Brams - L'últim tirabol - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Brams - L'últim tirabol

L'últim tirabol
The Last Tirabol
Era jove, era berguedà,
I was young, I was from Berguedà,
Estava a punt de fer vint-i-tres anys,
I was about to turn twenty-three,
S'acostava Corpus, se li veia en els ulls
Corpus Christi was approaching, it could be seen in their eyes
Encesos com espurnes de Patum.
Lit up like sparks of Patum.
Mig poble deia que era un bon sagal,
Half the town said he was a good boy,
L'altre mig que era un bordegàs,
The other half that he was a rascal,
I la noia que estimava
And the girl he loved,
No li fotia ni cas.
Didn't give a damn about him.
Dimecres de Patum vam quedar
On Wednesday of Patum we agreed,
A la barana però no s'hi va
To meet at the bar, but he didn't show up,
Present himself,
En un revolt, amb el seu cotxe vell
In a bend, with his old car,
Va deixar la pell.
He left his skin.
Des d'un racó sentia els gegants,
From a corner I could hear the giants,
La música acompanyava
The music accompanied
Unes llàgrimes galta avall
A few tears down my face,
Quan vaig tornar a la plaça.
When I returned to the square.
Potser va ser la màgia de la Patum,
Maybe it was the magic of Patum,
O la barreja de la cervesa,
Or the mix of beer,
Però aquell fet no va ser per a mi
But that fact didn't seem to me,
Pas una sorpresa.
To be a surprise.
Em va semblar veure'l arribar
I thought I saw him arrive,
Amb el barret i el mocador nusat,
With his hat and tied handkerchief,
Em va dir que Sant Pere per costum
He told me that Saint Peter is used to,
Deixar als berguedans
Letting Berguedans,
Fer un darrer salt de Patum.
Have one last Patum jump.
Amb una mirada de complicitat
With a knowing look,
I un somriure com tenia ell sol,
And a smile like only he had,
De bracet agafats vam saltar
Arm in arm, arm in arm, we jumped
L'últim Tirabol.
The last Tirabol.

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