Boier Bibescu, Puya, Jon Baiat Bun, Rashid & Alex Velea - Stare De Show - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Boier Bibescu, Puya, Jon Baiat Bun, Rashid & Alex Velea - Stare De Show

Stare De Show
Show State
Unde-i asta, nu-i in club
Where is she, she's not in the club
N-o vad, n-o mai aud
I don't see her, I don't hear her anymore
Bai, nene
Mi-a baut banii si a disparut
She drank my money and disappeared
E, lasa, undele sunt
Eh, whatever, where are the vibes
Muzica ce vreau s-aud
The music I want to hear
Vreau sa ma pozitionez
I want to position myself
Cat mai aproape de un suc
As close as possible to a juice
Unde sunt, ce-am facut
Where am I, what have I done
Unde-i hotelul, sunt rupt
Where's the hotel, I'm wasted
Uite garda, eu conduc
Look at the guard, I'm driving
Hai, ba, nene, unde fug
Come on, man, where am I running
N-am acte
I don't have any ID
Am fapte executate, bai frate
I have executed actions, bro
Sunt asa curios
I'm so curious
Ca nu stiu unde o sa dorm la noapte
That I don't know where I'm gonna sleep tonight
Unde e, c-o caut
Where is she, I'm looking for her
Dupa linia de flaut
Following the flute line
Unde e, ca n-o aud
Where is she, because I don't hear her
O astept cu palme, s-o aplaud
I'm waiting for her with open palms, to applaud her
N-aud, stie cineva unde e
I can't hear, does anyone know where she is
Si pe cine caut
And who I'm looking for
Daca nu mai stau in club
If I don't stay in the club anymore
Inca una si ma duc s-o caut
One more and I'll go look for her
Unde e, ca n-am idee
Where is she, 'cause I have no idea
Ai tu clanta, am eu cheie
You have the handle, I have the key
S-o incui si s-o descui
To lock her up and unlock her
In functie de femeie
Depending on the woman
O gasesc la jug
I find her at the yoke
Cu tronc imi pica, fault
She falls for me with a trunk, foul
Inainte sa inscriu
Before I score
O sutez din club in aut
I take her from the club to the car
Tentatia e mare
The temptation is great
Grade in pahare
Degrees in glasses
Sunt cam ametit
I'm a little dizzy
E cea mai tare noapte
It's the best night
E cea mai tare stare
It's the best state
Pana la rasarit
Until sunrise
E stare de show
It's a show state
Ochii mari, toarna iar
Wide eyes, pour again
Fara fete triste
No sad faces
Bem, bem, bem, bem, bem
Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink
Paharul sus, ca fac eu cinste
Glass up, 'cause I'm paying
Care-i ultimul
Who's the last one
Care poate sa mai reziste
Who can still resist
Bem, bem, bem, bem, bem
Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink
Paharul sus, ca fac eu cinste
Glass up, 'cause I'm paying
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers
Nu vreau sa parvin
I don't want to excel
Vreau doar sa-mi revin
I just want to recover
Ca vinul ala zici ca avea venin
That wine was like it had venom
M-a facut bovin
It made me a bull
Dau ceasul de la mana
I give my watch
Pe-o sticla de Bohotin
For a bottle of Bohotin
Caldura mare, mon cher
It's hot, mon cher
Simt ca ne topim
I feel like we're melting
Inca clocotim
We're still bubbling
Dar ne linistim
But we're calming down
Zic ne linistim
I say we're calming down
Sa patinam putin
To skate a little
Vrem sa ne-mbogatim
We want to enrich ourselves
Nu sa saracim
Not to become poor
Sa ne facem praf
To make dust out of ourselves
Fara sa racim
Without getting cold
Noi ne stim de mici
We've known each other since we were kids
Inca din scoala primara
Since elementary school
Erai dulce-acrisoara
You were bittersweet
Blonda, bruna sau amara
Blonde, brunette or bitter
Aveai multe grade in plus
You had many degrees more
Nu conta vremea de afara
The weather outside didn't matter
Sa te sting, dadeam cu gheata
To put you out, I used ice
Peste tine in plina iarna
Over you in the middle of winter
Tu stii sa ma iei de cap
You know how to mess with me
Dupa ce-mi faci capul mare
After you make my head big
Nu-ti place sa te combini
You don't like to combine
Dar tentatia nu dispare
But the temptation doesn't disappear
E prea mare, nu-i rezist
It's too big, I can't resist it
Cand te termini, eu sunt trist
When you're done, I'm sad
Eu ma termin fizic
I finish physically
Moral sunt greu de ucis
Morally I'm hard to kill
Tentatia e mare
The temptation is great
Grade in pahare
Degrees in glasses
Sunt cam ametit
I'm a little dizzy
E cea mai tare noapte
It's the best night
E cea mai tare stare
It's the best state
Pana la rasarit
Until sunrise
E stare de show
It's a show state
Ochii mari, toarna iar
Wide eyes, pour again
Fara fete triste
No sad faces
Bem, bem, bem, bem, bem
Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink
Paharul sus, ca fac eu cinste
Glass up, 'cause I'm paying
Care-i ultimul
Who's the last one
Care poate sa mai reziste
Who can still resist
Bem, bem, bem, bem, bem
Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink
Paharul sus, ca fac eu cinste
Glass up, 'cause I'm paying
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers
Capu' sus, ochii mari
Head up, eyes wide
Urechea la lautari
Ears on the fiddlers

Writer(s): Cristian Valentin Udrea, Dragos Gardescu, Razvan Mircea Ion, Alexandru Ionut Velea, Razvan Marian Batranu, Mario Roberto Stoica

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