but you don't see me
Yo quería tu parte, no partirme en cien
I wanted your part, not to break into a hundred
prefieres "aquí quedo" a "quédate"
You prefer "here I stay" to "stay"
Yo prefiero antes la herida que la piel
I prefer the wound to the skin
Yo digo: "mañana todo saldrá bien"
I say, "Tomorrow everything will be fine"
sigues diciendo "no olvido el ayer"
You keep saying "I don't forget yesterday"
A ti te siguen matando dudas
You keep killing yourself with doubts
Y yo con el alma desnuda diciéndote: "vísteme"
And I with my soul naked saying: "Dress me"
Solo dime cuándo, no me digas dónde
Just tell me when, don't tell me where
Miraremos juntos el mismo horizonte
We will look at the same horizon together
Vamos dando saltos sin tener un norte
We keep jumping without having a north
Solo somos fuerzas juntas que se rompen
We are only forces together that break
Y aquellos planes que no hicimos
And those plans we didn't make
Porque que no hay destino alguno que nos siente bien
Because I know there is no destiny that makes us feel good together
No es contigo en el camino
It's not with you on the road
Es caminar solo conmigo y que te vengas también
It's walking alone with me and having you come with me too
Quiero bailar con la suerte
I want to dance with luck
Y que me diga que se viene aunque ella me pise los pies
And tell her to come even if she steps on my feet
Y a un solo error de acertar
And one mistake away from getting it right
Parece que te fallé
It seems like I failed you
Y así fue
And it was
Que siempre me empeño en volver
That I always insist on coming back
Sabiendo que puedo perder
Knowing that I can lose
Sabiendo muy bien que se rompe
Knowing very well that it breaks
¿Sabes qué?
Do you know what?
Te estoy diciendo "cóseme"
I'm telling you "mend me"
Que cierres lo que abriste bien
Close what you opened well
No que hagas como que te escondes
Not pretend you're hiding
Me tiró la excusa y me dejó callada
She threw the excuse at me and left me speechless
Y a más me alejaba, más presente fui
And the further away I was, the more present I was
Le mordí la boca con nuestras miradas
I bit her mouth with our gazes
No llegó a entenderme nunca, un "tal vez sí"
He never came to understand me, a "maybe yes"
Sabor de una noche, tal vez de trescientas
Flavor of one night, maybe three hundred
Una guerra lenta que me sigue así
A slow war that continues like this
Porque si te siento, no se me desatan
Because if I feel you, I can't untie
Estas ganas locas de tenerte aquí
These crazy desires to have you here
Solo dime cuándo, no me digas dónde
Just tell me when, don't tell me where
Miraremos juntos el mismo horizonte
We will look at the same horizon together
Vamos dando saltos, normal que me importe
We keep jumping, of course I care
Si te estoy buscando y ahora en te escondes
If I'm looking for you and now in me you hide
Solo dime, bien
Just tell me, well
Si me quieres, ¿cuánto?
If you love me, how much?
Porque ya no
Because I don't know anymore
Dices: "no es pa' tanto"
You say, "It's not that much"
Pero pa' lo es
But for me it is
Y ahora, dime, ¿salto o me quedo en tu piel?
And now, tell me, do I jump or do I stay in your skin?
Algo dice: "vete"
Something says, "Go"
Yo digo: "átate"
I say, "Tie yourself"
Todos tenemos esa persona que nos hizo mil pedazos
We all have that person who broke us into a thousand pieces
Y nos dijo: "ahora, constrúyete" (yo digo: "átate")
And told us: "Now, build yourself" (I say: "Tie yourself")
Yo solo quería cambiar de aires
I just wanted a change of air
No necesitar de ti, si quiero respirar también
Not to need you, if I want to breathe too
Dices que no dependes de nadie
You say you don't depend on anyone
Pero eso solo lo dices pa' pensar que te quieres, lo
But you only say that to think that you love yourself, I know
Ya no puedo contenerme
I can't contain myself anymore
Con tenerte, ya está bien
With having you, it's enough
Yo que me miras, pero no me ves
I know you look at me, but you don't see me
Yo quería tu parte, no partirme en cien
I wanted your part, not to break into a hundred
prefieres "aquí quedo" a "quédate"
You prefer "here I stay" to "stay"
Yo prefiero antes la herida que la piel
I prefer the wound to the skin
Yo digo: "mañana todo saldrá bien"
I say, "Tomorrow everything will be fine"
sigues diciendo "no olvido el ayer"
You keep saying "I don't forget yesterday"
A ti te siguen matando dudas
You keep killing yourself with doubts
Y yo con el alma desnuda diciéndote: "vísteme"
And I with my soul naked saying: "Dress me"
Dress me
Dress me
Mmh-mmh-mmh, uh-uh
Mmh-mmh-mmh, uh-uh


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