DMS - Instaklam - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation DMS - Instaklam

Na IG máte všetko
You have everything on IG
Na krku chain zlatý jak karas
A gold chain on your neck like a crucian carp
Ibaže je dutý je v ňom prázdno
Except it's hollow, there's nothing inside
Jak vo vašich hlavách
Just like in your heads
Faceapp efekty filtre
Faceapp effects, filters
Zdechlú prdel ti zakrýva kabát
A coat covers your dead ass
Potom keď prídeš von
Then when you come out
Rapavá pleť hnusný ksicht jak šalát
Pimply skin, ugly face like a salad
Bola raz jedna hoe
There once was a hoe
Ja som ju chcel dať uou
I wanted to give her a show
Jeb jeb jednať bro
Fuck fuck deal bro
No prišla knedľa - blow
But a dumpling came - blow
Nebude, lebo sa cítim ja keby som sledoval napiču stand-up show
No way, because I feel like I'm watching a shitty stand-up show
Si tak v piči, že si úplne vedľa bez filtrov
You're so fucked up, you're completely off without filters
Na toto nemám čas
I don't have time for this
Že na IG úplný tlak
That full pressure on IG
Zmenená miliónkrát (fuj)
Changed a million times (ugh)
Naživo kožený vak
A leather bag in person
Vycúvam z toho jak rak
I'm backing out of this like a crab
Vyzerá trochu ja chlap
Looks a bit like a dude
Prosím ťa dopiče fakt? (Fuj)
Please tell me it's a joke? (Ugh)
Nehaj ma bolí ma zrak (Grrr)
Leave me, my eyes hurt (Grrr)
Žmolkové handry smrdia po cigách
Pilled clothes, smelling of cigarettes
Ide z nej ulica trochu aj ryba
She smells a bit like the street and fish
Nepodobáš sa, vyzeráš inak
You don't look alike, you look different
Instaklam naživo pičovina
Insta-sham, bullshit in person
Neplač to neni moja vina
Don't cry, it's not my fault
Že si o ničom, len ďalšia špina
That you're nothing, just another piece of dirt
Mala by si z toho vyrásť
You should have grown out of this by now
Takých jak ty je tu 513
There are 513 of you here
Farebná jak dúha
Colorful like a rainbow
Pasca je to búda
A trap, it's a shack
Dokola tie isté smeti
The same trash over and over again
Jedna ako druhá
One like the other
Na fotke že fúha
Wow in the photo
Naživo že hrúza
Horror in person
Ich životný cieľ
Their life goal
Je mať profil ako Zuza
Is to have a profile like Zuza
Farebná jak dúha
Colorful like a rainbow
Pasca je to búda
A trap, it's a shack
Dokola tie isté smeti
The same trash over and over again
Jedna ako druhá
One like the other
Na fotke že fúha
Wow in the photo
Naživo že hrúza
Horror in person
Ich životný cieľ
Their life goal
Je mať profil ako Zuza
Is to have a profile like Zuza
Ošťatý zároveň kanál
A shitty and also a canal
Diétny zároveň salám
Diet and also salami
V hlave riť takže fajka
An ass in her head, so a pipe
Od nej je v podstate rovno aj anál
She's basically anal too
Bola kedysi plochá jak skalár
She used to be flat as a scalar
Tak jebla silikón za pár korún
So she slammed silicone for a few bucks
Zľava za promo je rada
She's happy with the promo discount
Že jej nacpali lopty pod kabát k tomu
That they stuffed balls under her coat
V gaťkách kožený padák čo
A leather parachute in her panties that
Vyzerá že zažil granát to
Looks like it survived a grenade
Nechce žiadny chalan
No guy wants that
A preto nemáš chalana ale prasa ooo
And that's why you don't have a boyfriend but a pig ooo
Strieľa jak kalach do
Shoots like a Kalashnikov into
Vína xanax za xanaxom (mmm)
Wine, Xanax after Xanax (mmm)
Zostaneš sama s tou
You'll be left alone with that
Vypočítavosťou za maskou
Calculation behind the mask
Fame hunter hviezda
Fame hunter star
Mentálne úplná bieda
Mentally complete misery
Takých vyleze z chlieva črieda
A herd of them crawls out of the barn
Dočasná pičovina ako krieda
Temporary bullshit like chalk
Život není len beh do cieľa
Life is not just a race to the finish line
Keď tu nebude po tebe diera
If there's no hole left after you
Tak len lietaš chvíľu jak prievan
Then you just fly for a while like the wind
Len zbieraš hovná jak hyena
Just collecting shit like a hyena
Farebná jak dúha
Colorful like a rainbow
Pasca je to búda
A trap, it's a shack
Dokola tie isté smeti
The same trash over and over again
Jedna ako druhá
One like the other
Na fotke že fúha
Wow in the photo
Naživo že hrúza
Horror in person
Ich životný cieľ
Their life goal
Je mať profil ako Zuza
Is to have a profile like Zuza
Farebná jak dúha
Colorful like a rainbow
Pasca je to búda
A trap, it's a shack
Dokola tie isté smeti
The same trash over and over again
Jedna ako druhá
One like the other
Na fotke že fúha
Wow in the photo
Naživo že hrúza
Horror in person
Ich životný cieľ
Their life goal
Je mať profil ako Zuza
Is to have a profile like Zuza
Je to fail je to fake to nechceš
It's a fail, it's fake, you don't want it
Gucci gang Aliexpress
Gucci gang Aliexpress
Každý čo sa ráno vedľa teba zobudí
Everyone who wakes up next to you in the morning
Snaží sa stlačit backspace
Tries to press backspace
Instaklam na mobile vyzerá
Insta-sham on mobile looks
Všetko veľmi pekne
Everything very nice
Fejková sláva followers
Fake fame, followers
Kúpení z Indie, extrém
Bought from India, extreme
Presne jak moja tyčinka
Just like my candy bar
Lenže neni v piči a
Except it's not fucked up and
Neni jej ani čo vyčítať
There's nothing to blame it for
Nemusí sa s nikým vyspinkať
It doesn't have to sleep with anyone
Na to aby mala hype a
To get hype and
Pribúdali jej lajky
Get more likes
Čo bárjaká bezcenná čajka
Any worthless seagull
Dneska robí bez hanby
Does it today without shame
Farebná jak dúha
Colorful like a rainbow
Pasca je to búda
A trap, it's a shack
Dokola tie isté smeti
The same trash over and over again
Jedna ako druhá
One like the other
Na fotke že fúha
Wow in the photo
Naživo že hrúza
Horror in person
Ich životný cieľ
Their life goal
Je mať profil ako Zuza
Is to have a profile like Zuza
Farebná jak dúha
Colorful like a rainbow
Pasca je to búda
A trap, it's a shack
Dokola tie isté smeti
The same trash over and over again
Jedna ako druhá
One like the other
Na fotke že fúha
Wow in the photo
Naživo že hrúza
Horror in person
Ich životný cieľ
Their life goal
Je mať profil ako Zuza
Is to have a profile like Zuza

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