Chayito Valdez - El Chante Luna - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Chayito Valdez - El Chante Luna

El Chante Luna
The Ballad of Chante Luna
Voy a cantar un corrido
I'm going to sing a ballad
A los que me están oyendo
To those who are listening
Les diré lo que pasó
I'll tell you what happened
En estado de Gerrero
In the state of Guerrero
Mataron al chante Luna
They killed Chante Luna
Por órdenes del gobierno
By orders of the government
Por las calles de Acapulco
Through the streets of Acapulco
El chante feliz paseaba
Chante happily strolled
Le tocó su mala suerte
Bad luck befell him
Que mataron a Barajas
They killed Barajas
La muerte se la cargaban
They blamed him for the death
Porque el gobierno lo odiaba
Because the government hated him
Le dijo Mario Martínez
Mario Martínez told him
Te llama el gobernador
The governor is calling for you
Que vayas a Chilpancingo
To go to Chilpancingo
A dar tu declaración
To give your statement
Chante pues no te le rajes
Chante, don't chicken out
Tu eres hombre de valor
You're a man of courage
Cuando estaba en el palacio
When he was in the palace
El chante dice a patotas
Chante said to Patotas
Me llama el gobernador
The governor is calling me
El que se iba a imaginar
Who would have imagined
Que lo llevaban cautivo
That they were taking him captive
Le dice Félix Badilla
Félix Badilla tells him
Chante con ellos no vayas
Chante, don't go with them
Yo tengo el presentimiento
I have a feeling
Que algo te puede pasar
Something might happen to you
Chante no vayas solo
Chante, don't go alone
Te vamos a acompañar
We'll go with you
Al sacarlo del palacio
As they took him from the palace
Lo quisieron desarmar
They wanted to disarm him
Le pidieron la pistola
They asked for his gun
El no se las quiso dar
He refused to give it to them
Le decía Mario Martínez
Mario Martínez told him
Nada te puede pasar
Nothing can happen to you
Tomaron la carretera
They took the highway
Con rumbo a la capital
Heading to the capital
Su padre Don Marcos Luna
His father, Don Marcos Luna
Se los quiso ir a quitar
Wanted to go get them back
Pero al llegar a las cruces
But when they reached Las Cruces
No lo dejaron pasar
They wouldn't let him pass
El comandante le dice
The commander tells him
Marquito yo soy tu amigo
Marquito, I am your friend
Lo digo de corazón
I say it from the heart
Las órdenes que yo traigo
The orders I have
Las dictó el gobernador
Were dictated by the governor
Mientras su padre pedía
While his father pleaded
El chante iba caminando
Chante was walking
Al llegar a Mazatlán
Upon arriving in Mazatlán
Ya lo estaban esperando
They were already waiting for him
Setenta y dos federales
Seventy-two federales
Se lo estaban disputando
Were fighting over him
Le dijo Mario Martínez
Mario Martínez told him
Aquí lo voy a bajar
I'm going to drop him off here
Las órdenes que yo traigo
The orders I have
Que aquí lo he de entregar
Are to deliver him here
Porque son los federales
Because it's the federales
Los que los van a llevar
Who are going to take him away
El chante se hizo pa'tras
Chante stepped back
Y la pistola sacó
And pulled out his gun
Del cuello agarró a Martínez
He grabbed Martínez by the neck
Cinco balazos le dió
He shot him five times
También a nico González
Also Nico González
La cara le atravesó
He shot him through the face
Sonó la metralladora
The machine gun sounded
El chante se le enfrentó
Chante faced them
Peleándoles desde el coche
Fighting them from the car
Donde el patotas cayó
Where Patotas fell
También al chante mataron
They also killed Chante
Porque el parque le faltó
Because he ran out of ammo
Maganda Riva Palacio
Maganda Riva Palacio
Se encuentra muy afligido
Is very distressed
Por la muerte de Martínez
By the death of Martínez
Y nico que estaba herido
And Nico who was wounded
La culpa no fué del chante
It wasn't Chante's fault
Porque ellos lo habían querido
Because they had wanted it
El chante ya está en el cielo
Chante is already in heaven
Dándole cuenta al creador
Giving his account to the creator
Y nico está en el presidio
And Nico is in prison
Por ser un hombre traidor
For being a traitor
También quedó retirado
Maganda was also removed
Maganda el gobernador
The governor
El chante ya se murió
Chante is already dead
Lo deben de recordar
You should remember him
Por ahí le quedó un amigo
He had a friend there
Que le dicen el chacal
They call him the Jackal
Cuídate nico González
Watch out, Nico González
No se te vaya a olvidar
Don't you forget
Mas en fin ya me despido
But in the end, I say goodbye
Por las leyes que derogan
By the laws they repeal
Mataron al chante luna
They killed Chante Luna
Porque les hacía malobra
Because he was a troublemaker
De esos hombres poco nacen
Few of those men are born
Y el que nace no se logra
And the one who is born does not succeed

Writer(s): Hector Galeana

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