Bufalo Dit feat. Morteros Crew - Mis Planes - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Bufalo Dit feat. Morteros Crew - Mis Planes

Mis Planes
My Plans
Bienes males
Goods, evils
Pieles, tales
Skins, such
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Bienes males
Goods, evils
Pieles, tales
Skins, such
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Traigo el coraje de vivir sin maquillaje y al margen
I bring the courage to live without makeup and on the sidelines
No me da pa demonio menos pa ser angel, si pa ser alguien
It doesn't make me a demon, let alone an angel, yes to be someone
Placer de hacer y no me frenen
Pleasure to do and don't stop me
El que nada hace porque mucho teme
He who does nothing because he fears a lot
Lo facil
The easy
Se ira facil
Will go easy
Traigo el coraje de marcelo remachando desde el suelo a (...)
I bring the courage of Marcelo riveting from the ground to (...)
Mi presupuesto y su estiramiento
My budget and its stretching
Tal cual da
Such which gives
En la patria del casi casi
In the land of almost almost
Aun no encuentro razon en la razon que hablan
I still don't find reason in the reason they speak
Mi argumento son mas gordos que mis palabras
My arguments are fatter than my words
Habran engaños como habran dueños
There will be deceptions as there will be owners
Lo bello, de despertar de todo excepto de mis sueños
The beauty of waking up from everything except my dreams
Empeño mi existencia por vivencia
I pawn my existence for experience
El resto es reto
The rest is challenge
No intento revivir tu adolescencia
I'm not trying to revive your adolescence
Si que pueda ir a sacudir la apariencias
If you can go shake up appearances
Y te brinden la experiencia de vivir sin obediencia
And they give you the experience of living without obedience
Y dar la vuelta ¿pa que?
And turn around, what for?
Voces al unisono podrian romper cristales
Voices in unison could break glass
Mantengo la fe
I keep the faith
Nose ni porque
I don't even know why
Busco la cordura y la locura se me sale
I seek sanity and madness escapes me
Y dar la vuelta ¿pa que?
And turn around, what for?
Voces al unisono podrian romper cristales
Voices in unison could break glass
Mantengo la fe
I keep the faith
Nose ni porque
I don't even know why
Busco la cordura y la locura se me sale
I seek sanity and madness escapes me
Por eso
That's why
Sigo mi camino me ilumino es mi destino lo que vivo es agresivo y lo opino
I follow my path, I light up, it's my destiny, what I live is aggressive and I think so
Escribo bombas niño
I write bombs, kid
Me ha maldecido y malherido
He has cursed and wounded me
He decidido estar intrometido, arremetido
I have decided to be intrusive, rushed
Contra todo lo negativo
Against all the negative
Si me inspiro nada puede contra mi pasion
If I am inspired nothing can against my passion
Momentos de depresion
Moments of depression
Los vire de mi estacion
I turned them from my station
Puentes sobre la tormenta sin signos de conclusion
Bridges over the storm with no signs of conclusion
Viendo claro me preparo para la accion
Seeing clearly I prepare for action
Hay soluciones y ambiciones
There are solutions and ambitions
Colusiones conexiones
Collusions connections
Bueno al cabo cada uno sabe lo que pone
Well, in the end, everyone knows what they put
Si algo se interpone y eso da poco pa comer
If something gets in the way and that gives little to eat
Aqui les traigo pa que tomen
Here I bring them for you to take
Para que no se desplomen
So they don't crash
Reflexiono la metropolis
I reflect on the metropolis
Haciendo un analisis
Doing an analysis
No quedo un paralisis
There is no paralysis
No existe un secreto pal respeto
There is no secret to respect
Mi generacion
My generation
En cada cancion
In every song
Da cara y no hay otra opcion
Show your face and there is no other option
Y dar la vuelta ¿pa que?
And turn around, what for?
Voces al unisono podrian romper cristales
Voices in unison could break glass
Mantengo la fe
I keep the faith
Nose ni porque
I don't even know why
Busco la cordura y la locura se me sale
I seek sanity and madness escapes me
Y dar la vuelta ¿pa que?
And turn around, what for?
Voces al unisono podrian romper cristales
Voices in unison could break glass
Mantengo la fe
I keep the faith
Nose ni porque
I don't even know why
Busco la cordura y la locura se me sale
I seek sanity and madness escapes me
No me mires raro si elegi yo este camino
Don't look at me weird if I chose this path
Es dificil, pedregoso, como todos me imagino
It's difficult, stony, like everyone else I imagine
El momento de encarar lo claro que embesti al destino
The moment to face what is clear that you rammed into destiny
Junto a tu tontas mil agujas que apuntan mi estilo
Along with your silly thousand needles that point my style
Aun hay gente que no siente
There are still people who don't feel
No comprende ni cree
They don't understand or believe
Que ser feliz solo depende de aquel salto de fe
That being happy only depends on that leap of faith
Yo combine este sueño loco desde la noche hasta el alba
I combined this crazy dream from night to dawn
Con esto no gano un peso
I don't earn a peso with this
Quito un peso de mi alma
I take a weight off my soul
Apuntame a los sesos o directo hacia el diafragma
Point me to the brains or straight to the diaphragm
Veras salir el magma
You will see the magma come out
Fantasma entre las aulas
Ghost among the classrooms
Que buscan el alivio en un delirio permanente
That seek relief in a permanent delirium
Buscan llenaran espacios
They seek to fill spaces
En el vacio de tu mente
In the void of your mind
Te ruge?
Do I pray to you?
Te nace?
Are you born?
No dejes que pase
Don't let it happen
Si apoyarse (...) entre normas fugazes
If you support (...) between fleeting norms
Pude sentir el miedo cuando en esto inicie
I could feel the fear when I started this
Pero ahora lo que quiero en esto es morir de pie
But now what I want in this is to die on my feet
Bienes, males
Goods, evils
Pieles, tales
Skins, such
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Bienes, males
Goods, evils
Pieles, tales
Skins, such
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans
Correr hermano no esta en mis planes
Running, girl, is not in my plans

Bufalo Dit feat. Morteros Crew - Expreso Doble
Expreso Doble
date of release

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