Bulova feat. DKANO - Valorate Tu Mismo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Bulova feat. DKANO - Valorate Tu Mismo

Valorate Tu Mismo
Value Yourself
Devemos de deternos auto analisarnos
We must stop and analyze ourselves
Mirarnos al uno al otro pensar y
Look at each other, think, and
Visualisarnos la vida es un maraton que lo
Visualize, life is a marathon, what's
Que esta pasando el tiempo seva corriendo y
Happening, time is running out, and
Las horas se van volando ayar la razon por la
The hours are flying by, find the reason why
Que vivimos expresar de corazon lo que
We live, express from the heart what
Sentimos si nadie te valora manten el
We feel, if no one values you, keep your
Obtimismo el valor de los valores es
Optimism, the value of values is
Valorarte tu mismo
To value yourself
Es muy triste de felicidad feliz estar triste
It's very sad to be happy, happy to be sad,
Vipolar nose en verda en lo que la felicidad consiste me siento como tu
Bipolar, I don't really know what happiness is, I feel like you
Enrealidad nose que siento estoy esperando un barco sentado en un aero
I really don't know what I feel, I'm waiting for a ship sitting at an airport
Puerto en mi camino no hay hay luz ... estoy esperando un tren en una
Port, there's no light on my path... I'm waiting for a train at a
Parada de auto bus anelo mientrastanto pensando en quien nos salva y me la paso
Bus stop, I yearn, meanwhile thinking about who saves us, and I spend my time
Matando el tiempo con balas de salvia no es un mito lo real es mas grande por densidad
Killing time with bullets of sage, it's not a myth, reality is bigger by density
Quisiera cosinar esta cruda realidad me siento mal con sintomas de aquel que no
I would like to cook this raw reality, I feel bad with symptoms of someone who doesn't
Razona no me duele la cabeza mi cerebro es el que llora por que ya no hay nobles todos
Reason, my head doesn't hurt, it's my brain that cries because there are no more nobles, everyone
Quieren ser un fenix y los aires de grandesa bienen en fulgones por el ferri nose polque
Wants to be a phoenix, and the airs of grandeur come in vans through the ferry, I don't know why
Nos inclinamo asi lo malo ya pasaron aser zurdos nuestros derechos humanos y va mi
We lean like this, the bad things have already become left-handed, our human rights, and there goes my
Hermano piensa antes de hablar se un poco mas discreto en una memoria usb que se
Brother, think before you speak, be a little more discreet, in a USB memory that stores
Guarda respeto de la insertidumbre eres el blanco cuando estas en angustia nadie te
Respect, from uncertainty you are the target, when you are in anguish nobody
Abre un espacio ancho lo que dices con la lengua a Dios no le toca los mudos no pueden
Opens a wide space, what you say with your tongue doesn't touch God, the mute cannot
Confesar a jesus con la boca no ya no hay valores no ya no hay principios tus principios
Confess Jesus with their mouths, no, there are no more values, no more principles, your principles
Nacieron con un final desde el principio me molesta de verda nama de pensarlo
Were born with an ending from the beginning, it really bothers me, just thinking about it
Subastan el amor para luego desvalorarlo yo eh oido a ellos decir en nadie confio
They auction off love to then devalue it, I have heard them say I trust no one
Escuchar decir fulono y fulano son de lo mio el sol no descongela estos corazones frios el
Listen to them say so-and-so and so-and-so are my people, the sun doesn't thaw these cold hearts, the
Agua y la corriente nama se llevan bien en los rios hoy de una manera estreña todo es
Water and the current only get along well in rivers, today in a strange way everything is
Diferente la bondad se volvio agua y ser puro nos da corriente humano escusame y
Different, kindness became water, and being pure gives us current, human, excuse me and
Disculpame tu pasado no puede invisibilisar tu presente culpa no importa cuantas veses
Forgive me, your past cannot make your present invisible, guilt, no matter how many times you
Caiga! LEVANTATE¡ si el fracaso te quiere tumbar sigue de pie porque perder no es
Fall! GET UP! If failure wants to knock you down, stay on your feet because losing is not
Malo perdemos mas cuando perdemos el amor que intentarlo otraves si la dignidad
Bad, we lose more when we lose the love to try again, if dignity
Te reclama no la ignores que ati te catalogan como tu te cataloges lo que se ve
Claims you, don't ignore it, they categorize you as you categorize yourself, what is seen
Por fuera compra los ojos lo que vale tu corazon no tiene precio cuando se ve mas
