Bob Dylan - Farewell, Angelina (Take 1, Solo Acoustic) - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Bob Dylan - Farewell, Angelina (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)

Farewell Angelina, the bells on the crown
Прощай, Ангелина, колокольчики на короне.
Are being stolen by bandits, I must follow the sound
Нас крадут бандиты, я должен идти на звук.
The triangle tingles, the music plays slow
Треугольник покалывает, музыка играет медленно.
But farewell Angelina, the night is on fire and I must go
Но прощай, Ангелина, ночь в огне, и я должен идти.
There is no use in talking and there's no need for blame
Нет смысла говорить и нет нужды обвинять.
There is nothing to prove, everything still is the same
Доказывать нечего, все по-прежнему.
A table stands empty by the edge of the stream
Пустой столик стоит на берегу реки.
But, farewell Angelina, the sky's changing colors and I must leave
Но, прощай, Ангелина, небо меняет цвета, и я должен уйти.
The jacks and the queens, they forsake the courtyard
Валеты и королевы покидают двор.
52 gypsies now file past the guard
52 цыгана проходят мимо караула.
In the space where the deuce and the ace once ran wild
В пространстве, где когда-то были двойка и Туз.
Farewell Angelina, the sky is folding, I'll see you after a while
Прощай, Ангелина, небо складывается, увидимся через некоторое время.
See the cross eyed pirates sit perched in the sun
Видишь косоглазых пиратов сидящих на солнце
Shooting tin cans with a sawed off shot gun
Стрельба по жестяным банкам из обреза
And the corporals and the neighbors clap and cheer with each blast
И капралы и соседи аплодируют и приветствуют каждый взрыв.
But, farewell Angelina, the sky it is trembling, and I must leave fast
Но, прощай, Ангелина, небо дрожит, и я должен быстро уйти.
King Kong, little elves, in the roof-tops they dance
Кинг-Конг, маленькие эльфы, они танцуют на крышах.
Valentino-type tangos while the heroes clean hands
Танго типа Валентино, пока герои чистят руки.
Shut the eyes of the dead, not to embarrass anyone
Закрой глаза мертвецов, чтобы никого не смущать.
Farewell Angelina, the sky is flooding over and I must be gone
Прощай, Ангелина, небо затопляет, и я должен уйти.
The camouflaged parrot, he flutters from fear
Попугай в камуфляже, он трепещет от страха.
When something he doesn't know about suddenly appears
Когда вдруг появляется что-то, о чем он не знает.
What cannot be imitated perfect must die
То, чему нельзя подражать, совершенное должно умереть.
Farewell Angelina, the sky is flooding over and I must go where it is dry
Прощай, Ангелина, небо затопляет, и я должен идти туда, где сухо.
Machine guns are roaring, the puppets heave rocks
Ревут пулеметы, марионетки швыряют камни.
At misunderstood visions and at the faces of clocks
На непонятые видения и на циферблаты часов.
Call me any name you like, I will never deny it
Называй меня как хочешь, я никогда не стану этого отрицать.
But farewell Angelina, the sky is erupting and I must go where it is quiet
Но прощай, Ангелина, небо извергается, и я должен идти туда, где тихо.

