Cinco - Virus - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Cinco - Virus

Es demasiado pronto pa escribirte una canción
It's too soon to write you a song.
Sin duda si te veo no lo pienso y me emociono
No doubt, if I see you, I won't think twice and I'll get excited.
Vengo desgarrado reparas mi corazón
I come torn, you repair my heart.
Me estás gustando tanto no se ni cómo funciono
I'm liking you so much, I don't even know how I function.
Me pongo tan intenso sin entender la razón
I get so intense without understanding why.
No te asustes niña que lo tóxico no como
Don't be scared, girl, I don't eat toxic things.
Busco conquistarte como enfoque de misión
I seek to conquer you as my mission focus.
Disculpa si me alejo pues me está llevando el coño
Excuse me if I distance myself, my dick is taking over.
¿Que puedo decirte? captas toda mi atención
What can I tell you? You capture all my attention.
La chava de la chela me complica situación
The beer girl is complicating the situation.
Si te ofenden los refrescos esa no fue mi intención
If you're offended by sodas, that was not my intention.
Eres tan valiosa que te escribo esta canción
You are so valuable that I am writing you this song.
Voy a paso lento soy migrante sin la visa
I'm going slow, I'm a migrant without a visa.
Inspiras mi camino no quiero meterle prisa
You inspire my path, I don't want to rush it.
Camino en tu desierto es hermoso con tu risa
Walking in your desert is beautiful with your laugh.
La sed de tu querer me está rompiendo el alma trizas
The thirst for your love is breaking my soul into pieces.
Decepciones en el cora todos las hemos tenido
Disappointments in the heart, we've all had them.
Así que mira fácil Empecemos como amigos
So look, easy, let's start as friends.
Tu no tengas miedo de querer salir conmigo
Don't be afraid to go out with me.
Dicen soy patán pues me la paso confundido
They say I'm a jerk because I spend my time confused.
Suelo ser atento, contigo lo incremento
I tend to be attentive, with you I increase it.
Solo un 10 por ciento créeme que no miento
Only 10 percent, believe me, I'm not lying.
Me tienes contento, me siento completo
You make me happy, I feel complete.
Mi cora seco está más gris que el propio cemento
My dry heart is grayer than cement itself.
Ella es lo que siempre mi ser había pedido
She is what my being had always asked for.
(Mi ser había pedido, mi ser había pedido)
(My being had asked for, my being had asked for)
Me quedo con sus ojos que iluminan mi
I stay with her eyes that illuminate my
Camino (iluminan mi camino, iluminan mi camino)
Path (illuminate my path, illuminate my path)
Y vaya que por ellos yo me había perdido (
And wow, for them I had lost myself (
Yo me había perdido, yo me había perdido)
I had lost myself, I had lost myself)
Me estoy muriendo lento y no es por el virus
I'm dying slowly and it's not because of the virus
(Y no es por el virus, y no es por el virus)
(And it's not because of the virus, and it's not because of the virus)
Ella es lo que siempre mi ser había pedido
She is what my being had always asked for.
(Mi ser había pedido, mi ser había pedido)
(My being had asked for, my being had asked for)
Me quedo con sus ojos que iluminan mi
I stay with her eyes that illuminate my
Camino (iluminan mi camino, iluminan mi camino)
Path (illuminate my path, illuminate my path)
Y vaya que por ellos yo me había perdido (
And wow, for them I had lost myself (
Yo me había perdido, yo me había perdido)
I had lost myself, I had lost myself)
Me estoy muriendo lento y no es por el virus
I'm dying slowly and it's not because of the virus
(Y no es por el virus, y no es por el virus)
(And it's not because of the virus, and it's not because of the virus)
Donde me lo permitas yo me quedaré
Wherever you allow me, I will stay.
Me alejo triste y seco por hacerte solo un bien
I walk away sad and dry to do you only good.
Percibo de mis ojos me tienes a tu merced
I perceive with my eyes that you have me at your mercy.
De ocurrencias tuyas considero que yo soy un ren
From your occurrences I consider myself a reindeer.
Cuestiona de mi mente que la tiene tan arriba
My mind questions what has it so high.
Me mal viaja en el espacio como lo hace la sativa
It trips me out in space like sativa does.
Percibo yo de ella más de lo que se imagina
I perceive from her more than she imagines.
Saturno en el espacio mi galaxia sigue activa
Saturn in space, my galaxy is still active.
Perdona mi pasado si es que eso te lastima
Forgive my past if that hurts you.
Perdona los detalles pues quererte me domina
Forgive the details, because loving you dominates me.
Pretextos para hablarte te pregunto por el clima
Excuses to talk to you, I ask you about the weather.
Solo escuchar tu nombre pues la vida me reanima
Just hearing your name because life revives me.
Me encanta si mencionas tu comida favorita
I love it when you mention your favorite food.
Sin dudarlo la comida importa eso es nuestra cita
Without a doubt, food matters, that's our date.
Recorrer mil restaurantes contigo espero permitas
I hope you allow me to visit a thousand restaurants with you.
Viajar cruzar mil mares recordar tus frasecillas
Travel across a thousand seas, remember your little phrases.
Eres talentosa, inteligente con cultura
You are talented, intelligent, cultured.
Se burla de mis versos en inglés con mis borucas
She makes fun of my verses in English with my blunders.
Por si fuera poco dice estar de mi estatura
As if that weren't enough, she says she's my height.
Pero solo soy un loco que no llegará su altura
But I'm just a crazy guy who will never reach her height.
Una canción no basta para explicarte lo que siento
One song is not enough to explain what I feel for you.
Transparente suelo ser te demuestro que no miento
I am transparent, I show you that I am not lying.
Contigo el tiempo es relativo suele ser más lento
With you, time is relative, it tends to be slower.
Queda darle calma y que fluya más el tiempo
It's about giving it peace and letting time flow more.
Ella es lo que siempre mi ser había pedido
She is what my being had always asked for.
(Mi ser había pedido, mi ser había pedido)
(My being had asked for, my being had asked for)
Me quedo con sus ojos que iluminan mi
I stay with her eyes that illuminate my
Camino (iluminan mi camino, iluminan mi camino)
Path (illuminate my path, illuminate my path)
Y vaya que por ellos yo me había perdido (
And wow, for them I had lost myself (
Yo me había perdido, yo me había perdido)
I had lost myself, I had lost myself)
Me estoy muriendo lento y no es por el virus
I'm dying slowly and it's not because of the virus
(Y no es por el virus, y no es por el virus)
(And it's not because of the virus, and it's not because of the virus)
Ella es lo que siempre mi ser había pedido
She is what my being had always asked for.
(Mi ser había pedido, mi ser había pedido)
(My being had asked for, my being had asked for)
Me quedo con sus ojos que iluminan mi
I stay with her eyes that illuminate my
Camino (iluminan mi camino, iluminan mi camino)
Path (illuminate my path, illuminate my path)
Y vaya que por ellos yo me había perdido (
And wow, for them I had lost myself (
Yo me había perdido, yo me había perdido)
I had lost myself, I had lost myself)
Me estoy muriendo lento y no es por el virus
I'm dying slowly and it's not because of the virus
(Y no es por el virus, y no es por el virus)
(And it's not because of the virus, and it's not because of the virus)

Writer(s): Juan Manuel De Jesus Moreno Chavez

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