Cyanide - Forcat Politike - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Cyanide - Forcat Politike

Forcat Politike
Political Forces
Une skom ardh pi majmunit njeri kqyrem qetash
I didn't come from monkeys, you stupid quiet person
Se kejt bota nifar vakti ka thon ky planet o rrafsh
Because the whole world for a long time said that this planet is flat
Dej sa u zbulu Amerika tu lyp diamant
Dej, when America was discovered looking for diamonds
Anijet plot ushtar qe i myten Indiant
Ships full of soldiers who killed the Indians
N'at koh je kon i zoti vetem nese ki pas pare
At that time, you were only the boss if you had money
Nese jo je kon skllav e ki punu pa qare
If not, you were a slave and worked without crying
Mekatet qe i kem bo sa tjetoj njerit sja fali
The sins I have committed, no one can forgive them like that
Ati n'fund te piramides i kan ra kamxhik si kali
The one at the top of the pyramid was whipped like a horse
Britanezt pak ma von kan dasht mi zotru te ton
The British a little later wanted to rule us all
E okupun Afriken spaten meshir per kerkon
And they occupied Africa, they had no mercy for anyone
Evropa e kish fuqin drejtsia njerit e pat
Europe had the power, it had human rights
Si Indiant ne Amerik kta i myten per dukat
Like the Indians in America, they were killed for ducats
Dijenia u q'kep territoret u zhvillun
Knowledge was taken away, territories were developed
Historia u shenu njerzt u edukun
History was marked, people were educated
Lufta par boterore n'kom te ton u qun
The first world war also reached us
Interesat e pa zhxhedhura te dyten e prun shum shpejt
The unresolved interests brought the second very soon
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Kena jetu neper shpella tashti ma mir garant
We lived in caves, now it's better guaranteed
Kena myt kafsh neper pyje tash i hajm ne resturant
We killed animals in the forests, now we eat them in restaurants
Pse mem derixhu (derixhu) forcat politike (politike)
Why are they pushing us (pushing us) political forces (political)
Edhe me na myt (me na myt) bomba atomike
And to kill us (to kill us) atomic bombs
Ti qe se din historin smunesh kurr me ja dit tmerrin
You who don't know the story can never know the horror
Luftes dyt botnore e krejt kush ja pa sherrin
Of the Second World War and everyone saw the fight
Rusia me ni an Japonia n'anen tjeter
Russia on one side, Japan on the other
Njeri e myt njerin u kon taktika e vjeter
One man killed another, it became a different tactic
Hitleri e dashti Evropen boten e thej ne kurriz
Hitler wanted Europe, he broke the world in two
E ma von jena kon n'Kosove Boro e Ramiz
And later we were in Kosovo, Boro and Ramiz
N'41shen Japani Ameriken e qon
In '41, Japan sends America
Mas 4 vjetve Amerika bomben ja lshon
After 4 years, America drops the bomb
E boten e qetson e teton i shukat
And calms the world and pats the chest
Masanej veq me Rusine luften e ftoft e zgat
After that, only with Russia did they prolong the cold war
E perdorin Irakin Iranin qe ta shkelin
And they use Iraq and Iran to violate it
N'shekullin 21 jena bo kejt anarki
In the 21st century, we have become all anarchy
Bushi i tha Jaudive neve ne krah na ki
Bush told the Jews, we have you by our side
Demek per demokraci e liri tu luftu
Meaning to fight for democracy and freedom
Kulturen ma t'vjeter ne bot po dojn mi ndryshu hej
They want to change the oldest culture in the world, hey
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Kena jetu neper shpella tashti ma mir garant
We lived in caves, now it's better guaranteed
Kena myt kafsh neper pyje tash i hajm ne resturant
We killed animals in the forests, now we eat them in restaurants
Pse mem derixhu (derixhu) forcat politike (politike)
Why are they pushing us (pushing us) political forces (political)
Edhe me na myt (me na myt) bomba atomike
And to kill us (to kill us) atomic bombs
E di qe boll hangra po pe ha edhe do
You know I've eaten enough but I'll eat more
Nese feja osht per paqe pse na mytem per to
If religion is for peace, why are we killing for it?
Pse gjith ai i madhi t'voglin pe shtyp
Why is the big one always crushing the little one?
Njeri mushet dinamit edhe veten e myt
Man makes dynamite and kills himself
Cigarja t'myt e ta shesin nuk e ligelazojn barin
Cigarettes kill you and they sell them, they don't legalize weed
Pse sbojn hapa per kancer po veq me ta qu (karin)
Why don't they take steps for cancer but just call it (Karin)
Pse Amerika rekllamon liri per te ton
Why does America advertise freedom to us all
Kur zezakt n'ven te vet skan pas liri deri von
When blacks in their own country didn't have freedom until late
E une ti thom tash kto sene vetem me 1 qellim
And I tell you now, these scenes are only with one purpose
Jom njeri me opinion edhe e kom 1 qendrim
I am a person with an opinion and I have one position
Agnostik besoj n'fakte e qa sho
Agnostic, I believe in facts and what I see
Nese sdin ti ma shum sun thu so qashtu
If you don't know more than me, you can't say that's how it is
Em vjen gjynah se n'ven se me shku tu hyp neper shkall
I feel sorry because in a country where you go up the stairs
Kqyrim veq deri te huna e shkojm tu u bo budall
We look only until Friday and become fools
Shesim bole pa arsye e rrim vetem tu ngre bari
We sell tickets for no reason and just sit around getting high
E kqyrim boten tu u shkatrru e sna ha sna ha (kari)
And we watch the world collapse and we don't care (curry)
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Kena jetu neper shpella tashti ma mir garant
We lived in caves, now it's better guaranteed
Kena myt kafsh neper pyje tash i hajm ne resturant
We killed animals in the forests, now we eat them in restaurants
Pse mem derixhu (derixhu) forcat politike (politike)
Why are they pushing us (pushing us) political forces (political)
Edhe me na myt (me na myt) bomba atomike
And to kill us (to kill us) atomic bombs
Bashkimi Evropian osht plani binjak i nacistave
The European Union is the twin plan of the Nazis
I zbukurum politikisht dojt ti zhdukin drejtat individuale
Politically decorated, they want to erase individual rights
Per arritjen e re te fuqive botrore
To reach the new world powers
Lej njeri bleng bleng e qing qingat
Let the man go "bleng bleng" and "ching ching"
Mushe trunin dijeni edhe bashkoju opozites
Use your brain, learn, and join the opposition
Perndryshe nuk je kurgjo perveq se nje skllav modern
Otherwise, you are nothing but a modern slave

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Jet Hoxha

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