Writer(s): Bob Dylan

1 If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Take 2, Alternate Take)
2 Desolation Row (Take 5 Remake, Complete)
3 Desolation Row (Take 1, Alternate Take)
4 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 8, Alternate Take)
5 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 3, Incomplete)
6 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 1, Complete (6/15/65))
7 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 3 Remake, Complete)
8 She Belongs to Me (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
9 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Take 3, Complete)
10 Like a Rolling Stone (Takes 9-10 Remake, False Starts)
11 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 8 Remake, Breakdown)
12 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 15 Remake, Breakdown)
13 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 14 Remake, False Start)
14 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 6 Remake, False Start)
15 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 12 Remake, False Start)
16 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Vocals, Guitar)
17 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 13 Remake, Breakdown)
18 Like a Rolling Stone - Take 11, Alternate Take
19 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Drums, Organ)
20 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Piano, Bass)
21 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Guitar)
22 Like a Rolling Stone (Takes 2-3 Remake, False Starts)
23 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 5, Rehearsal)
24 Like a Rolling Stone (Takes 1-3, Rehearsal)
25 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 5 Remake, Rehearsal)
26 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 4 Remake)
27 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 1 Remake, Rehearsal)
28 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 4, Rehearsal)
29 Like a Rolling Stone (Rehearsal Remake)
30 I Wanna Be Your Lover (Take 6, Complete)
31 I Wanna Be Your Lover (Take 1, Fragment)
32 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 13, Complete)
33 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 1, Breakdown)
34 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 3, Rehearsal)
35 She's Your Lover Now (Take 6, Rehearsal)
36 She's Your Lover Now (Take 1, Breakdown)
37 She's Your Lover Now (Take 16, Complete)
38 She's Your Lover Now (Take 15)
39 Highway 61 Revisited (Take 7, False Start)
40 Highway 61 Revisited (Take 5, Complete)
41 Absolutely Sweet Marie (Take 1, Alternate Take)
42 Queen Jane Approximately (Take 2, Complete)
43 Visions of Johanna (Take 7, Complete)
44 Visions of Johanna (Take 8)
45 Visions of Johanna (Take 14, Complete)
46 Visions of Johanna (Take 1, Rehearsal)
47 Subterranean Homesick Blues (Take 1)
48 Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (Take 6, Complete)
49 Instrumental (Take 2, Complete)
50 Jet Pilot (Take 1)
51 Medicine Sunday (Take 1)
52 Ballad of a Thin Man (Take 2, Breakdown)
53 Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (Take 17)
54 Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (Take 1, Alternate Take)
55 Obviously Five Believers (Take 3, Complete)
56 Temporary Like Achilles (Take 3, Complete)
57 Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (Take 1, Complete)
58 Just Like a Woman (Take 8, Complete)
59 Just Like a Woman (Take 4, Alternate Take)
60 Just Like a Woman (Take 1, Complete)
61 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Take 14, Complete)
62 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Take 5)
63 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Rehearsal)
64 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Take 1, Rehearsal and Finished Track)
65 Fourth Time Around (Take 11, Complete)
66 Lunatic Princess (Take 1)
67 One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) (Take 19, Alternate Take)
68 One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) (Take 4, Rehearsal)
69 One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) (Take 2, Rehearsal)
70 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Take 1, Rehearsal)
71 Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands (Take 1, Complete)
72 California (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
73 You Don't Have to Do That (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
74 If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Take 1, Complete)
75 Farewell, Angelina (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
76 On the Road Again (Take 7 Remake, Complete)
77 On the Road Again (Take 1 Remake, Complete)
78 On the Road Again (Take 4, Alternate Take)
79 On the Road Again (Take 1, Complete)
80 Outlaw Blues (Take 2, Alternate Take)
81 Outlaw Blues (Take 1, Complete)
82 It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Take 1, False Start)
83 She Belongs to Me (Take 1 Remake, Complete)
84 She Belongs to Me (Take 2 Remake, Complete)
85 Bob Dylan's 115th Dream (Take 2, Complete)
86 Bob Dylan's 115th Dream (Take 1, Fragment)
87 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Take 1)
88 I'll Keep It With Mine (Take 1, Piano Demo)
89 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 1 Remake, Complete)
90 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 3 Remake, Complete)
91 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 2, Acoustic)
92 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 1, Breakdown)
93 Mr. Tambourine Man (Takes 1-2, False Starts)
94 Mr. Tambourine Man (Take 3 with Band, Incomplete)
95 From a Buick 6 (Take 4)
96 From a Buick 6 (Take 1, False Start)
97 Positively 4th Street (Take 5, Alternate Take)
98 Positively 4th Street (Take 4, Complete)
99 Positively 4th Street (Takes 1-3, False Starts)
100 Tombstone Blues (Take 9)
101 Tombstone Blues (Take 1, Alternate Take)
102 Sitting On a Barbed Wire Fence (Take 2)

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