CHYSTEMC - Mic On Fesion (Macrodee Remix) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation CHYSTEMC - Mic On Fesion (Macrodee Remix)

Mic On Fesion (Macrodee Remix)
Mic On Fesion (Macrodee Remix)
Nacidos para esto
Born for this
(Vete ya)
(Go away)
Adickta Sinfonia ChysteMC
Addicta Sinfonia ChysteMC
No es broma
It's no joke
Vete ya, que aqui no sirve el que no hace na
Go away, here the one who does nothing is worthless
Sirven los que crean
Those who create are worthy
Yea dos check puaah!
Yea two check puaah!
Ve-te ya des-te rap que-te va a des-terrar y
Go away from this rap that will unearth you and
Dejarme-jetalbe-que tal es-el can quien
Let me, let's see how this song is
Verda se-te va a pre-sentar en tu habitat mental
Truly it will present itself in your mental habitat
Y en tu cavidad cerebral, enhebrar mi habilidad verbal (QUE MAS)
And in your cerebral cavity, threading my verbal ability (WHAT ELSE)
Lo mejor el rap criollo, creo yo
The best Creole rap, I think
Un estollo, estamo en el meollo meo yo
A herd, we are in the core meo yo
Te meo el hoyo, por pollo, somo del dollo del desague
I piss on you, for chicken, we are from the sewer dollo
Adickta, Killtros sin na de fague
Addicta, Killtros without any fague
(Ouuuh) Embalao, get out de mi lao
(Ouuuh) Packed, get out of my side
Cha, cha, cha, cha, chao
Cha, cha, cha, cha, chao
Lo que hay destacao, aca esta estacao.
What is highlighted here is stationed.
Corre, anda, deja ese lapiz, cierra la boca
Run, walk, leave that pencil, shut your mouth
A ti no te toca, sigue bailando y moviendo el culo LOCA!
It doesn't touch you, keep dancing and shaking your ass CRAZY!
No me hechi la foca, vivi del resto como los copa
I haven't acted like a seal, I lived off the rest like the copas
Tu mente es tan poca, que dependi de lo que hagan los broca
Your mind is so small that you depend on what the broca do
En que tu te enfocas, hablando weas crei que provocai
What you focus on, talking nonsense thinking you provoke
Y te equivocai, pa onde vai CHAO NO MA TU!
And you're wrong, where are you going BYE NO MA TU!
Vivi rosao, nosotro acá bien ocupao
I lived pink, we are here well occupied
Pa no ser como vo, pa sacar la voz y no ser poto pelao
Not to be like you, to get the voice out and not be a peeled butt
No contesto feca, la feca como tu estilo se seca
I don't answer feca, the feca like your style dries
Como lo hace, dos tus frases, son pa la gente de discoteca
As it does, two your phrases are for nightclub people
Te tocaste las tetas y te fuiste, viste
You touched your tits and you left, you saw
Eso te pasa por nena, ahora sharap
That happens to you for nena, now sharap
Saca la chequera, de tu papito y junta moneas.
Take out your daddy's checkbook and collect coins.
Hey men, te tendras que largar pa fuera
Hey man, you'll have to get out
Vete ya, que el rap no es pa cualquiera
Go away, rap is not for everyone
Hey men, te tendras que largar pa fuera
Hey man, you'll have to get out
¿Con don de donde? No ensucie mi esfera. (UPAAAAUUF CHALUPA)
Where are you from? Don't dirty my sphere. (UPAAAAUUF CHALUPA)
Despreocupao, que esta tropa va viento en popa
Unconcerned that this troop is sailing
Tapa tu boca, loca escapa
Cover your mouth, crazy escape
Si te atrapa, capaces de escapar con trampas
If it catches you, capable of escaping with traps
La mentira es su ropa, lo arropa
The lie is his clothes, it clothes him
No me voi, pa que no encajen en mi mapa
I'm not leaving, so they don't fit on my map
Abisparras, PAAA!, PA, PA, PAR
Sharpened, PAAA!, PA, PA, STOP
Aguanta, un poco de esta descarga
Hold on, a little bit of this download
Cargan mascaras, caras falsas
They carry masks, false faces
Ladran, se descascaran
They bark, they peel
Ganas de pelar a espaldas
Wanting to fight behind your back
Dime de cual rap me hablas
Tell me what rap are you talking about
Palido vai a quedar si nos vei en las tablas.
You're gonna go pale if you see us on the tables.
No quiero saber mas de ti, aqui nadie es aprendiz
I don't want to know more about you, nobody here is an apprentice
A tu mentira pone fin, de mi
End your lie, from me
Podi hablar la wea que querai, pero cuando me conoscai
You can say what you want, but when you meet me
Antes no existe manera (voy, voy, voy)
Before there is no way (I'm going, I'm going, I'm going)
Voy quitando mascaras a cualquiera
I'm taking off anyone's mask
QUE! vea, QUE! trate de amargar la miel QUE!
THAT! look, THAT! try to bitter the honey THAT!
Hoy en dia endusas, preguntas inconclusas
Nowadays you stain, unfinished questions
Y anda por la calle preocupao por lo que usas
And you walk down the street worried about what you wear
O tienes, mi musica la vida, el riel pa los trenes
Or you have, my music life, the track for trains
Que chocan con cualquiera que supere estos niveles
That collide with anyone who exceeds these levels
Sere alguien que hable por el HipHop (¿COMO!?)
I'll be someone who speaks for HipHop (HOW!?)
La garrafa pal tinto y yo mismo pa los ritmos.
The carafe for red wine and myself for the rhythms.
VETE!, antes de que se te seque el mate
GO!, before your thermos dries up
Aqui estamos, adentro, no hay na que nos saque
Here we are, inside, there is nothing to take us out
Tenemos rap, del pricipio hasta el remate
We have rap, from the beginning to the end
Solo reales sonaran, cuando los falsos se maten
Only real ones will sound when the fake ones kill each other
Somos el rap, el que siempre te combate
We are the rap, the one that always fights you
Pero en un juego de egos, ni por el que mas destaquen
But in a game of egos, not even for the one that stands out the most
Mi ataque, un mensaje, que muestra el paisaje
My attack, a message, that shows the landscape
De calles, pasajes, lo injusto de su imagen
Of streets, passages, the injustice of their image
Mantente al margen, no aprete carrera
Stay on the sidelines, don't squeeze career
Rapeando puras tonteras, lo que los oidos quieran
Rapping pure nonsense, whatever the ears want
Ba-bajo tierra, musica sin barreras
Underground, music without barriers
DeKilltros, la Adickta, era.
DeKilltros, the Addicta, was.
Hey men, te tendras que largar pa fuera
Hey man, you'll have to get out
Vete ya, que el rap no es pa cualquiera
Go away, rap is not for everyone
Hey men, te tendras que largar pa fuera
Hey man, you'll have to get out
¿Con don de donde? No ensucie mi esfera.
Where are you from? Don't dirty my sphere.

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