On the outside buys the eyes, what your heart is worth has no price, when you see more
Alla de la apariencia es facil de desifrar los misterios del universo
Beyond appearance, it's easy to decipher the mysteries of the universe
Devemos de deternernos auto analisarnos mirarnos el uno al otro pensar y
We must stop and analyze ourselves, look at each other, think, and
Visualisarnos la vida es un maraton que es lo que esta pasando el tiempo se va corriendo
Visualize, life is a marathon, what's happening, time is running out
Y las horas se van volando allar la razon por la que vivimos expresar de corazon lo que
And the hours are flying by, find the reason why we live, express from the heart what
Sentimos si nadie te valora manten el optimismo el valor de los valores es
We feel, if no one values you, keep your optimism, the value of values is
Valorarte tu mismo
To value yourself
Ya no hay buenos dias con respuesta ya no hay manos que estrechar ya no hay brazos
There are no more good mornings with a response, there are no more hands to shake, there are no more arms
De apollo solo hay manos para echar tierra en la cara de aquel que de la cama se para y
Of support, there are only hands to throw dirt in the face of the one who gets out of bed and
Se prepara para enfrentar lo que este vida le de para pues su fortalesa lo separa y
Prepares to face what this life gives him, because his strength separates him and
Simpre lo separara sin importa cuanto caiga el se parara la cituacion determina el
Will always separate him, no matter how much he falls, he will get up, the situation determines the
Tamaño del heore y en su corazon el sabe que bensera el arquitecto eh ingeniro de su
Size of the hero, and in his heart he knows he will win, the architect and engineer of his
Destino no hay obras publicas cada quien costrulle su camino cada quien destruye su
Destiny, there are no public works, everyone builds their own path, everyone destroys their own
Enemigo estamos solos avitando en un mundo sin amigos un mundo que parese auto
Enemy, we are alone, avoiding each other in a world without friends, a world that seems to
Destruirce como el conductor de un carro a punto de estrellarce donde de las voses
Destroy itself like the driver of a car about to crash, where voices
Tienden a disminuirce que gritar a todo
Tend to diminish, to scream at the top of your
Pulmon y simpre valorarce pues mucho no se
Lungs, and always value yourself, because many don't
Atreven simplemente no pueden subir asta
Dare, they simply can't climb to
La colina con el veiculo en N enemigos del
The hill with the vehicle in neutral, enemies of
Tiempo y de trabajo constante enemigos del
Time and constant work, enemies of
Futuro y de un presente canbiante pero la
The future and a changing present, but
Historia se escribe hoy con los que estan
History is written today with those who are
Presentes y habra un futuro con presente
Present, and there will be a future with a present
Para los que representen y expresen lo que
For those who represent and express what
Sienten sin importar que una gente lo acuse
They feel, regardless of what people accuse them of
Y que use y los tilde de delincuente abusos
And use and label them as delinquents, abuses
Que traicionan mi confiansa como las rosas
That betray my trust, like roses
Son falsas esperansas espera el verde para
Are false hopes, wait for the green to
Ver de nuevo una ecena vasar de clase o
See a scene again, to pass the class or
Endema que de mucho mas de la enseñansa
Edema that gives much more than the teaching
Sigo escribiendo barras tras las barras
I keep writing bars after bars
Enserrado pero con la mente libre bajo
Locked up but with a free mind, under
Fiansa perdiendo peso en la balanza soy el
Bail, losing weight on the scale, I'm the one
Que coje y no descansa D-kano el real y no
Who takes and doesn't rest, D-kano the real, and you don't
Descansas y el abuso es enorme y me siento
Rest, and the abuse is enormous, and I feel
Incorforme de materia gris solo tienen el
Disgruntled, they only have gray matter in their
Uniforme no esperes fresas de un cereso ni
Uniform, don't expect strawberries from a prison, nor
Cebollas de un avid espera tu pedrad goliad
Onions from a bird, wait for your stone, Goliath,
Cuando llegue david su falsedad la vi cuando
When David arrives, I saw their falsehood when
En mi camino costrulleron una pared no me
They built a wall on my path, it didn't
Pare segui corriendi y se calleron con el
Stop me, I kept running, and they fell with the
Efecto domino soy aquel que domino cuando
Domino effect, I am the one who dominates when
En el año 2006 te dije "QUE AMI NO".
In 2006 I told you "NOT ME".

Writer(s): Michael Nova

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