Bitza feat. Raku & Dj Dox - Tovarasilor - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Bitza feat. Raku & Dj Dox - Tovarasilor

Iti spun acestea,
I tell these things to you,
Sa te invat nu sa ma razbun,
To teach you not to get revenge,
Nu lovi un om Tocmai pentru ca are suflet bun,
Don't hit a man just because he has a good soul,
Fiecare palma luata pe alte cai e data,
Every slap taken is given back in other ways,
Fiecare palma data o iei de zece ori odata,
Every slap given multiplies tenfold,
Venerand imaginea, lant, ceas, cash,
Venerating appearances, chains, watches, cash,
Plimbarile cu masina si iesirile in oras,
Driving fancy cars and going out on the town,
Goi pe din'nauntru bantuind precum strigoii,
Empty inside haunting like ghosts,
Cei pe care ii ranim suntem chiar noi,
It's ourselves we wound the most,
Cunosc multi rai ca tine
I know many who are wicked like you,
De cand erau tineri
From when they were young,
Care n-au mai fost la fel dntr-o joi sau vineri,
Who were never the same again,
De aceea zic ai grija
So beware,
Ca raul facut se intoarce inapoi, pe urmele tale
For evil done comes back to you, following your footsteps
Ca un roi de bumerange,
Like a swarm of boomerangs,
In marea de prieteni unul e adevarat
In a sea of friends, one is true,
Fiindca ti-a fost alaturi cand nu aveai nimic de dat
Because they stood by you when you had nothing to give
Pe cine ai langa tine acum,
Who do you have beside you now?
Tu sa bagi de seama ca daca dispare maine
Take heed that if they disappear tomorrow
Ai sa vezi ce mult inseamna,
You will see how much they mean,
Multi prieteni, putine suflete,
Many friends, few souls,
Multe lacrimi putine zambete,
Many tears, few smiles,
Sunt curios cate trebuie sa trag
I wonder how much I have to suffer
Cand tovarasii sunt primii care iti dau in cap
When it's my comrades who are the first to turn on me,
Multi prieteni, putine suflete,
Many friends, few souls,
Multe lacrimi putine zambete,
Many tears, few smiles,
Sunt curios cate trebuie sa trag
I wonder how much I must endure
Cand tovarasii sunt primii care iti dau in cap
When it's my comrades who are the first to strike?
Avem un corp si teoretic un suflet,
We have a body and theoretically a soul,
Iti pare totul la inceput perfect,
At first, everything seems perfect,
E bine ca am lamurit teoria,
It's good that we have sorted out the theory,
Ca deobicei mai greu cu practica,
For practice, as usual, is harder,
Nu poti sa mai faci nimic, fara sa te arda un amic,
You can't do anything without a friend burning you,
Nu poti sa ai incredere in cineva fara sa te intrebi cat o sa pierzi din asta,
You can't trust anyone without wondering how much you will lose from it,
Toti iti sunt tovarasi, o auzi intr-una, s-au pisat pe tine cand au intalnit pe vreuna,
Everyone is your comrade, you hear it all the time, but they shit on you when they meet someone new,
Chiar daca o stie doar de o luna
Even if they've only known her for a month
Si o stea cu ea inca o luna impreuna,
And will be a star with her for another month,
Sclavul femeii e pe jumatate mort
The slave of a woman is half dead,
Fiindca roata se intoarce fara prea mult efort,
Because the wheel turns effortlessly,
Fara iubirea ei vesnica e rau,
Without her eternal love, it's bad,
Dar mai rau e ca e gol in jurul tau,
But what's worse is that it's empty around you,
Primul prieten, ultiumul dusmanm
First a friend, then an enemy,
Toti gasesc un mod de a te folosi spontan,
Everyone finds a way to use you spontaneously,
De la an la an, tot mai multe pretentii
Year after year, greater and greater expectations,
Toti sunt plini de bune intentii,
Everyone is full of good intentions,
Nu pot sa inteleg, poti sa imi explici pana maine,
I can't understand, you can explain it to me until tomorrow,
Cand ai impartit cu un frate un salam si-o paine,
When you shared a piece of bread or sausage with a brother,
Cum e posibil ca acel cineva
How is it possible that that person,
Sa fie primul care iti tranteste in fata, usa
Could be the first to slam the door in your face,
Invidie, ura, de multe ori prostie,
Envy, hatred, and often stupidity,
Astea-s coordonatele dintr-o tovarasie,
These are the coordinates of a friendship,
Stau si ma intreb plin de dezgust,
I sit and wonder in disgust,
Daca nu vati vandut sufletul la diavol, ca-n Faust
If you haven't sold your soul to the devil, like in Faust,
Multi prieteni, putine suflete,
Many friends, few souls,
Multe lacrimi, putine zambete
Many tears, few smiles,
Sunt curios cate trebuie sa trag
I wonder how much I have to suffer
Cand tovarasii sunt primii care iti dau in cap
When it's my comrades who are the first to turn on me.
Multi prieteni, putine suflete,
Many friends, few souls,
Multe lacrimi putine zambete,
Many tears, few smiles,
Sunt curios cate trebuie sa trag
I wonder how much I must endure
Cand tovarasii sunt primii care iti dau in cap
When it's my comrades who are the first to strike?
Multi prieteni, putine suflete,
Many friends, few souls,
Multe lacrimi putine zambete,
Many tears, few smiles,
Sunt curios cate trebuie sa trag
I wonder how much I have to suffer
Cand tovarasii sunt primii care iti dau in cap
When it's my comrades who are the first to turn on me.
Multi prieteni, putine suflete,
Many friends, few souls,
Multe lacrimi putine zambete,
Many tears, few smiles,
Sunt curios cate trebuie sa trag
I wonder how much I have to suffer
Cand tovarasii sunt primii care iti dau in cap
When it's my comrades who are the first to turn on me.

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