Cyanide - Athu Pse Jena Shiptar!! - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Cyanide - Athu Pse Jena Shiptar!!

Athu Pse Jena Shiptar!!
That's Why We Are Albanian!!
Pamvarsin e kena marr dost, pamvarsin e kena marr,
I loved and took friends, I loved and took,
U kutptu, mirepo shtet sjena ala, jo shtet sjena ala!!!
I got cut off, but I'm not a state, no I'm not a state!!!
Pse nuk jena shtet, populli ma i vjeter n'ballkan,
Why are we not a state, the oldest people in the Balkans,
Ne Londer fmit xhepat pare, te na desin se nuk kan,
Kids in London have pockets full of money, they want us, they don’t,
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Pse nuk jena shtet, populli ma i vjeter n'ballkan,
Why are we not a state, the oldest people in the Balkans,
Ne Londer fmit xhepat pare, te na desin se nuk kan,
Kids in London have pockets full of money, they want us, they don’t,
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Nal ta kallxoj ni zakon t'keq, qe do shiptar e kan,
Let me tell you a bad habit, that every Albanian has,
Kur ti vesin se qa je, gjysa thojn jon Italian,
When you ask them who they are, half of them say they are Italian,
Ran qata gati kejt n'bot, shiptarin nuk e njohin,
There are almost all of them in the world, they don't know the Albanian,
Se shiptart ja kan nis, veten ta mohojn!!
Because the Albanians started it, to deny themselves!!
Sjom tu fol ne pergjithsi, po per gjysen veq,
I'm not talking in general, but only about half,
Se fara e keqe n'fis, ta qet zanin e keq,
If you have a bad seed in your family, it gives you a bad voice,
I ki hajnat n'Gjermani, e n'Amerik mafi,
You have thieves in Germany, and the mafia in America,
Qikat e reja pi Shipnis, tu u shit ne Itali,
Young girls from Albania, being sold in Italy,
Qa po don ma teper, spo du fjal po veper,
What else do you want, I don't want words but action,
Nese ky osht fati jem, un e du njo tjeter,
If this is my destiny, I want another one,
Ti spajtohesh me mu, un spajtona me ty,
You don't agree with me, I don't agree with you,
Hiq mos u tut evrop, se borxhin ka me ta kthy...
Hey Europe, don't be afraid, because you have to pay back...
Pse nuk jena shtet, populli ma i vjeter n'ballkan,
Why are we not a state, the oldest people in the Balkans,
Ne Londer fmit xhepat pare, te na desin se nuk kan,
Kids in London have pockets full of money, they want us, they don’t,
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Pse nuk jena shtet, populli ma i vjeter n'ballkan,
Why are we not a state, the oldest people in the Balkans,
Ne Londer fmit xhepat pare, te na desin se nuk kan,
Kids in London have pockets full of money, they want us, they don’t,
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Fajin se ka kerkush, fajin e kena vet,
No one is to blame, we are to blame,
Se kem ik pi venit ton, e jena qkep neper gyrbet,
Because we left our country, and we are scattered around the world,
E n'kosov kush ka met, sillet rrugav si i shkret,
And who is left in Kosovo, wanders the streets like a desert,
E ka anderr me dal jasht, i mledh paret per billet.
And dreams of going abroad, saving money for a ticket.
Po apet muna me than, ma mir rrini shuni,
But again, I have to say, you better stay and listen,
Se mos t'ishim kan na jasht, ju kishit dek uni,
Because if we weren't abroad, you would have died already,
Po muna edhe ndryshe, se kjo dilem osht e kot,
But I can also say differently, because this dilemma is pointless,
Se t'ishim kon kejt bashk, nashta ishim ma te fort,
If we were all together, maybe we would be stronger,
Po apet demel, ky album kur t'del,
But anyway, fool, when this album comes out,
Ki me pa qysh shiptart, bota i she si gabel,
You will see how Albanians are, the world laughs at them like fools,
Diqka duhet me ndryshu, se nuk kena koh,
Something needs to change, because we don't have time,
Veten me fajsu, se vetit vet ja kena bo...
We blame ourselves, because we did it to ourselves...
Pse nuk jena shtet, populli ma i vjeter n'ballkan,
Why are we not a state, the oldest people in the Balkans,
Ne Londer fmit xhepat pare, te na desin se nuk kan,
Kids in London have pockets full of money, they want us, they don’t,
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Pse nuk jena shtet, populli ma i vjeter n'ballkan,
Why are we not a state, the oldest people in the Balkans,
Ne Londer fmit xhepat pare, te na desin se nuk kan,
Kids in London have pockets full of money, they want us, they don’t,
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
Athu pse jena shiptar? athu pse jena shiptar?
That's why we are Albanian? That's why we are Albanian?
100% shqiptar jom, po foli pi inatit,
I'm 100% Albanian, but I speak out of spite,
Se ja kem bo vetit gropen, e ja lojm fajin fatit,
Because we dug our own grave, and blame it on fate,
Dije ti ne qeveri, qe na rrjepe do t'denohesh,
You in the government should know that you will be punished for robbing us,
Se kur t'je qel, me frizur sun bohesh!!!
Because when you're bald, you can't get a haircut!!!
Kena luftu me turq, kena luftu me serb,
We fought with the Turks, we fought with the Serbs,
Qdo shiptar lufton n'bot, me secillin qe don ferrk,
Every Albanian in the world fights with anyone who wants trouble,
Po veq na ne evrop, nuk mujm fatin ton mi zgedh,
But only we in Europe cannot choose our own destiny,
Tont skan koh per diplomaci, se niher duhet me vjedh,
They don't have time for diplomacy, because first you have to steal,
Popullin e tij, duhet me e shkri,
His people, you have to destroy them,
Dej sa ti del dikush sikur un, e nonen me ja qi,
I swear that if someone like me appears, I'll fuck their mother,
Po deri at her, ti shtrihesh ne kerr,
But until then, you lie in the car,
Tu ngre bari edhe thu, kthe qit kong edhe ni her
Smoking weed and saying, give me that joint one more time

Writer(s): Jet Hoxha

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