Brams - Sempre Més - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Brams - Sempre Més

Sempre Més
Always More
Va ser Va ser l'any de començar
It was, it was the year of starting
A posar-nos en moviment.
To put ourselves into motion.
Mocadors negres al coll,
Black bandanas around our necks,
I conèixer tanta gent;
And getting to know so many people;
L'any que vam sortir al carrer
The year that we took to the streets
Per tornar-los a dir que no,
To tell them again that no,
érem prou valents per fer
we were brave enough to make
Qualsevol revolució.
Any revolution.
No recordo d'ençà un reguitzell de sentiments tan forts;
I can’t remember a steady stream of feelings so strong;
Deu ser que el filtre dels anys deixa passar només els bons records.
The filter of the years must only let through the good memories.
Va arribar l'any dels jocs,
The year of the games arrived,
L'any que van jugar més brut,
The year that they played dirtiest,
De tortures i presons,
With torture and prisons,
De pensar que havíem perdut.
Thinking that we had lost.
Aquí el filtre va petar,
Here the filter burst,
Sols en recordo amargor
I only remember bitterness
I el dia que vaig pensar:
And the day that I thought:
—Quant de temps llençat en va!
—How much time thrown away!
Amb l'absoluta certesa de no haver arribat enlloc
With the absolute certainty of not having gotten anywhere
Vam anar a casa amb ganes de pensar-hi poc.
We went home with a desire to think about it little.
Uns se'n van anar a dormir
Some went to sleep
I altres vam passar nit en blanc;
And others stayed up all night;
Però a casa tot era foscor
But at home, everything was dark
Fins que obrint el finestró,
Until opening the window,
Fascinats, vam comprovar
Fascinated, we checked
Que l'empelt havia brotat.
That the graft had sprouted.
Cap bon dia com aquell
No good morning like that
Que ens permet tornar al combat.
That allows us to return to battle.
Mentre duri el setge no
As long as the siege lasts, we will not
Signarem la rendició:
Sign the surrender:
Mocadors negres al coll!
Black bandanas around the neck!
Visca la revolució!
Long live the revolution!
Sempre més
Always more
Mentre duri el combat
As long as the battle lasts
Sempre més
Always more
Estaré al teu costat,
I will be by your side,
Sempre més
Always more
Que aquest poble necessita
Because these people need to
Sempre més
Always more
Retrobar la llibertat.
Rediscover freedom.


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