Calin - FTU - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Calin - FTU

Nerad ukazuju plány z blízka
I don't like showing my plans up close,
Ale rád říkám lidem, že jsem jim to říkal
But I love telling people I told them so.
Dicka, vstávej, jsme teprve v půlce
Babe, wake up, we're only halfway there,
Hra ještě neskončila, brate, ještě dýchám
The game ain't over, girl, I'm still breathing.
Srát na ně, brate, nech je vztekat, nech se dívat
Screw them, babe, let them rage, let them watch,
Podávaj mi ruku, ale uvnitř jejich pýcha
They shake my hand, but inside their pride,
Hledá to, co budu dělat, oči na stopkách, je mi jich líto
Is searching for what I'll do next, eyes peeled, I pity them.
Když chcou vidět výhry, se dívaj
If they wanna see wins, let them watch,
Proto z mýho života nevidíš ani leak
That's why you won't see a single leak from my life.
A sex, drogy a zmrdi všechno, o čem píšu
And sex, drugs and my crew everything I write about,
Věř sobě, bratře, hlavně nebude ti líto
Trust yourself, brother, mainly you won't regret it.
Vezmi, prodej, pošli, otoč míč, pushuj víc, přidej víc, jo
Take it, sell it, send it, flip the script, push harder, add more, yeah,
Vidí jméno, bratry jak svítí a zkouší do pusy brát
They see my name, my brothers shining and they try to suck up to me.
Brate, úsvit nekončí, ten uvidíme ještě milionkrát
Girl, the dawn doesn't end, we'll see it a million more times.
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up, boy
Musím jít vařit a zase mizím od thot
Gotta go cook, and I'm disappearing from the thots again,
Nechám v koupelně, big body steppin', mám slice
I'll leave her in the bathroom, big body steppin', I got a slice,
A měníme auta, jako bychom měli z nich strach (ayy)
And we change cars like we're scared of them (ayy)
Každý den na misi, vydělám, jdu o dům dál
Every day on a mission, I earn, I move a house further.
No stylist
No stylist
Válim se po zemi, jsem celej Prada
Rolling on the floor, I'm all Prada
On my dick
On my dick
Vlastní face na triku, jsem největší fanda
My own face on a t-shirt, I'm my biggest fan
Na money
On money
Vezmi s sebou, fakt bude ráda (haha)
Take her with you, she'll really like it (haha)
Long live my
Long live my
Jsem rychlej zmrd, nemůžu stát
I'm a fast motherfucker, I can't stand still anymore
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up
Fuck him up, boy, fuck him up
Bieber Fever
Bieber Fever

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