Black Jonas Point - Sanky Panky - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Black Jonas Point - Sanky Panky

Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Black Point
Black Point
Y eh verdad que tu era Sanky Panky
Is it true that you were a Sanky Panky?
Oh Claro que yo era Sanki Panki
Oh, of course I was a Sanky Panky
Cuentame Cuentame
Tell me, tell me
Una vez
Once upon a time
Todo empezó una noche
It all started one night
Que yo no tenia cena
When I didn't have any dinner
Taba en la equina y bien montao
I was on the corner, well dressed
Llego un moreno con cadena
A dark-skinned guy with a chain arrived
Me le acerco y le pregunto
I approached him and asked
Su nombre y me dice Adanki
His name, and he said Adanki
Y que el se la bucaba en bavaro
And that he was making it in Bavaro
Como sanky panky
As a Sanky Panky
Tome nota el me dijo
Take notes, he told me
Lo que tenía que hace
What I had to do
Date un tinte amarillo y
Dye your hair yellow and
Hate un cursito de ingles
Take a little English course
Que tenia que sabe por lo meno
You have to know at least
Tri uan, tu, tri
Three, one, two, three
Y da clase de aeróbico
And teach aerobics
Y da un masaje en lo pie
And give foot massages
Sin párale a na para ir paya
Without stopping for anything to go there
Nunca llegue a paga
I never got to pay
Y como no tenia pa entra
And since I didn't have money to get in
Yo me tenia que vola
I had to sneak in
Si me encontraba yo decía
If they caught me, I would say
E que tengo una pierna enferma
That I had a sick leg
Y no me hiva lejo
And I wouldn't go far
Eperando que el wachi se duerma
Waiting for the guard to fall asleep
Me acotumbre poco a poco
I got used to it little by little
Por ser rico taba loco
I was crazy to be rich
Lo primero que hice fue
The first thing I did was
Arma una casa con penca de coco
Build a house with coconut leaves
Bucando trabajo yo le hice trenza
Looking for work, I braided
A un par de haitiano y me difrase
A couple of Haitians and disguised myself
De pollo una tarde a lo bocadepiano
As a chicken one afternoon at the Bocadepiano
Llegue enamora a italiana, brasileña y colombiana
I charmed Italian, Brazilian, and Colombian women
Le hice seña a una africana que hasta andaba con
I signaled to an African woman who was even with
Su hermana
Her sister
Una ve una americana me dijo PORSIBRUBU
Once an American woman told me PORSIBRUBU
Y le dije mami no le pare
And I said, "Mami, don't worry"
Que yo soy dueño del club
That I'm the owner of the club
El sol no me picaba
The sun didn't burn me
La sombra no me daba
The shade didn't reach me
Llegue a sentí que la piel
I came to feel that my skin
Se me carbonizaba
Was getting charred
De un loco aprendi que con
From a crazy guy, I learned that with
Una bara se pecaba
A stick, you could fish
Y por dormir abajo de lo carro
And for sleeping under the car
Mucha vece me fajaba
Many times I fought
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
No me importa lo que digan
I don't care what they say
To eso lo pase por
I went through all that for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Y fue mucha el hambre
And it was a lot of hunger
Que yo pude tene por
That I could have for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Yo quería viaja
I wanted to travel
Y mira lo que me paso por
And look what happened to me for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Loco pero pero
Crazy but but
Tell me
Y to eso te paso
And all that happened to you
Pero eso no e na
But that's nothing
Y hay ma
And there's more
Oh oye
Oh listen
Una ve le presente
Once I introduced
Una gringa a un deportao
A gringa to a deportee
Le dije pana vengo ahora
I told him, "Bro, I'll be right back"
Eso e mio ten cuidao
That's mine, be careful
Dure 15 minuto haciendo
I spent 15 minutes doing
Par de matao
A couple of kills
Y cuando volvi pa atra
And when I came back to catch
Ya el tipo taba casao
The guy was already married
Yo deseperao me monte
Desperate, I got on
En una yola que pecaba
A yola that was fishing
En el medio del mar
In the middle of the sea
La cosa se volteaba
Things were turning around
Ola venian
Waves were coming
Ola que se brincaban
Waves that were jumping
Y cuando brincaba
And when they jumped
Hay yo mimo vomitaba
There I was, throwing up
Llegue a la orilla
I reached the shore
Y me alimente de yanikeke
And I fed on yanikeke
De uno que le dicen
From someone they call
El peo conconete
The fart with a cone
Fue por viaja mi pana
It was for the trip, my friend
Que aguante ese fuete
That I endured that whip
Y hacia cara bonita de
And I made a pretty face from
La 9 hata la 7
9 to 7
Queria mi visa
I wanted my visa
Me peinaba con la brisa
I combed my hair with the breeze
Dure más de 3 años
I spent more than 3 years
Sin ve un pedazo de pizza
Without seeing a piece of pizza
Desabotona yo usaba la camisa
I used to wear my shirt unbuttoned
Y oraba por papele
And I prayed for papers
Cada ve que yo hiva a misa
Every time I went to mass
Pa come nunca me deje ve de la gente
To eat, I never let myself be seen by people
Tumbaba lo coco
I would knock down coconuts
Y lo pelaba con lo diente
And peel them with my teeth
Par de vese jevi tuve me asistente
A couple of times, I had heavy experiences
Como un dia nadando y un yate
Like one day swimming and a yacht
Me dio de frente
Hit me head-on
Operación residencia
Operation residency
No me importaba la apariencia
I didn't care about appearances
Por sali del pai taba
To leave the country I was
Perdiendo la paciencia
Losing patience
Y la esencia se fue para sobrevivir
And the essence was gone to survive
Por que fue mucha la vece
Because it was many times
Que hice a lo gringo rei
That I made the gringo laugh
Pensar que no me conosian en el bar
Thinking they didn't know me at the bar
Yo taba gordo si pero
I was fat, yes, but
Era por el agua de sal
It was because of the salt water
Queria viaja y no me
I wanted to travel and I didn't
Importa como suena
Care how it sounds
Yo entretenia a lo niño
I entertained the children
Pa que el don me diera cena
So that the man would give me dinner
Todo empeso con un consejo
It all started with advice
De Adanki
From Adanki
Con los rusos
With the Russians
Y ata yanki
And even Yankees
Money pa
Money for
Eso yo te lo cuento tranki
I tell you this calmly
Por que eso lo pase cuando
Because I went through that when
Yo era Sanky Panky
I was a Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
No me importa lo que digan
I don't care what they say
To eso lo pase por
I went through all that for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Y fue mucha el hambre
And it was a lot of hunger
Que yo pude tene por
That I could have for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Yo quería viaja
I wanted to travel
Y mira lo que me paso por
And look what happened to me for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
No me importa lo que digan
I don't care what they say
To eso lo pase por
I went through all that for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Y fue mucha el hambre
And it was a lot of hunger
Que yo pude tene por
That I could have for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Yo quería viaja
I wanted to travel
Y mira lo que me paso por
And look what happened to me for
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Sanky Panky
Black Point
Black Point
Fue mucho lo que tu pasate
You went through a lot
Eso no e na Money Pa
That's nothing, Money Pa
Eso yo te lo cuento a ti
I'm telling you this
Aqui en mi Carti Studio
Here in my Carti Studio
Black Point
Black Point
Flachion Record
Flachion Record
Blog Tueni
Blog Tueni

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