C-Block feat. 李沫萱 - 停電夜 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation C-Block feat. 李沫萱 - 停電夜

The Night the Lights Went Out
去樓頂 星星都跑哪去了
Going to the roof, where have all the stars gone?
剩我一個人 寂寞 yeah
It's just me here alone, lonely, yeah
漆黑的夜 你的臉清晰記得
In the dark night, your face is clear
不止我一個人 抽煙
I'm not the only one smoking
So I decided to go find it
Dark mood, dark streets
There are few trees to cool down
和你去過的公園找不到 不會是因為停電了?
Can't find the park we went to, could it be because the lights went out?
In a city with no light in the night
Nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
有多久沒看的星星 yeah
How long has it been since I've seen the stars, yeah
Can't see the stars
In a city with no light in the night
Nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
有多久沒看的星星 yeah
How long has it been since I've seen the stars, yeah
Can't see the stars
終於抬頭 才發現星星不見了很久
Finally looked up, and found out the stars have been gone for a long time
終於爬上頂樓 才碰見兩年不見的老友
Finally climbed to the top of the building, and met an old friend I haven't seen in two years
又喝了一點小酒 眼眶向四處遨遊
Had a few more drinks, and my eyes wandered around
灰色的霧霾 黑色的住宅 DAMN! 讓我直搖頭
Gray smog, black houses, DAMN! Makes me shake my head
還好有一絲月光 算是老天爺厚愛
Fortunately, there is a bit of moonlight, which is considered God's grace
月亮都好像在說 我撐不到你後代
The moon seems to be saying, "I can't hold on until your descendants"
是科技造就現在 還是我們被科技挫敗
Is technology creating the present, or are we being defeated by technology?
I'd rather go back to the past than make love to machines in the future
那就下秒馬上出發 帶上啤酒和吉他一把
Let's go right away, bring some beer and a guitar
防空洞裡開個home par 醉到忘記了所有密碼
Let's have a house party in the bomb shelter, and get drunk enough to forget all the passwords
你問我青春該如何表達 我會為你點起火把
You ask me how to express my youth, I'll light a torch for you
當全世界都拉下電閘 我們換一種活法
When the whole world pulls down the switch, we'll find another way to live
這世界會整個亂套 哪怕只停電一晚
The world will be in chaos, even if the blackout only lasts one night
They just want to put in more exhaust pipes before they destroy it
They'll use more cement to cover up that they're criminals
沒有星星的夜裡 他們不會聽醉漢
On a starless night, they won't listen to drunks
Hey 別忘記我們的約定 在空氣稀薄的夜裡 讓我們一起自由的呼吸
Hey, don't forget our agreement, in the thin air of the night, let's breathe freely together
Hey 該兌現我們的約定 在世界下沉的夜裡 讓我們一起 一起去樓頂
Hey, it's time to fulfill our agreement, in the sinking world, let's go to the roof together
在城市中沒有光的夜裡 沒地方去就一起去樓頂
In a city with no light in the night, if there's nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
How long has it been since I've seen the stars, can't see the stars
In a city with no light in the night
If there's nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
有多久沒看的星星 看不到星星
How long has it been since I've seen the stars, can't see the stars
密佈密佈 整座城市在抽煙
Covered, covered, the whole city is smoking
我都迷路迷路 在這熟悉的公園
I'm lost, lost, in this familiar park
我想念dejavu的風 我的dejavu的風
I miss the wind of deja vu, my wind of deja vu
我的仲夏夜的夢 我的仲夏夜的夢
My midsummer night's dream, my midsummer night's dream
好想彌補彌補 那條沒回的留言
I want to make up for that, that unreturned message
我的鸚鵡鸚鵡 陪我下樓蕩秋千
My parrot, parrot, swing with me on the swing
我想念dejavu的風 我的dejavu的風
I miss the wind of deja vu, my wind of deja vu
我的仲夏夜的夢 我的仲夏夜的夢
My midsummer night's dream, my midsummer night's dream
In a city with no light in the night
If there's nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
有多久沒看的星星 看不到星星
How long has it been since I've seen the stars, can't see the stars
In a city with no light in the night
If there's nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
有多久沒看的星星 看不到星星
How long has it been since I've seen the stars, can't see the stars
In a city with no light in the night
If there's nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
How long has it been since I've seen the stars
Can't see the stars
In a city with no light in the night
If there's nowhere to go, let's go to the roof
How long has it been since I've seen the stars
Can't see the stars

Writer(s): Liu Cong, Moxuan Lee, Shi Yi Fan

C-Block feat. 李沫萱 - 以下範上
date of release

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