C-Kan - Ser Yo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation C-Kan - Ser Yo

Ser Yo
Being Me
Los que me quieren me quieren por ser yo (oye)
Those who love me, love me for being me (listen)
Los que me odian me odian por ser yo (también)
Those who hate me, hate me for being me (too)
Los que quisieran que muriera es porque sueñan
Those who wish I were dead, it's because they dream
Como fuera si pudieran el llegar a ser yo (ya lo sé)
Of what it would be like if they could be me (I know)
Si me odian me odian por ser yo
If they hate me, they hate me for being me
Si me quieren me quieren por ser yo (ojalá)
If they love me, they love me for being me (hopefully)
Si un día muero y reviviera, si pudiera yo eligiera en otra vida еl llegar a ser yo
If one day I die and come back, if I could choose, in another life I would choose to be me
A mis amigos gracias (gracias)
To my friends, thank you (thank you)
Por traicionarme
For betraying me
A mi familia gracias por nunca apoyarmе
To my family, thank you for never supporting me
A mis enemigos les doy gracias (¿Por qué?)
To my enemies, I thank you (Why?)
Por inspirarme
For inspiring me
A Dios gracias (amén)
To God, thank you (amen)
Por ayudarme a levantarme
For helping me get up
Por enseñarme a creer pa′ que nunca me apendeje
For teaching me to believe so they never fool me
Hoy al mirarme al espejo me digo: "buen día, jefe"
Today, looking in the mirror, I say to myself: "good morning, boss"
Y es que con mi propia voz, hoy soy mi propio boss
And it's that with my own voice, today I am my own boss
Mic check, uno-dos, pasa de la que da tos
Mic check, one-two, pass the one that coughs
Porque yo voy a ser de la manera que sea
Because I'm going to be the way I am
Menos de la forma que ustedes quieren que sea
Except the way you want me to be
Ahora como vea, siga tirando brea
Now however you see it, keep throwing tar
No cambio porque ya fui, se los dejo de tarea (¡A mí!)
I don't change because I already was, I leave it to you as homework (To me!)
Los que me quieren me quieren por ser yo (oh)
Those who love me, love me for being me (oh)
Los que me odian me odian por ser yo
Those who hate me, hate me for being me
Los que quisieran que muriera es porque sueñan
Those who wish I were dead, it's because they dream
Cómo fuera si pudieran el llegar a ser yo (ya sé)
Of what it would be like if they could be me (I know)
Si me odian me odian por ser yo (por ser yo)
If they hate me, they hate me for being me (for being me)
Si me quieren me quieren por ser yo (por eso mismo)
If they love me, they love me for being me (for that very reason)
Si un día muero y reviviera, si pudiera yo eligiera en otra vida el llegar a ser yo
If one day I die and come back, if I could choose, in another life I would choose to be me
¿Miedo a la muerte? (nah)
Fear of death? (nah)
Ya se fue papá, la abuela y tengo familia allá arriba (Ahí los guacho)
Dad's already gone, grandma too, and I have family up there (I'll see them there)
Si me van a tirar (¿Qué?)
If they're going to shoot me (What?)
Tiren a matar
Shoot to kill
Y si no, que Jesús te bendiga (neta)
And if not, may Jesus bless you (seriously)
Desde chico me he rodeado de la gente que más quiero
Since I was a kid, I've surrounded myself with the people I love most
Yo siempre he sido rico, solo que hoy tengo dinero
I've always been rich, only now I have money
Y desde que hay más dinero, mucho menos vanidades
And since there's more money, much less vanity
Mucho menos amigos y muchas más amistades
Much fewer friends and many more acquaintances
Navidades en que nos las vimos bien cabronas
Christmases where we had it really rough
Ni pa' cena, ni pa′ nochebuena, loco, no es broma
Not even for dinner, not even for Christmas Eve, man, it's no joke
Hoy con lo que el C-Kan entona ya me compré dos-tres ranflas perronas
Today, with what C-Kan sings, I already bought myself two or three badass cars
Yo vengo de no tener ni un frijol en la alacena
I come from not having a single bean in the cupboard
Y jalar de doce al día por salarios de quincenas
And working twelve a day for biweekly wages
¿Ahora entienden por qué los que me tiran me dan pena?
Now do you understand why those who throw shade at me make me feel sorry for them?
Yo soy igual que nadie, y eso es lo que me llena (¡Ah!)
I am the same as anyone, and that's what fulfills me (Ah!)
Los que me quieren me quieren por ser yo
Those who love me, love me for being me
Los que me odian me odian por ser yo
Those who hate me, hate me for being me
Los que quisieran que muriera es porque
Those who wish I were dead, it's because
Sueñan cómo fuera si pudieran el llegar a ser yo
They dream of what it would be like if they could be me
Si me odian me odian por ser yo (eso quieren)
If they hate me, they hate me for being me (that's what they want)
Si me quieren me quieren por ser yo
If they love me, they love me for being me
Si un día muero y reviviera, si pudiera yo eligiera en otra vida el llegar a ser yo
If one day I die and come back, if I could choose, in another life I would choose to be me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me
Ser yo
Being me

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