Black Jonas Point - Te Deculate - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Black Jonas Point - Te Deculate

Te Deculate
You Fucked Up
Esta pelea fue pactada para 12 rounds
This fight was scheduled for 12 rounds
Pero yo personalmente lo dudo que pase del segundo
But I personally doubt it will go past the second
Tu siempre te me tiraba mucho que me atacabas
You always threw at me that you'd attack
Pero vi dema en tu cara y yo por eso no grababa
But I saw too much fear in your face, that's why I didn't record
Ahora aguanta que tu mielda no asusta
Now hold on, your shit doesn't scare
Tu culo esta mas debembao que el toto de una protituta
Your ass is more worn out than a prostitute's pussy
Yo me visto pordiosero pa pedirte dos pesos
I dress like a beggar to ask you for two pesos
Y antes de tu pasarmelos en la talvia estan tus sesos
And before you hand them over, your brains will be on the sidewalk
A mi no me hables deso yo te dije hay que matarme
Don't talk to me about that, I told you to kill me
Mis vampiros quieren sangre y yo gua aser
My vampires want blood and I'm gonna make
Ke tu derrames por lah orejass
You bleed through your ears
Yo gua entender que ami no te asemejas
You gotta understand that you're not like me
Yo soy el favorito de los que estan tras las rejas
I'm the favorite of those behind bars
Los que estan pol casos grandes no por cositas pendejas
Those in for serious cases, not petty bullshit
Los que oyen rap de ahora y lo escuchan des de la vieja
Those who listen to today's rap and have been listening since the old days
Que hiciste? hablaste dos minutos y na digiste
What did you do? You talked for two minutes and said nothing
Tu rap no tenia peso y tu video fue de chiste
Your rap had no weight and your video was a joke
Mande a buscarte el termo tu si que te la bebiste
I sent for your thermos, you really drank it all
Cuando estaba en el estudio por ti me sentia triste
When I was in the studio, I felt sad for you
Te toca te gua apagar si me topa en la boca
It's your turn, I'll shut you down if you run your mouth
No te lo meto entero porque del craneo me choca
I won't stick it all in because it'll hit your skull
Mirate atra que lo tiene como una copa
Look at yourself, you have it like a cup
Me ha hecho cinco disco y tas killao dike por ropa deculao
I've made five albums and you're broke, talking about clothes, asshole
Tu no sabes de eso estas mal informao
You don't know about that, you're misinformed
No sabes si una maleta se pierde tu no has viajao
You don't know if a suitcase gets lost, you haven't traveled
Me tiraste y eso me supo a vino
You threw at me and it tasted like wine
San Pedro que vaya abriendo porque ya tu va en camino
Saint Peter better start opening up because you're already on your way
Despues de esta tu va a entender que a mi se me respeta
After this, you'll understand that I'm respected
Yo tube tres pasolas y siempre andaba en chancletas
I had three motorcycles and always wore flip-flops
Tan killao polke subi como un comenta
So broke because I went up like a comment
Y hay que buscarme mis cuartos porque no canto por dietas
And I have to find my money because I don't sing for diets
Respeta dale hazme el saludo veterano
Respect, give me the veteran salute
Tengo los dientes grandes y grandes tngo los dos granos
I have big teeth and big balls
Parece tu misma cara no sabe que hacerse
It seems your own face doesn't know what to do
Tu ojo me mando un mensaje y dice que quiere caerse
Your eye sent me a message and it says it wants to fall out
Que oyo tirate y ahora te abro como un pollo
What did I hear? Throw at me and now I'll open you up like a chicken
Mi mision hacerte oyo hasta ke no te quepan oyos
My mission is to make you hear until you have no ears left
Donde te vemos no sabemos quien tu eres
Wherever we see you, we don't know who you are
Dime pitty polque me quiere mantar
Tell me, Pitty, why do you want to kill me?
Porque tu jeva tiene el barrio dentro de su celular?
Because your girl has the whole barrio in her phone?
Por eso mismo contigo no quiero roces
That's why I don't want to mess with you
En VMA pregunte pol ti
At VMA I asked about you
Ohhhh tanto tiempo que durate
Ohhhh, you lasted so long
Ohhh pa solta ese diparate
Ohhh, to release that nonsense
Oohhh hasta yo aposte a ti guaremate
Oohhh, even I bet on you to defend yourself
Pero cuando cargaste y tiraste te deculaste
But when you loaded and fired, you fucked up
Oohhh tanta mierda que hablaste
Oohhh, so much shit you talked
Ohhh y esa mierda que grabaste
Ohhh, and that shit you recorded
Ohh hasta yo aposte a ti guaremate
Ohh, even I bet on you to defend yourself
Pero cuando cargaste y tiraste te deculaste
But when you loaded and fired, you fucked up
-Ei ei ei! manito manito de-despierta
-Hey hey hey! little man little man wa-wake up
Enseñame lo guantes enseñame los guantes
Show me the gloves show me the gloves
Como tu te llamas?
