Christmas Choir - Handel's Messiah - And The Glory Of The Lord - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Christmas Choir - Handel's Messiah - And The Glory Of The Lord

Last night I lay a sleeping
Прошлой ночью я лежал спящий
There came a dream so fair
Пришел сон, такой прекрасный
I stood in old Jerusalem
Я стоял в старом Иерусалиме
Beside d temple there
Рядом с храмом ди там
I heard d children singing
Я слышал, как пели дети
And ever as they sang
И все это время, пока они пели
Me thought d voice of angels
Мне почудился голос ангелов
From heaven in answer rang
С небес в ответ раздался
Jerusalem Jerusalem
Иерусалим Иерусалим
Lift up your gates n sing
Поднимите свои врата и пойте
Hosanna in the highest
Осанна в вышних
Hosanna to you king
Осанна тебе, царь
And then me thought my dreams was changed d streets no longer rang
И тогда мне показалось, что мои мечты изменились, улицы больше не звенели.
Hushed were d glad hosanna
Притихшие были рады осанне
The little children sang
Маленькие дети пели
The sun grew dark with mystery
Солнце потемнело от таинственности
The morn was cold n chilled
Утро было холодным и продрогшим
As the shadow of a cross arose
Когда возникла тень креста
Upon a lowly hill
На невысоком холме
Jerusalem Jerusalem
Иерусалим Иерусалим
Hark how the angels sing
Послушайте, как поют ангелы
Hosanna in the highest
Осанна в вышних
Hosanna to you king
Осанна тебе, царь
And once again the scene was changed
И снова сцена изменилась
New earth there seem to be
Новая земля там, кажется, есть
I saw d holy city
Я видел священный город
Beside the tideless sea
Рядом с морем без приливов
The light of God was on its streets
Свет Божий был на его улицах
The gate were open wide
Ворота были распахнуты настежь
And all who would might enter
И все, кто хотел бы, могли бы войти
And no one was denied
И никому не было отказано
No need of moon or stars by night
Ночью не нужны ни луна, ни звезды
Or sun to shine by day
Или солнце, которое будет светить днем
It was the new Jerusalem
Это был новый Иерусалим
That would not pass away
Это не пройдет бесследно
Jerusalem Jerusalem
Иерусалим Иерусалим
Sing for d night is o'er
Пой, потому что эта ночь - твоя
Hosanna in the highest
Осанна в вышних
Hosanna forever more
Осанна во веки веков

Writer(s): George Frideric Handel

Christmas Choir - Choir & Orchestra Christmas
Choir & Orchestra Christmas
date of release

1 Handel's Messiah - O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion
2 Handel's Messiah - For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth
3 Gabriel's Message
4 Child In A Manger
5 Handel's Messiah - Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder
6 Handel's Messiah - And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi
7 Handel's Messiah - He That Dwelleth In Heaven
8 Handel's Messiah - He Trusted In God That He Would Deliver Him
9 Handel's Messiah - Pastoral Symphony
10 Handel's Messiah - Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Open'd
11 Handel's Messiah - Comfort Ye My People
12 O Come, All Ye Faithful
13 Handel's Messiah - Behold The Lamb Of God
14 Handel's Messiah - But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell
15 Still The Night
16 Handel's Messiah - Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain
17 Handel's Messiah - All They That See Him, Laugh Him To Scorn
18 Handel's Messiah - He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd
19 Handel's Messiah - Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron
20 Handel's Messiah - Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs
21 Handel's Messiah - But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming
22 The Seven Joys Of Mary
23 Handel's Messiah - I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
24 Cradle Song
25 Handel's Messiah - Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts
26 Handel's Messiah - For Unto Us A Child Is Born
27 Handel's Messiah - There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field
28 Wassail Song
29 In Dulci Jubilo (Piae Cantiones)
30 Handel's Messiah - Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive
31 Handel's Messiah - How Beautiful Are The Feet
32 Wassail
33 Handel's Messiah - Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted
34 Handel's Messiah - Glory To God In The Highest
35 Handel's Messiah - All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray
36 Handel's Messiah - His Yoke Is Easy, His Burden Is Light
37 King Jesus Hath A Garden
38 I Saw Three Ships
39 It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
40 Handel's Messiah - Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage
41 Handel's Messiah - The People That Walked In Darkness
42 Fum! Fum! Fum!
43 Handel's Messiah - Behold, I Tell You A Mystery
44 Handel's Messiah - Amen
45 Handel's Messiah - He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living
46 Handel's Messiah - Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates
47 Handel's Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus
48 Handel's Messiah - Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion
49 The Noble Stem Of Jesse
50 Love Came Down At Christmas
51 Past Three O'clock
52 The Holly And The Ivy
53 Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agréable?
54 Handel's Messiah - Since By Man Came Death
55 Little Jesus Sweetly Sleep
56 The Cradle
57 Child In The Manger
58 Handel's Messiah - He Was Despised
59 Handel's Messiah - Behold & See If There Be Any Sorrow
60 Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
61 Handel's Messiah - The Trumpet Shall Sound
62 Handel's Messiah - Overture
63 Handel's Messiah - And With His Stripes We Are Healed
64 Wexford Carol
65 Handel's Messiah - And The Glory Of The Lord
66 Handel's Messiah - Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart

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