Buđenje - Nema Straha Za Nas - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Buđenje - Nema Straha Za Nas

Nema Straha Za Nas
No Fear For Us
Ako riječi sada poteknu
If words now start to flow
I krenu kamo trebaju
And go where they need to go
Kao rijeke prema morima
Like rivers to the seas
Nema straha za nas
There's no fear for us
Ako vjeruješ u vjetar taj
If you believe in this wind
Što nas nosi svaki dan
That carries us every day
Ja ću biti siguran
I'll be sure about
Nema straha za nas
There's no fear for us
Možda se i dogodi
Maybe it will happen
Nevera što prolazi
A storm that will pass
Stisni zube, ne plači
Grit your teeth, don't cry
Nema hrabrijih od nas
There are no braver than us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Ja ti vjerujem u to
I believe in this
Evo, vičem na sav glas
Here, I shout at the top of my voice
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Vjerujem u to
I believe in this
Evo, vičem na sav glas
Here, I shout at the top of my voice
Neka srce razum nadvlada
May reason prevail over heart
Sreća još je besplatna
Happiness is still free
Ako do nje znaš pravi put
If you know the right way to it
Nema straha za nas
There's no fear for us
Ti mi budi vodilja
You be my guide
Kroz ovaj svijet od strahova
Through this world of fears
Povedi nas do izlaza
Lead us to the exit
Nema straha za nas
There's no fear for us
Možda se i dogodi
Maybe it will happen
Nevera što prolazi
A storm that will pass
Stisni zube, ne plači
Grit your teeth, don't cry
Nema hrabrijih od nas
There are no braver than us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Ja ti vjerujem u to
I believe in this
Evo, vičem na sav glas
Here, I shout at the top of my voice
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Vjerujem u to
I believe in this
Evo, vičem na sav glas
Here, I shout at the top of my voice
Ako riječi sada poteknu
If words now start to flow
I krenu kamo trebaju
And go where they need to go
Kao rijeke prema morima
Like rivers to the seas
Nema straha za nas
There's no fear for us
Možda se i dogodi
Maybe it will happen
Nevera što prolazi
A storm that will pass
Stisni zube, ne plači
Grit your teeth, don't cry
Nema hrabrijih od nas
There are no braver than us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Ja ti vjerujem u to
I believe in this
Evo, vičem na sav glas
Here, I shout at the top of my voice
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Vjerujem u to
I believe in this
Evo, vičem na sav glas
Here, I shout at the top of my voice
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Nema straha za nas
No fear for us
Vjerujem u to
I believe in this
Evo, vičem na sav glas
Here, I shout at the top of my voice
O, o, o
Oh, oh, oh

Writer(s): Darko Bakic, Vedran Baotic

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