What's your name?
-Manito y esas pelas que te estan dando?
-Little man, and those beatings they're giving you?
-Yo creia que era jugando ma ni to
-I thought it was a game but not at all
Hay ayudame julitooo
Help me Julitooo
-Echale agua echale agua agarrenlo
-Throw water on him throw water on him grab him
Esquina azul lista, esquina roja lista
Blue corner ready, red corner ready
Aguanta otro mas aunque no hace falta
Take another one, although it's not necessary
Ya estas muerto en la musica no suenas
You're already dead in music, you don't sound good
Y en la calle no hay conciertos
And there are no concerts on the streets
Nunca te veo, hablas de rabia y tu tas feo
I never see you, you talk about anger and you're ugly
Hasta en los videos tuyos sale atras de tu vakeo mujelsita
Even in your videos, there are women behind your back
Yo no muero soy protagonista tu me ha visto en revista
I don't die, I'm the protagonist, you've seen me in magazines
Y envidiao en tu camita develao
And envious in your bed, awake
Soñando en algun dia esta a mi lao
Dreaming of being by my side someday
Muchacho y esa mueca dime tu ta empericao?
Boy, and that grimace, tell me, are you experienced?
El no sabe que Nueva Yol me tripea
He doesn't know that New York loves me
No meta a Fatulo en esto a mi nadie me vakea
Don't bring Fatulo into this, nobody backs me up
Capea que solo aclaro pal de puntos
Understand that I'm just clarifying a few points
Si quieres mando remesa y los mantengo a todos juntos
If you want, I'll send remittances and support you all together
Polque yo se que no estas haciendo parys
Because I know you're not doing parties
Tas ligando babary en casa jugando atari
You're flirting with Babary at home playing Atari
Con la pipa el te dice Fother no es en tripa
With the pipe, he tells you Fother, it's not in the gut
Pero tu no me has dejao ni pa comprarme unas papitas
But you haven't even left me enough to buy some chips
Ahora que el menor te menciono tu va a sonar
Now that the minor mentioned you, you're gonna sound off
Pero van a pasar diez años y tu ano no va a sanar
But ten years will pass and your anus won't heal
Nah. de tu muerte estabas pendiente
Nah, you were waiting for your death
Tu te has montao pero en la ñema del Consciente
You've climbed but on the tip of the Conscious
Bajo a culo tu, tu siempre tiene un bajo encima
I lower your ass, you always have a bass on top
En la cabina que tu acaba de grabar nadie se anima
In the booth where you just recorded, nobody gets excited
Dejas resina y un bajo que no se va
You leave resin and a bass that doesn't go away
Soy el dios que sabia que tu mundo iba a acabar
I am the god who knew your world was going to end
Forty dale patras que se quema la PC
Forty, go back, the PC is burning
Vamos a pararnos por un rato que creo que me pase
Let's stop for a while, I think I went too far
Da dale patras traeme el pote pal cose
Give it back, bring me the pot for the sewing
Te gua romper con las pastillas y te gua desaparece
I'm gonna break you with the pills and make you disappear
Ramon Emilio estudie y la fe estaba el dia entero
Ramon Emilio, I studied and faith was there all day
Soy de Alma Rosa y tengo panas en Los Mineros
I'm from Alma Rosa and I have friends in Los Mineros
Yo soy de acero no te va a parar del suelo
I am made of steel, you won't get up from the floor
Papa de tu papa quiere decir que soy tu abuelo
Your father's father, that means I'm your grandfather
Ohhhh tanto tiempo que durate
Ohhhh, you lasted so long
Ohhh pa solta ese diparate
Ohhh, to release that nonsense
Oohhh hasta yo aposte a ti guaremate
Oohhh, even I bet on you to defend yourself
Pero cuando cargaste y tiraste te deculaste
But when you loaded and fired, you fucked up
Oohhh tanta mierda que hablaste
Oohhh, so much shit you talked
Ohhh y esa mierda que grabaste
Ohhh, and that shit you recorded
Ohh hasta yo aposte a ti guaremate
Ohh, even I bet on you to defend yourself
Pero cuando cargaste y tiraste te deculaste
But when you loaded and fired, you fucked up
Recuerda quien yo soy
Remember who I am
Black Jonas Point
Black Jonas Point
Esto salio de aqui desde la fiebre musical
This came out of here from the musical fever
Dj Forty en los contrrrrrrroles
Dj Forty on the contrrrrrrrols
Sorprise estudios se de five stars
Sorprise studios I know five stars
Alpa ese eh de lo mio
Alpa that's mine
Regal, Raffy tranquilo
Regal, Raffy relax
Dedicao pa toa mi gente de la Republica Dominicana
Dedicated to all my people from the Dominican Republic
Otra ve de monster
Another one from monster
Me quipprrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaa
I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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