Creyente.7 - Contra El Diablo 4 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Creyente.7 - Contra El Diablo 4

Contra El Diablo 4
Against the Devil 4
Contra El Diablo 4
Against the Devil 4
-Hey donde estoy?
-Hey, where am I?
Me siento un poco raro
I feel a little strange,
El aire está pesado
The air is heavy,
Y el ambiente ha cambiado
And the atmosphere has changed.
El cielo se ha nublado
The sky has clouded over
Y se está yendo a luz
And the light is fading.
Sea lo sea, lo reprendo
Whatever it is, I rebuke it
En el nombre de
In the name of-
-Cállate la boca imbecil
-Shut your mouth, imbecile.
Ya sabe quien soy?
Do you know who I am?
El principe del mundo
The prince of this world,
Hasta el dia de hoy
Even to this day.
-No te cansas?
-Don't you get tired?
-De que?
-Of what?
-De perder?
-Of losing?
-Shut up!
Mi intención es que
My intention is
Los seres humanos pierdan La fe
For human beings to lose their faith.
-Y más la iglesia
-Especially the church.
Que sepa que mi reino la detesta
Let them know that my kingdom detests them.
A los que oran de verdad
Those who truly pray,
El resto no me afecta
The rest don't affect me.
-Por eso la tendencia
-That's why the trend
De nueva moda cristiana
Of the new Christian fashion
Que sienta identificada la juventud Mundana
Makes the worldly youth feel identified.
Mucha biblia ya no vale
Too much Bible is no longer valid,
Por eso estoy metiendo charlas Motivacionales
That's why I'm putting in motivational talks.
Gente con seguidores
People with followers
Tal como Daniel Habit
Just like Daniel Habif,
Que diga en las entrevistas
Saying in interviews
Que Dios no es superior a ti
That God is not superior to you.
Cualquiera dice ser cristiano
Anyone claims to be a Christian
Ignorando estan tomando
While ignoring they are taking
Su nombre en vano
His name in vain.
Como Justin bieber, kanye west
Like Justin Bieber, Kanye West,
Otros que se creen titular una canción Amén, je
Others who believe they own a song, Amen, heh.
Ya sabes que es lo mas gracioso?
You know what's the funniest thing?
Que entre ustedes al que escudriña
That among yourselves, whoever scrutinizes
Tratan de religioso
You treat as religious,
Que no se puede señalar
That you can't point out
Lo que esta mal
What's wrong.
No saben que con justo juicio
They don't know that with righteous judgment
Si se puede juzgar
It is possible to judge.
Me convenie que la iglesia sea Emocionalista
It suited me that the church be emotionalist,
Que prefieran mas a
That they prefer
Un artista, que aun Evangelista
An artist more than an evangelist.
Solo emoción que hasta
Just emotion that even
Con el mundo lidia
Struggles with the world.
Residente soltó Rene y
Residente released René and
Bajaron sus biblias
They put down their Bibles.
Se soprenden por lo que
They are surprised by what
Ha pasado en la nación
Has happened in the nation.
Con la muertes por el virus,
With the deaths from the virus,
Covid, omicrom
Covid, Omicron.
Sabes porque se asustan
You know why they are scared,
Estas criaturas
These creatures?
Pues la pasan mas
Because they spend more time
En el teléfono que en la estritura
On the phone than in the Scripture.
Con todo lo que el mundo
With everything that the world
Ofrece ellos se desvian
Offers, they stray,
Ellos solos pecan
They sin on their own
Y dicen que es culpa mia ja
And say it's my fault, ha!
Ustedes mismos creean idolos
You create your own idols,
Ni se congregan y en
You don't even gather, and yet on
Las redes sociales
Social media,
Si creen teólogos
You believe theologians.
Hiciste frente a conserbero
You faced Conserbero,
Pero no entenderon
But they didn't understand.
Eres tonto jaja
You're foolish, haha.
Pobre rapero
Poor rapper.
Aunque el mensaje estaba claro
Although the message was clear,
Yo les puse velo
I put a veil over their eyes.
-Pues de que vale ganarse
-Well, what's the point of winning
Al mundo si al final no van al cielo
The world if they don't go to heaven in the end?
Recuerdo que la última vez
I remember the last time
Tu me dijeste
You told me
Que Dios también tiene a raperos pa Contradecirme
That God also has rappers to contradict me.
Eso fue lo que dijeste? Pfff
That's what you said? Pfff.
Pero cantan pa los mismos cristianos
But they sing for the same Christians,
Cual es el chiste?
What's the joke?
Ya que eres tonto te seré sincero
Since you're foolish, I'll be honest with you.
La mayoría lo hace
Most of them do it
Porque es seguro el dinero
Because the money is safe.
-Tu no sabes nada shhh
-You don't know anything, shhh.
Callate no hables
Shut up, don't speak.
Estas desperciando tu talento
You're wasting your talent.
En el mundo serás rentable
You'll be profitable in the world.
No miras a los promotores
Don't you look at the promoters
De YouTube
On YouTube
Que son cristianos y
Who are Christians and
Se supone que hablen de Jesús
Are supposed to talk about Jesus?
Cuantos canciones has hecho
How many songs have you made
Y no hablan de ninguna
And they don't talk about any of them?
Pero Ozuna menciona a Dios
But Ozuna mentions God
Y lo suben de una
And they upload it right away.
Si vas en contra mia
If you go against me,
Tu vas perder
You're going to lose.
Como apóstoles del rap
Like the apostles of rap
Que tira al LGBT
Who diss the LGBT.
Esa mensaje no debe
That message should not
Se escuchado
Be heard.
Por eso eliminé el video
That's why I deleted the video,
Y lo subió el desgraciado
And that wretch uploaded it again.
Así que no que no sigas
So don't go
En contra la corriente
Against the current.
Que yo busco deborar
I seek to devour
Como leon rugiente
Like a roaring lion,
Hacendo que la iglesia
Making the church
No tome esto en serio
Not take this seriously,
Para que no prediquen
So that they don't preach
El verdadero Evangelio
The true Gospel.
Ya... el ladrón no viene
Yeah...the thief does not come
Si no para hurtar, matar
Except to steal, and to kill,
Y destruir, yo he venido
And to destroy. I have come
Para que tengan vida
That they may have life,
Y la tengan en abundancia,
And that they may have it more abundantly.
Jn 10:10

Writer(s): Creyente Rivera

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