1 American Medley: Brethren, We Have Me to Worship/'Tis a Gift to Be Simple/Shenandoah/Appalachian...
2 Sunday Morning Medley: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God/Holy, Holy, Holy/Fairest Lord Jesus/When I...
3 The Old Rugged Cross
4 River Medley: On Jordan's Stormy Banks/Like a River Glorious/Deep River
5 Beulah Land
6 Pastoral Medley: His Sheep May Safely Graze/Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us/I Surrender All
7 Favorites Medley: Softly and Tenderly/Sweet Hour of Prayer/Jesus Paid It All/Grace Greater Than...
8 The Holy City
9 Spirituals Medley: Going Home/Bless That Wonderful Name of Jesus/Steal Away
10 Children's Medley: God Is So Good/Praise Him, Praise Him/Jesus Loves the Little Children/Jesus...
11 God's Care Medley: Does Jesus Care? His Eye Is On the Sparrow/In the Garden
12 The Irish Blessing
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