CHEHON - Catch The Beat - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation CHEHON - Catch The Beat

Catch The Beat
Catch The Beat
全ての兄弟 調子はどうだい その脳内にこれが必要かい
All my brothers How you do That brain needs this
ここじゃ誰もが聴き放題 死ぬまで響かす一生涯
Here is for all to listen Until death resonates for a lifetime
Ready to die or ready to alive すぐにハマるよ Feel so nice
Ready to die or ready to alive Quickly get hooked Feel so nice
くそヤバイの行っとくかい なら疑いの余地は必要ない
You're gonna take the bad one Then there's no room for doubt
この業界もみんな商売 でも金だけ目当ては用ない
This industry is all business But it's not all about money
壮大なダンスホールショウタイム 4 seasons いつでも到来
Magnificent dancehall showtime 4 seasons Always here
しない後悔 Mi no long time アンダーグラウンドで勢力膨大
No regrets Mi no long time Underground force is huge
何て事無い Everything alright こんな音楽はそうそう無い
No problem Everything alright Music like this is so rare
大胆な方法で毎晩 ライオンたちが踊るここは ZION
With a bold approach every night Lions dance here it's ZION
財産を賭けて快感を体感 導く極上の ISLAND
Stake your fortune and experience pleasure Guide to the ultimate ISLAND
いざさあ針を落とせ 間もなく夜が明ける
So drop the needle The night is almost here
俺たちの力で巻き起こせ 感じるままに表現するだけ
With our power let it rise Express yourself as you feel
さあ何を求め 心にナイフ忍ばせる
So what are you looking for Do you hold a knife in your heart
俺たちと共に立ち上がれ 魂の歌を聴かしたいだけ
Stand up with us Just want you to hear our soul song
Blazin' fire, Mi never retire, Because mi a musical fighter
Blazin' fire, Mi never retire, Because mi a musical fighter
Bad mind fire, Murder styler, Mi no like liar, Mi desire
Bad mind fire, Murder styler, Mi no like liar, Mi desire
赤く燃え立つ 綺麗な夕日の様に
Blazing red Just like a beautiful sunset
熱く輝く 光を皆に与えているだけ
Shining bright Giving light to all
高く飛び立つ 自由な鳥の様に
Soaring high Just like a free bird
遠くへと向かう 自分の価値をただ確かめたいだけ
Heading far away Just want to prove my worth
俺らは何で産まれて生きて そんなの分からない奴はアホで
Why are we born and alive If you don't know you're an idiot
行け全開で ただ絶対ね 裏切りだけは許せないね
Go full throttle But absolutely Betrayal is unforgivable
Anyway 恥ずかしがらないで Respect お集まり頂いて
Anyway Don't be shy Respect everyone gathered here
誰もが最初は見習いで でも汚い大人は見た無いで
Everyone starts as an apprentice But I don't want to see dirty adults
本場仕込み時の爆音で Anytime any day 大歓迎
With real skills and explosive sound Anytime any day You are most welcome
他と比べても構わへん You don't know
Don't compare yourself to others You don't know
Mi a bad than dem
Mi a bad than dem
本能を今さらけ出せ 気持ちいいとこ探し出せ
Let your instincts go wild Find a place where you feel good
これぞ現場の叩き上げ 一気に上まで畳み掛け
This is what it means to work your way up from the bottom Rise to the top all at once
大胆な方法で毎晩 ライオンたちが踊るここはZION
With a bold approach every night Lions dance here it's ZION
財産を賭けて快感を体感 導く極上のISLAND
Stake your fortune and experience pleasure Guide to the ultimate ISLAND
いざさあ針を落とせ 間もなく夜が明ける
So drop the needle The night is almost here
俺たちの力で巻き起こせ 感じるままに表現するだけ
With our power let it rise Express yourself as you feel
さあ何を求め 心にナイフ忍ばせる
So what are you looking for Do you hold a knife in your heart
俺たちと共に立ち上がれ 魂の歌を聴かしたいだけ
Stand up with us Just want you to hear our soul song
赤く燃え立つ 綺麗な夕日の様に
Blazing red Just like a beautiful sunset
熱く輝く 光を皆に与えているだけ
Shining bright Giving light to all
高く飛び立つ 自由な鳥の様に
Soaring high Just like a free bird
遠くへと向かう 自分の価値をただ確かめたいだけ
Heading far away Just want to prove my worth

Writer(s): Chehon

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