Carlo Gesualdo, Tenebrae & Nigel Short - Tenebrae Responsories For Holy Saturday / In secundo nocturno: Responsorium VI: Ecce quomodo moritur justus - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Carlo Gesualdo, Tenebrae & Nigel Short - Tenebrae Responsories For Holy Saturday / In secundo nocturno: Responsorium VI: Ecce quomodo moritur justus

Tenebrae Responsories For Holy Saturday / In secundo nocturno: Responsorium VI: Ecce quomodo moritur justus
Tenebrae Responsories For Holy Saturday / In secundo nocturno: Responsorium VI: Ecce quomodo moritur justus (Тенeбре Респонсории для Великой Субботы / Во второй ноктюрн: Респонсорий VI: Се, как умирает праведник)
Ecce quomodo moritur justus
Ecce quomodo moritur justus
(Behold how the righteous man dies)
(Се, как умирает праведник)
Et nemo percipit corde.
Et nemo percipit corde.
(And no one understands.)
никто не разумеет сердцем.)
Viri justi tolluntur
Viri justi tolluntur
(Righteous men are taken away)
(Мужи праведные восхищаются)
Et nemo considerat.
Et nemo considerat.
(And no one considers:)
никто не замечает.)
A facie iniquitatis sublatus est justus
A facie iniquitatis sublatus est justus
(The righteous man has been taken away from present iniquity)
(От лица нечестия взят праведник)
Et erit in pace memoria eius:
Et erit in pace memoria eius:
(And his memory shall be in peace.)
будет в мире память его.)
Tamquam agnus coram tondente se obmutuit,
Tamquam agnus coram tondente se obmutuit,
(As a sheep before her shearers is dumb,)
(Как агнец пред стригущим его безгласен,)
Et non aperuit os suum:
Et non aperuit os suum:
(So he opened not his mouth:)
не открыл уст своих.)
De angustia, et de judicio sublatus est.
De angustia, et de judicio sublatus est.
(He was taken from prison and from judgement.)
(От скорби и от суда взят.)
Et erit in pace memoria ejus.
Et erit in pace memoria eius.
(And his memory shall be in peace.)
будет в мире память его.)
Ecce quomodo moritur justus
Ecce quomodo moritur justus
(Behold how the righteous man dies)
(Се, как умирает праведник)
Et nemo percipit corde.
Et nemo percipit corde.
(And no one understands.)
никто не разумеет сердцем.)
Viri justi tolluntur
Viri justi tolluntur
(Righteous men are taken away)
(Мужи праведные восхищаются)
Et nemo considerat.
Et nemo considerat.
(And no one considers:)
никто не замечает.)
A facie iniquitatis sublatus est justus
A facie iniquitatis sublatus est justus
(The righteous man has been taken away from present iniquity)
(От лица нечестия взят праведник)
Et erit in pace memoria eius:
Et erit in pace memoria eius:
(And his memory shall be in peace.)
будет в мире память его.)

Writer(s): carlo gesualdo

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